Pemakaman Ratu Elizabeth II Digelar, Yeoman of the Guard Berbaris dengan Seragam Tradisional Merah Menyala
Yeoman of the Guard di pemakaman Ratu Elizabeth II di London, 19 September 2022. (Foto: AP Photo/Petr David Josek, Pool)
Yeoman of the Guard di pemakaman Ratu Elizabeth II di London, 19 September 2022. (Foto: Phil Noble/Pool Photo via AP)
Yeoman of the Guard di pemakaman Ratu Elizabeth II di London, 19 September 2022. (Foto: AP Photo/Petr David Josek, Pool)
Yeoman of the Guard di pemakaman Ratu Elizabeth II di London, 19 September 2022. (AP Photo/Petr David Josek, Pool)
Yeoman of the Guard di pemakaman Ratu Elizabeth II di London, 19 September 2022. (Foto: Phil Noble/Pool Photo via AP)
Anggota Yeomen of the Guard (kanan) dan Gentlemen at Arms di pemakaman Ratu Elizabeth II. (Foto: AP Photo/Kin Cheung,Pool)
The King's Body Guard yang terdiri dari Gentlemen at Arms, Yeomen of the Guard dan Scots Guards menjaga lokasi persemayaman Ratu Elizabeth II. (AP Photo/Vadim Ghirda, pool)
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