Lirik Lagu Ours to Keep dari Kendis dan Adis, Kolaborasi Kakak Beradik yang Sukses Mewarnai TikTok

Lagu Ours to Keep merupakan kolaborasi yang dikerjakan Kendis bersama adiknya, Adis, kreator konten yang populer berkat konten komedi di TikTok. Kerja sama kakak beradik ini membuahkan karya lirik lagu Ours to Keep melalui kerentanan dan kreativitas mereka berdua.

oleh Hernowo Anggie diperbarui 02 Jul 2024, 08:30 WIB
Diterbitkan 02 Jul 2024, 08:30 WIB
Kendis dan Adis
Kendis dan Adis luncurkan lagu "Ours to Keep". (IST), Jakarta - Lagu Ours to Keep merupakan kolaborasi yang dikerjakan Kendis bersama adiknya, Adis, kreator konten yang populer berkat konten komedi di TikTok.

Kerja sama kakak beradik ini membuahkan karya lirik lagu Ours to Keep melalui kerentanan dan kreativitas mereka berdua.

Berhasil memikat anak muda di media sosial, lirik lagu Kendis juga memiliki peran layaknya sebuah kanvas bagi para pendengarnya dalam memproyeksikan narasi masing-masing mengenai kehilangan, kerinduan, hingga pencarian kedamaian.

Soal lagunya, Ours to Keep memiliki melodi yang monumental dipadu oleh lirik lagu Kendis dan Adis menyentuh hati dan sanggup membuat para pendengarnya menemukan makna tersendiri dalam hidup ini.


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Lirik Lagu Ours To Keep

Ours to Keep
Kendis dan Adis luncurkan lagu "Ours to Keep". (IST)


How are you in your time alone?

I'm doing fine

Well, I'm not

I feel like I wanna die

I have so much to tell you, love

From the start of the day 'til the dawn breaks away


I've been thinking of you

And I've been missing your voice on the other side

And I've been dreaming of you

And I can hear you singing through the Silent Night


Do you ever feel the need to get away from me?

Do I bore you?

Or do you want to take me from this crowded place to

Somewhere we can find some peace

And the world is ours to keep



They don't have to know how we touch

'Cause this feeling's all ours

They'd become so loud trying to

Fix what was never really broken

And you are my safe haven

I am on your side


Do you ever feel the need to get away from me?

Do I bore you?

Or do you want to take me from this crowded place to

Somewhere we can find some peace

And the world is ours to keep



In this world, we are fading away

And I'm not fine

Sometimes, it gets so lonely

But I'm still scared to ask for help

But I'll look at you the same as today

The one that I've been needing

I never thought I'd have


I've been thinking of you

And I've been missing your voice on the other side


Do you ever feel the need to get away from me?

Do I bore you?

Or do you want to take me from this crowded place to

Somewhere we can find some peace

And the world is ours to keep


And the world is ours to keep

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