70 Contoh Kata Verb dalam Bahasa Inggris, Lengkap Penggunaan Kalimatnya

Kata kerja atau verb adalah kelas kata yang menyatakan suatu tindakan, keberadaan, pengalaman, atau pengertian dinamis lainnya.

oleh Ayu Rifka Sitoresmi Diperbarui 02 Jan 2024, 12:15 WIB
Diterbitkan 02 Jan 2024, 12:15 WIB
70 Contoh Kata Verb dalam Bahasa Inggris, Lengkap Penggunaan Kalimatnya
Ilustrasi Kamus Bahasa Inggris (Photo by Pisit Heng on Unsplash)... Selengkapnya

Liputan6.com, Jakarta Contoh kata verb dalam bahasa Inggris penting diketahui ketika akan menggunakannya dalam kalimat percakapan sehari-hari. Kata kerja atau verb adalah kelas kata yang menyatakan suatu tindakan, keberadaan, pengalaman, atau pengertian dinamis lainnya. 

Verb dalam bahasa Inggris menggambarkan suatu tindakan atau aktivitas yang dilakukan oleh subjek kalimat. Verb sendiri dibagi menjadi dua, yaitu regular verb dan irregular verb. Kedua kata kerja tersebut akan mengalami perubahan saat digunakan sebagai verb 2 dan verb 3. 

Ada jutaan contoh kata verb dalam bahasa Inggris yang bisa anda gunakan pada percakapan sehari-hari. Contoh kata verb dalam bahasa Inggris ini biasanya merupakan kata yang mudah diingat. Hampir setiap kalimat membutuhkan kata kerja dalam bahasa Inggris. 

Berikut Liputan6.com ulas mengenai contoh kata verb dalam bahasa Inggris dan artinya yang telah dirangkum dari berbagai sumber, Selasa (2/1/2024).

Contoh Kata Verb dalam Bahasa Inggris dan Artinya dari A-K

70 Contoh Kata Verb dalam Bahasa Inggris, Lengkap Penggunaan Kalimatnya
Ilustrasi kamus bahasa Inggris Oxford. (Vitezslav Vylicil dari Pexels)... Selengkapnya
  1. Accept, Accepted, Accepted, Accepting: Menerima
  2. Add, Added, Added, Adding: Menambahkan
  3. Believe, Believed, Believed, Believing: Percaya
  4. Bring, brought, brought, bringing: Meminjam
  5. Build, Built, Built : Membangun
  6. Care, Cared, Cared, Caring: Peduli
  7. Come ,Came, Came, Coming: Datang
  8. Cook, Cooked, Cooked : Memasak
  9. Decide, Decided, Decided, Deciding: Memutuskan
  10. Draw, Drew, Drew, Drawing: Menggambarkan
  11. Drink, Drunk, Drunk, Drinking: Minum
  12. Drive, Drove, Driven : Mengemudi kendaraan
  13. Dance, Danced, Danced : Menari
  14. Eat, ate, eaten, eating: Makan
  15. Enjoy, Enjoyed, Enjoyed ,Enjoying: Menikmati
  16. End, Ended ,Ended, Ending: Mengakhiri
  17. Feel, Felt, Felt: Feeling Merasa
  18. Find, Found, Found Finding: Menemukan
  19. Fall, fell, fallen : Jatuh
  20. Fly, flew, flown: Terbang
  21. Forbid, forbade, forbidden: Melarang
  22. Go, Went, Gone, Going: Pergi
  23. Guide, Guided, Guided, Guiding: Membimbing
  24. Get, Got, Got, Getting: Mendapatkan
  25. Give, Gave, Given : Memberi
  26. Harm, Harmed, Harmed, Harming: Membahayakan
  27. Hang, Hung, Hung, Hanging: Mengharapkan
  28. Hurt, hurt, hurt : Menyakiti
  29. Invite, Invited, Invited, Inviting: Mengundang
  30. Ignore, Ignored, Ignored, Ignoring: Mengabaikan
  31. Input, input, input : Memasukkan
  32. Join, Joined, Joined, Joining: Bergabung
  33. Jump, Jumped, Jumped : Melompat
  34. Keep, Kep,t Kept, Keeping: Menjaga
  35. Know, Knew, Knew, Knowing: Mengetahui

Lanjutan dari K Hingga Z

70 Contoh Kata Verb dalam Bahasa Inggris, Lengkap Penggunaan Kalimatnya
Ilustrasi buku, kamus, kata. (Photo by Joshua Hoehne on Unsplash)... Selengkapnya
  1. Kick, Kicked, Kicked, Kicking: Menendang
  2. Laugh, Laughed, Laughed, Laughing: Tertawa
  3. Lay, Laid, Laid, Laying: Berbaring
  4. Leave, Left, Left, Leaving: Meninggalkan
  5. Lose, lost, lost : Kalah
  6. Make, Made, Made, Making: Membuat
  7. Meet, Met, Met, Meeting: Bertemu
  8. Note, Noted, Noted, Noting: Mencatat
  9. Notice, Noticed, Noticed, Noticing: Mengetahui
  10. Observe, Observed, Observed, Observing: observasi
  11. Output, output, output : Menghasilkan
  12. Pay ,Paid, Paid, Paying: Membayar
  13. Put, Put,  Put,  Putting: Meletakan
  14. Play, Played, Played : Bermain
  15. Paint, Painted, Painted : Melukis
  16. Qualify, Qualified, Qualified, Qualifying: Kualifikasi
  17. Quit, Quit, Quit, Quitting: Keluar
  18. Read, Read, Read, Reading: Membaca
  19. Receive, Raced, Raced ,Racing: Balapan
  20. Run, Ran, Run : Berlari
  21. Sweep ,Swept, Swept, Sweeping: Menyapu
  22. Swim, Swam, Swum, Swimming: Berenang
  23. Speak, Spoke, Spoken : Berbicara
  24. Sleep, Slept, Slept : Tidur
  25. Sing, Sang, Sung : Bernyanyi
  26. Say, said, said : Mengatakan
  27. Take, Took ,Taken, Taking: Mengambil
  28. Talk, Talked ,Talked, Talking: Berbicara
  29. Use, Used, Used, Using: Memakai
  30. Vanish, Vanished, Vanished, Vanishing: Menghilang
  31. Worry, Worried ,Worried, Worrying: Khawatir
  32. Work, Worked, Worked, Working: Bekerja
  33. Yell, Yelled, Yelled, Yelling: Berteriak
  34. Yawn, Yawned, Yawned, Yawning: Menguap
  35. Zoom, Zoomed, Zoomed, Zooming: Memperbesar

Contoh Kalimat Penggunaan Kata Verb

70 Contoh Kata Verb dalam Bahasa Inggris, Lengkap Penggunaan Kalimatnya
Ilustrasi kamus... Selengkapnya
  1. She accepted the job offer.
  2. John visited his friend for a while and then went home.
  3. She left in a hurry.
  4. She yelled when she hit her toe.
  5. In the summer, we will swim in our pool.
  6. We ate dinner then walked around the park.
  7. She lay on the couch and slept there all night.
  8. Will you help me with the laundry?
  9. She waited for her friend at the mall.
  10. The teacher reads a book to her students then asks them questions about the story.
  11. They bought a new house.
  12. Jason has become an excellent doctor.
  13. Janice bought a new watch last week.
  14. We came home earlier yesterday.
  15. She drew a beautiful picture in class.
  16. Have you drunk any water yet?
  17. Where did you eat dinner yesterday?
  18. I found this book on that table over there.
  19. She's going to ride the bus to work today.
  20. John kept the door open for his mother.
  21. I've known my best friend for more than 40 years.
  22. I made the bed before I left.
  23. We're going to meet at 3 o'clock next week.
  24. Janet is paid by the hour.
  25. She put on a CD and relaxed for the afternoon.
  26. She spoke about her experiences at the conference.
  27. They had already eaten when I arrived.
  28. We went to the beach last weekend.
  29. The kids ran around the playground.
  30. She wrote a letter to her friend.
  31. He gave me a gift for my birthday.
  32. I took the last cookie from the jar.
  33. They had already drunk all the juice.
  34. I slept for eight hours last night.
  35. She sang a beautiful song at the concert.
  36. He drove his car to work every day.
  37. She made a delicious cake for the party.
  38. She has read that book multiple times.
  39. He jumped over the fence.
  40. My brother swam in the sea.
  41. They have built a new house.
  42. The children played in the park.
  43. We danced all night at the party.
  44. I cooked dinner for my family.
  45. She painted a beautiful picture.
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