Cek Fakta: Video Warga China Terinfeksi Virus Corona Diperlakukan Seperti Binatang, Faktanya?

Viral kabar tentang warga China yang terpapar virus corona diperlakukan seperti binatang. Benarkah?

oleh Hanz Jimenez Salim Diperbarui 17 Feb 2020, 19:45 WIB
Diterbitkan 17 Feb 2020, 19:45 WIB
Gambar Tangkapan Layar Video Warga China Dijemput Paksa karena Wabah Virus Corona
Gambar Tangkapan Layar Video Warga China Dijemput Paksa karena Wabah Virus Corona... Selengkapnya

Liputan6.com, Jakarta - Kabar tentang warga China yang diperlakukan seperti binatang karena terinfeksi virus corona beredar di media sosial. Kabar ini disebarkan oleh akun Facebook Hiburan Viral pada Senin 10 Februari 2020.

Akun Hiburan Viral mengunggah video yang diklaim situasi terkini di China. Video berdurasi 2 menit 14 detik itu menampilkan beberapa warga dijemput paksa dari suatu tempat oleh polisi China.

Seorang wanita yang menolak dijemput bahkan sampai digotong sejumlah polisi. Wanita tersebut dimasukkan ke dalam mobil. Selain seorang wanita, polisi juga terlihat menjemput seorang pria. Polisi juga meminta masuk ke dalam mobil.

Akun Hiburan Viral kemudian menambahkan sebuah narasi dalam konten yang diunggahnya. Ia mengeklaim bahwa dua orang tersebut diperlakukan seperti binatang.

"Kondisi di China semakin gini amat ya 😓Yang terkena virus Corona diperlakukan seperti binatang 😓," tulis akun Facebook Hiburan Viral.

Konten yang diunggah Hiburan Viral telah 17 ribu kali dibagikan dan mendapat 5.400 komentar warganet.


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Penelusuran Fakta

Cek fakta Liputan6.com mencoba menelusuri kebenaran informasi tersebut, termasuk video yang diunggah akun facebook Hiburan Viral.

Penelusuran video dilakukan dengan menggunakan aplikasi invid. Setelah tautan dari akun facebook Hiburan Viral dimasukkan, aplikasi ini mengubah video menjadi beberapa potongan gambar.

Salah satu potongan gambar kemudian ditelusuri menggunakan google images. Alhasil ditemukan artikel dari situs hk.aboluowang.com dengan judul artikel "武漢肺炎疫情擴散 老百姓痛不欲生 怒罵中共邪惡政權".

Dalam artikel tersebut juga terdapat video yang diunggah oleh akun facebook Hiburan Viral. Video tersebut berasal dari akun YouTube 大紀元新聞網. Akun YouTube ini mengunggah video tersebut pada 8 Februari 2020.

Dalam video tersebut, akun 大紀元新聞網 menjelaskan mengenai peristiwa yang terjadi. Ketika itu pemerintah China memaksa sejumlah warga di sebuah desa di Wuhan untuk mengikuti karantina usai mewabahnya virus corona.

"【新冠肺炎疫情】大陸的鄉下,被強制隔離的一家人。 警察僅僅帶著口罩,沒有其他防護裝備。| 大紀元新聞," tulis akun YouTube 大紀元新聞網.

Penelusuran selanjutnya dilakukan dengan mesin pencari google dengan kata kunci "Police Quarantine Camps Corona". Hasilnya ditemukan artikel dari situs dailymail.co.uk dengan judul artikel "China orders Wuhan to round up ALL suspected coronavirus patients and put them in quarantine camps as Beijing warns officials who run away from the 'war' will be 'nailed to the pillar of historical shame'".

Dalam artikel tersebut dijelaskan mengenai upaya pemerintah China dalam menghadapi wabah virus corona. Pemerintah China memerintahkan semua warga Wuhan yang terpapar virus corona dikarantina ke sejumlah kamp yang telah disiapkan.

China's central government has ordered Wuhan to round up all suspected coronavirus patients as well as their close contacts in mass quarantine camps.

The country's Vice Premier Sun Chunlan called on a 'people's war' against the fast-spreading epidemic, which has killed at least 638 people and infected more than 31,520 globally.

She demanded Communist officials of all levels take active lead in this 'wartime condition', or face being 'nailed onto the pillar of historical shame forever'.

The city has around 14 million residents, but it remains unknown how many people would be quarantined or where they would be kept.

Wuhan officials are now carrying out door-to-door health checks to identify potential carriers who would need to be isolated.

Ms Sun demanded four types of people in Wuhan be put into mandatory isolation in quarantine stations: confirmed cases, suspected cases, people who have close contact with the former two, and those who have fever.

Ms Sun called on a 'people's war' against the coronavirus epidemic in a meeting on Tuesday.

Yesterday, she instructed all levels of officials to treat the fight of the outbreak as the 'most important and urgent mission' in another briefing.

'There must be a 24-hour shift pattern. During the wartime condition, there must be no deserters, otherwise they will be forever nailed onto the pillar of historical shame', Ms Sun said, according to state broadcaster CCTV.

The Communist leader instructed the Wuhan government to send workers to every household to take the temperature of all family members in order to block the source of the outbreak.

Chinese city Wuhan has built two dedicated hospitals, converted more than a dozen sports halls and set up 132 quarantine stations in the wake of the coronavirus outbreak.

But the emergency facilities, which have more than 25,870 beds in total, are not enough to keep confirmed and suspected patients of the disease which has killed 638 people.

Local officials have ordered construction workers to set up many more makeshift wards 'as fast as possible' after Beijing this week demanded the city round up all confirmed and potential sufferers and put them in mass quarantine camps.

The city's government today instructed four universities to be turned into isolation centres with a total of 5,400 beds.

While leaders of Hubei Province, of which Wuhan is the capital, last week directed that all hotels, hostels and empty factories should be prepared to be transformed into quarantine stations.

Wuhan has around 14 million residents, according to its Mayor Zhou Xianwang.

Nine million residents are currently in the city, which went into lockdown 16 days ago, and five million people had already left by then, Mr Zhou revealed.

Workers in Wuhan already constructed two hospitals from scratch in the space of two weeks: 1,000-bed Huoshenshan Hospital and 1,600-bed Leishenshan Hospital.

This week, they started to install temporary wards in more than a dozen sports halls and exhibition centres.

These facilities, dubbed 'fang cang' or 'shelter' hospitals, would bring some 10,700 more beds to those in need.

Official Xinhua News Agency reported that 20 more fang cang hospitals were due to be built, but did not explain how many beds they were expected to have.

Authorities had also established 132 mass quarantine camps with 12,571 in total by Tuesday, according to a government notice.

Ms Sun's comments came as the Communist Party was blasted by furious Chinese citizens who accused it of covering up the death of a whistle-blower of the deadly disease.

Dr Li Wenliang, a medic in Wuhan, died of the coronavirus after catching the virus from a patient. He had been punished by police for sending warnings of 'SARS at a Wuhan market' on social media.

State media Global Times reported about his death last night before quickly removing the post without an explanation.

The hospital which was treating Dr Li was quick to deny the reports, and finally pronounced his death in the wee hours today.

Many Chinese web users believed the government was hiding Dr Li's passing from the public out of fear of an uproar. They said officials only dared to reveal the truth 'after everyone had gone to bed'.

The coronavirus epidemic has so far claimed more than 630 lives and infected more than 31,520 people in 28 countries and territories around the world - but 99 per cent of infections have been in China.

The outbreak has prompted the World Health Organization to declare a global health emergency, several governments to impose travel restrictions, and airlines to suspend flights to and from China.

China's National Health Commission reported 73 new deaths and 3,143 confirmed cases overnight.



Sejak wabah virus corona, Pemerintah China memerintahkan warga di Wuhan yang terindikasi terpapar virus corona dikarantina, termasuk dengan paksaaan. Hal tersebut dilakukan untuk mencegah penyebaran wabah.

Video yang diunggah akun Facebook Hiburan Viral memang menggambarkan kejadian sebenarnya, namun klaim bahwa pasien Covid-19 diperlakukan seperti binatang berlebihan. Sebab, dalam video bisa dilihat perempuan yang akan dikarantina melawan saat diangkat petugas. 


Data: Eka M

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