, Jakarta - Kabar tentang hotel berlantai 30 di China meledak beredar di media sosial. Kabar ini diunggah oleh situs
Situs ini menampilkan gambar suasana gedung tinggi yang terbakar di bagian depannya. Asap hitam juga terlihat mengepul dari gedung tersebut.
Gambar tersebut diberi narasi "HOTEL berlantai 30 Meledak & terbakar, Tempat isolasi warga CHINA dari VIRUS CORONA".
Selain gambar, situs juga mengunggah video kebakaran di hotel tersebut. Video berdurasi 19 detik itu menampilkan rekaman hotel yang terbakar.
Penelusuran Fakta
Cek fakta mencoba menelusuri kabar kebakaran hotel yang diklaim sebagai tempat warga China diisolasi karena virus corona.
Penelusuran dilakukan dengan mengunggah gambar hotel kebakaran di situs yandex. Hasilnya ditemukan video yang identik, berdurasi lebih panjang yakni 1 menit 5 detik.
Video tersebut diunggah oleh akun YouTube UPDATE everyday熱點 pada 1 Januari 2020. Akun YouTube ini menambahkan narasi dalam video tersebut.
"20200101關注#重慶加州花園#火災盼平安!發生火災的居民樓一共30層,有常住居民近千人。消防救援部門先後調集38台消防車,近200名消防員進行撲救,救出並被困住人員," tulis akun YouTube UPDATE everyday熱點.
Akun ini menjelaskan bahwa kebakaran terjadi di Yubei, Kota Chongqing, China pada 1 Januari 2020.
Selanjutnya, gambar kebakaran juga ditelusuri dengan menggunakan mesin pencari google images. Hasilnya, ada artikel yang membantah bahwa hotel yang terbakar merupakan tempat isolasi para pasien virus corona di China.
Artikel tersebut berjudul "This video shows a fire at a residential building in Chongqing, a different Chinese city" dari situs
A video of a building engulfed in flames has been viewed thousands of times in multiple posts on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube alongside a claim that it shows an explosion caused by the use of alcohol disinfectant in Wuhan, the Chinese city at the epicentre of the new coronavirus outbreak. The claim is false; fire officials in Wuhan and Chongqing, a city in Sichuan province, clarified the video in fact shows a fire ignited by a cigarette at a residential block in Chongqing; Baidu Maps' street view imagery of the address provided by authorities shows the same building seen in the video.The video was published on Facebook here on February 7, 2020. It has been viewed more than 200 times.
The post’s simplified Chinese-language caption translates to English as: "An explosion at Jiaxingyuan on Gutian 4th Road, Wuhan, was caused by the use of air conditioner at an apartment thoroughly disinfected by alcohol. Be warned, be warned".
The novel coronavirus, which emerged in the city of Wuhan in Hubei province in late 2019, has killed more than 1,000 people and infected more than 42,000 others in China, AFP reported here on February 12, 2020.
The video was also shared on Facebook here, here, here and here; on Twitter here and here; and on YouTube here, here and here with a similar claim.
The claim is false; Wuhan and Chongqing fire officals clarified the fire in fact took place in Chongqing in Sichuan province, and had no connection to the novel coronavirus.
Wuhan Fire Service refuted the claim in a February 7, 2020, post on its verified Weibo account, which translates to English as: "A resident at Jiaxingyuan, Gutian 4rd Road, Wuhan, used alcohol disinfectant, which led to a fire and an explosion? Rumour debunked: The truth is the blaze took place at a building at Jiazhou Garden residential area in Chongqing around 5 pm January 1, 2020".
The post also contains a screenshot from the misleading video with “rumour” in red Chinese characters superimposed on it.
On January 1, 2020, Chongqing Fire Service reported a fire at the same address here. In a separate Weibo post on January 20, 2020, the department said the blaze was ignited by a cigarette.
Translated to English, the January 20 post states: "At about 16:42 January 1, 2020, a fire erupted at building A4 in Jiazhou Garden residential area, Yubei district, Chongqing city, but caused no casualties.
“Our investigations show the blaze started after Yang, a tenant living in unit 2-5 at building A4, accidentally set fire to a quilt while smoking. Yang subsequently placed the quilt on the balcony without completely extinguishing the fire, leaving the quilt ablaze again. Flammable objects nearby were then set alight during the full-blown fire."
The building on Baidu Maps at the address provided by fire officials corresponds with the tower block seen in the video in the misleading posts.
Kebakaran yang diklaim melanda sebuah hotel tempat isolasi warga China terjangkit virus corona ternyata tidak benar. Kebakaran tersebut bukan tempat isolasi warga China terjangkit virus Corona.
Narasi yang disebarkan dalam situs tidak sesuai dengan fakta sebenarnya.
Tentang Cek Fakta merupakan media terverifikasi Jaringan Periksa Fakta Internasional atau International Fact Checking Network (IFCN) bersama puluhan media massa lainnya di seluruh dunia.
Cek Fakta juga adalah mitra Facebook untuk memberantas hoaks, fake news, atau disinformasi yang beredar di platform media sosial itu.
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