More Than 5.000 Police Officers Will Guard NYE 2024 in Jakarta

Are you ready for NYE in Jakarta?

oleh Tommy K. Rony diperbarui 31 Des 2023, 21:31 WIB
Diterbitkan 31 Des 2023, 21:31 WIB
Pengamanan Malam Pergantian Tahun
An officer looks vigilant near Bundaran HI, Jakarta, before the NYE 2024. Photo: Yuniar, Jakarta - More than 5.000 joint forces are deployed to guard the New Year's Eve 2024 in Jakarta. The security will be concentrated on Sudirman and Thamrin Roads. The main NYE stage in Jakarta is located at Bundaran HI.

The spokesperson of Jakarta Metro Police, Brigadier General Trunoyudo Wisnu Andiko, said there are 5.670 forces to guard Jakarta. Among them, 3.963 from the police, 1.219 from the military, and 488 personnels from the government of the capital Jakarta.

They will guard the security around the main stage at Bundaran HI and 12 other entertainment stages, and also prevent drug dealing and alcohol parties.

The police are also closing off several routes to Jakarta area in order to prevent the convoy of vehicles coming in and disrupting the traffic. Jakarta is surrounded by satellite cities such as Bogor, Depok, and two Tangerang cities.

Meanwhile, the local force Satpol PP of Jakarta Province are sending 1.640 personnels to guard the celebration of New Year 2024 in Jakarta. Around 930 of them will guard the youth-oriented festivities on Sudirman-Thamrin. 360 personnels are spreading all around Jakarta, and another 350 personnels will protect the public space on 1 January 2024.

Satpol PP says they will prevent the law-breakers and anticipate against the incoming of the "Small Independent Seller" and "Needer of Social Welfare Services", which are euphemism for, among others, street food sellers and beggars, respectively.


Winda Nelfire and contributed to this report.

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