, Jakarta - Jelang vonis kasus dugaan penistaan agama Basuki Tjahaja Purama atau Ahok pada 9 Mei mendatang, sejumlah tokoh melakukan gerakan penandatanganan petisi 'Ahok Tidak Menista Agama'.
Penggalangan petisi yang dilakukan di laman ditujukan kepada Pengadilan Negeri Jakarta Utara, tempat kasus Ahok disidangkan.
Pantauan, Rabu (5/3/2017), pagi ini, petisi ini telah ditandatangani lebih dari 10 ribu orang.
Berikut isi lengkap dukungan Ahok tidak menista agama:
“Human progress is neither automatic nor inevitable... Every step toward the goal of justice requires sacrifice, suffering, and struggle; the tireless exertions and passionate concern of dedicated individuals”. -Martin Luther King, Jr.
The content of this website is managed and organized by the same team that manage It is merely the result of discussion of a group of Harvard Alumni. However, it does not represent or reflect the view of Harvard University or any of its affiliates. We have started this petition on the above link with more than 60,000 votes.
If you have any doubt or any question, please contact one of us below. Thank you.
“Ahok Tidak Menista Agama” Initiator team:
1. Bambang Harymurti, Mason Fellow, Fulbright Scholar, Harvard Kennedy School, MPA 1991
2. Goenawan Mohamad, Nieman Fellow 1990, Harvard University
3. Yenny Wahid, Mason Fellow, Harvard Kennedy School, MPA 2003
4. Todung Mulya Lubis, Harvard Law School, LLM 1988
5. Dini Purwono, Fulbright Scholar, Harvard Law School, LLM 2002
6. Melli Darsa, Harvard Law School: LLM 1994, East Asian Legal Studies Visiting Scholar 2010
7. Nona Pooroe Utomo, Fulbright Scholar, Harvard Graduate School of Education, Ed.M 1992
8. Ali Kusno Fusin, Harvard Business School, OPM 2016
9. Gatot Soemartono, Harvard Law School, LLM 1997
10. Nugroho Budi Satrio Sukamdani, Post Graduate Harvard Business School PGL1, 1998
11. Ludi Mahadi, Harvard Kennedy School, MPA 2010
12. Adrianus Waworuntu, Fulbright Scholar, Harvard Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, MA 1992
13. MSM Ondi Panggabean, Harvard Law School, LLM 1991
14. Philip S. Purnama, Harvard Business School, MBA 1997
15. Endy Bayuni, Nieman Fellow 2004, Harvard University
16. Danny I. Yatim, Fulbright Scholar, Harvard Graduate School of Education, Ed.M 1992
17. Togi Pangaribuan, Harvard Law School, LLM 2011
18. Zenin Adrian, Harvard Graduate School of Design, M.Arch 2007
19. Darwin Silalahi, Harvard Business School, AMP 2003
20. Wawan Mulyawan, Harvard Business School, OPM28 1999
21. Brigitta Aryanti, Harvard Kennedy School, MPAID 2014
22. Wahyu Dhyatmika, Nieman Fellow 2015, Harvard University
23. Junaidi, Harvard Business School, MBA 2008
24. Johannes Ardiant, Harvard Kennedy School, MPP 2015
25. Paul W. Broto, Harvard Business School, OPM43 2008
26. Rudy Setiawan, Harvard Business School, MBA 1996
Menurut salah seorang inisiator petisi, Bambang Harymurti, penggalangan dukungan terhadap Ahok mulanya dilakukan di, dan sudah mencapai 60 ribu pendukung. Agar menjangkau khalayak lebih luas, petisi tersebut dipindah ke
Dia berharap dengan petisi ini majelis hakim bisa lebih mantap dan yakin memutuskan kasus dugaan penistaan agama dengan terdakwa Ahok berdasarkan hukum dan fakta, bukan intimidasi pihak-pihak tertentu.
"Semoga majelis hakim bisa tegas dan yakin, tanpa terpengaruh oleh intimidasi yang mengandalkan massa," ujar Bambang melalui pesan tertulis, Selasa 2 Mei 2017.