College Admission Scandals Allegedly Happen in Various Universities in Indonesia

Various public colleges are suspected to be involved in the bribery scandals.

oleh diperbarui 13 Des 2022, 19:10 WIB
Diterbitkan 13 Des 2022, 19:10 WIB
The Indonesian KPK showed evidence of alleged bribery in accepting new Unila students. In this case, the KPK named Unila's Rector Karomani and three other people as suspects.
The Indonesian KPK showed evidence of alleged bribery in accepting new Unila students. In this case, the KPK named Unila's Rector Karomani and three other people as suspects. (Photo source: KPK), Jakarta - Deputy Chairman of the Indonesian Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Alexander Marwata announced that he received information about several state universities in Indonesia which are involved in bribery schemes to accept new students.

The revelation came after the University of Lampung (Unila) allegedly accepted bribes to accepts new students, including from a nephew of a minister. Unila is a public university in Bandar Lampung Province.

According to Alex, there has been 'bidding for seats' scheme for applicant students to be accepted through the independent examination route in various state universities.

"Actually on  the independent routes, based on the information we received, the other (state) universities are more or less like that as well. So there is a mechanism like bargaining," said Alex in his statement quoted Monday (12/12/2022).

Indonesian state universities generally offer independent examination route to accomodate students who do not pass the national tests. 

Alex has not specified which state universities are suspected of asking applicants for money to pass the independent exams. KPK is currently just focusing on investigating the case involving the non-active Rector of Unila, Karomani.

Furthermore, Alex saidvhis team has been investigating about the students whether or not they got accepted after paying something related to bribery.

In the latest trial, several names of officials were dragged into this case, including the Minister for Trade Zulkifli Hasan and a member of the Parliament from the PDI-P faction, Utut Adianto. Both Zulkifli and Utut are allegedly involved in the briberty scheme through Karomani. 

Zulkifli Hasan Denies Accusations

Indonesian Minister for Trade (Mendag) Zulkifli Hasan
Indonesian Minister for Trade Zulkifli Hasan. (AP Photo/Achmad Ibrahim)

Minister of Trade Zulkifli Hasan has denied that his nephew tried to become a student at Lampung State University through bribery. His nephew is allegedly named Zaky Algifari who wanted to become a student of the medical faculty. 

"There are no nephews who have registered to Unila," he said via a short message to, Thursday (1/12/2022).

Zulkifli who is also the general chairman of the National Mandate Party (PAN) also emphasized that he does not have a nephew named Zaky Algifari, and he does not know Karomani.

"I don't know Prof. Karomani," remarked Zulkifli who was born in Lampung.

Previously, Karomani said Zulkifli Hasan was taking part in entrusting prospective student to the Faculty of Medicine in this year's admission cycle.

"Zulkifli Hasan also entrusted one person to be accepted as a student at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Lampung," he said at the court in Bandar Lampung Province last November.

He explained that the application from the nephew was entrusted by the Chairman of the Lampung Indonesian Employers' Association, Ary Meizari Alfian. 

"I was told by Ary, 'ZAG is Mr. Zulkifli's nephew, please help,'" said Karomani. He then replied that the boy could be "assisted" as long as he passed the passing grade score.


Writer: Safinatun Nikmah.

Fachrur Rozie contributed to the report.

Graphic Info: List of 23 Names of Students Entrusted and People Entrusting to the Unila's Rector Karomani
Graphic Info: List of 23 Names of Students Entrusted and People Entrusting to the Unila's Rector Karomani. (
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