Village Head Died After Injected with Poison in Serang

The tragic incident happened in Serang, Banten Province, after a heated debate.

oleh Tommy K. Rony Diperbarui 13 Mar 2023, 21:05 WIB
Diterbitkan 13 Mar 2023, 20:30 WIB
Arti Mimpi Disuntik Pertanda Memendam Perasaan
A village head in Serang Regency, Banten Province, lost his life after injected with a poisoin. Photo illustration: Selengkapnya, Serang - A village head in Serang Regency, Banten Province, lost his life after being injected with a poison. The incident happened on Sunday afternoon (12/3) after a heated debate between the village head and the culprit. 

The person who injected the poison was an orderly at a hospital. Police are still trying to gather all the information, but the orderly has been named as the suspect.

After the poison was injected, he experienced a seizue, and was taken to local health center (puskesmas). However, the puskesmas was unable to treat his condition. The culprit was reportedly taking the victim to hospital to receive health treatment, but he died in the same day.

"After the seizure, taken to the puskesmas, and then taken to the Regional General Hospital of Banten by the culprit," said Iwan Sunardi, the spokesperson of Serang City police.

The hospital was the place where the culprit worked as an orderly. He was arrested in the hospital. 

The Serang police are still unable to explain the motive of the crime. The investigation is still ongoing and police have prevented people to enter the victim's home for the time being.


Yandhi Deslatama contributed to this report.

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