Seniman Ini Buat Baju Mirip Karya Lukisan, 6 Hasilnya Bikin Takjub

Ariel Adkins melukis bajunya menyerupai karya lukisan bertema unik.

oleh Yunisda Dwi Saputri diperbarui 28 Agu 2019, 17:10 WIB
Diterbitkan 28 Agu 2019, 17:10 WIB
Ariel Adkins melukis bajunya mirip karya lukisan
Ariel Adkins melukis bajunya mirip karya lukisan (Sumber: Instagram/artfullyawear), Jakarta Ingin tampil memukau tak melulu harus membeli baju baru dan mahal. Hanya dengan kreatifitas dan imajinasi yang tinggi, tiap orang bisa tampil memesona tanpa harus merogoh kocek yang dalam.

Salah satunya dengan melukis di atas baju bekas yang warna atau motifnya sudah ketinggalan zaman. Seperti yang dilakukan oleh seniman bernama Ariel Adkins. Adkins tidak asing dengan hal-hal menyangkut seni lantaran kedua orangtuanya merupakan seorang seniman.

Maka tak heran jika Ariel Adkins mampu membuat baju dengan lukisan desain atau motif yang unik dan beda dari yang lainnya. Menurut Ariel Adkins, kebebasan merancang pakaian telah membawa pengaruh besar dalam memahami perjalanan hidup.

Hampir semua motif baju buatannya terinspirasi dari karya lukisan yang biasa dipajang di museum. Selain melukis dan merancang busana, Ariel juga punya hobi lain seperti menjahit, bepergian, dan berbelanja.

Namun, karyanya yang paling menyedot perhatian ialah desain bajunya yang dibuat mirip menyerupai karya lukisan. Penasaran seperti apa? Selengkapnya, berikut sajikan 6 potretnya yang bikin takjub, seperti yang telah dihimpun dari akun Instagram @artfullyawear, Rabu (28/8/2019).

1. Ariel mengaplikasikan lukisan mural di atas gaun minimalisnya.

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This week kicks off the annual @vanmuralfest, a yearly art celebration that results in permanent, public murals throughout the Mount Pleasant neighborhood in downtown Vancouver. I painted this dress inspired by one of my favorites, We Are Croutons Floating in Cosmic Soup, by @davidshillinglaw. David says, “The whole point of doing something in the street is that you’re talking to people you’re never going to meet.” I love the way these public murals inspire and engage with people who might never go to a museum or gallery. Plus, they make the neighborhood so much more vibrant! Thanks to David for sharing your wonderful work. If you’re around Vancouver, check out the brand new murals that are popping up this week. See my Story highlight “Shillinglaw” for more behind the scenes! #ExploreBC #VanMuralFest | 📸 by @jayniemc

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2. Inspirasi pakaian mirip karya Gerhard Richter yang dipajang di The San Francisco Museum of Modern Art.

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“I don’t believe in the reality of painting, so I use different styles like clothes: it’s a way to disguise myself.” #GerhardRichter was born on this day in 1932, and is known for a wide array of painting styles and techniques. ‘256 Farben’, part of the @sfmoma collection, is one of Richter’s legendary color chart paintings, which used paint chips as a starting point. Before embarking on this series of work, Richter painted almost solely in black and white! This dress marked a departure in my own work as well. I painted it in 2016, knowing very little about the process of painting on clothing. I was a bit embarrassed of its imperfections at the time. Since then, I’ve developed all kinds of strategies for working with various paints on a wide array of fabrics, but this dress is a good reminder of where I started! . (c) Gerhard Richter The Doris and Donald Fisher Collection at the Museum of Modern Art

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3. Desain baju buatan Ariel terkadang dikenakan oleh temannya.

4. Lukisan karya Pierre Bonnard yang bertajuk Vue du Cannet.

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Things always seem to work out in the end, don’t they? 💛 I painted this dress in June, specifically for my visit to the @museebonnard in the South of France, inspired by Pierre Bonnard’s Vue du Cannet, 1927. 🌾 I put so much work into the painting - and I still wasn’t finished the night before my flight. I stayed up for hours that night finishing the dress and had to dry the paint with my hair dryer. 💨 The next week in France, @meri_feir and I drove to the Musee Bonnard (getting lost multiple times along the way) just to find that the museum was closed for installation for two weeks! 🚫 I was pretty devastated to miss seeing a painting I’ve loved so much and after putting so much work into finishing the dress - and I knew I probably wouldn’t be able to go back for a long time. I may have even shed a small tear. 😓 Fast forward 6 months, and I discovered that the painting actually lives at the @museedartmodernedeparis. I finally got to see it in real life, and let me just say: it was worth the wait! 😍 photo by @artcrawl_paris

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5. Lukisan bunga matahari yang ditanam di pot bunga.

6. Lukisan wajah Olivia Munn oleh pelukis bernama Robert Otto Epstein.

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