, Jakarta Melihat report text tentu akan dapat memberikan gambaran tentang bagaimana cara membuatnya. Report text adalah jenis teks dalam bahasa Inggris yang menjelaskan tentang sesuatu secara detail.
Penjelasan detail yang dimaksud dalam sebuah contoh report text mengacu pada detail ilmiah yang meliputi deskripsi objek, baik fisik maupun non-fisik, dari fakta ilmiah tentang objek tersebut.
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Dari penjelasan tersebut, kita mungkin menganggap bahwa report text mirip dengan descriptive text. Pemikiran tersebut tidak sepenuhnya salah. Sebab, Report text merupakan salah satu jenis dari descriptive text.
Ini karena sebuah contoh report text juga memberikan informasi kepada pembaca tentang objek teks itu sendiri. Yang membedakan report text dan descriptive text adalah, report Text cenderung mengarah pada teks faktual ilmiah dan lebih. Selain itu, tidak seperti descriptive text di mana penulis bisa menuliskan opini atau pandangan subjektifnya, dalam sebuah contoh report text tidak akan ditemukan pendapat atau pandangan subjektif penulis.
Untuk lebih memahami apa itu report text lengkap dengan generic structure, berikut penjelasan selengkapnya seperti yang telah dirangkum dari berbagai sumber, Kamis (1/6/2023).
Ciri-Ciri dan Generic Structure Report Text
Sebelum membahas lebih jauh mengenai contoh report text, penting bagi kita untuk memahami apa saja yang menjadi ciri-ciri report text dan generic structure dari report text. Seperti yang telah dijelaskan sebelumnya, pengertian report text adalah jenis teks dalam bahasa Inggris yang menjelaskan tentang sesuatu secara detail.
Penjelasan detail yang dimaksud dalam sebuah contoh report text mengacu pada detail ilmiah yang meliputi deskripsi objek, baik fisik maupun non-fisik, dari fakta ilmiah tentang objek tersebut.
Hal yang membedakan report text dengan descriptive text adalah ada atau tidaknya pandangan subjektif penulis. Dalam sebuah contoh report text, biasanya tidak ada pandangan subjektif penulis.
Report text dapat dikenali dari ciri-cirinya. Adapun ciri-ciri report text antara lain adalah sebagai berikut,
- Mengandung fakta ilmiah
- Teks judul terlihat lebih umum
- Menggunakan Simple Present Tense. Simple present tense adalah kalimat dengan pola kata kerja yang menggambarkan keadaan di masa sekarang.
- Terdapat klasifikasi umum
Sebuah contoh report text biasanya ditulis dalam susunan tertentu yang disebut sebagai generic structure. Generic structure report text umumnya terdiri dari dua bagian. Bagian pertama adalah general classification, dan bagian kedua adala description.
General classification adalah bagian yang berisi pernyataan-pernyataan umum yang menggambarkan deskripsi objek dari sebuah contoh report text. Sedangkan description adalah bagian yang menggambarkan fenomena atau situasi yang terjadi, baik bagian-bagiannya, sifat, kebiasaan, maupun tingkah lakunya. Intinya, bagian ini menjelaskan klasifikasi yang disajikan secara ilmiah. Namun perlu diingat, Report Text bukanlah teks berita, melainkan teks faktual ilmiah.
Contoh Report Text tentang Game Online
Online games are a type of computer game that utilizes the internet network. This type of game can be accessed by game lovers directly from the company’s system via the internet network on computers, laptops, tablets, or cellphones. In addition, online games can be played together with other game players (players/gamers) and communicate directly between fellow players in the same game. Examples of online games that are currently most in demand include Mobile Legend, Free Fire, PUBG, etc.
According to its users, the emergence of online games as technological development in this modern era certainly needs to be addressed with various positive and negative points of view. As a human being who accepts change, there need to be limitations on the extent of the negative impact it causes.
One of the negative impacts caused by online games, namely: Causing an addictive effect, isolating people from the life around them, making people lazy, health disorders, causing psychological problems if you think too much, lacking sleep, etc.
While the positive impacts are having more friends, reducing stress, practicing patience, and agility.
Contoh Report Text tentang Buah Mangga
The mango is a juicy fruit that belongs to the genus Mangifera, consisting of numerous tropical fruiting trees, cultivated mostly for edible fruit. The majority of these species are found in the same areas as wild mangoes. They belong to the flowering plant family Anacardiaceae.
The mango is an original plant from South and Southeast Asia, from where it has been distributed worldwide to become one of the most cultivated fruits in the tropical areas. The central diversity of the Mangifera genus is in India.
Contoh Report Text tentang Hewan Jaguar
Jaguar is a famous animal in Asia because there is a car named after the animal although it does not live here. It can be seen in some points, that the jaguar belongs to the cat family since it is one of his four big cats along with the lion, the tiger and the leopard, that's why a jaguar is often mistaken for a leopard. A jaguar, however, has larger rosette markings, a stronger body and a shorter tail. The jaguar is brownish yellow In color and has spots on the head.
Jaguars can live in various locations, such as in rainforest and wet grassland in central and south America. The jaguar is a clever hunter, while the other roaring cats kill their preys by biting it at the neck, the jaguar kills them by biting it through its skull. It usually kills small animals but it can also attack and kill cattle or deer.
Contoh Report Text tentang Hewan Gajah
Elephants are the largest land animals on earth. They have the largest brains of any mammals. Elephants talk to each other. Researchers have discovered more than 50 different types of calls that they use to communicate with each other.
Their trunks are strong enough to pick up trees but sensitive enough to pick up a flower. They use them as tools to sweep paths, to scratch themselves, to swat files, and to draw in the dirt. They are good swimmers and use their trunks like snorkels.
Contoh Report Text tentang Lebah
Bees are flying insects closely related to wasps and ants, and are known for their role in pollination and for producing honey and beeswax. There are nearly 20,000 known species of bees in nine recognized families.
They are found on every continent except Antarctica, in every habitat on the planet that contains insect-pollinated flowering plants.
Bees have a long proboscis that enables them to obtain the nectar from flowers. They have antennae almost universally made up of 13 segments in males and 12 in females, as is typical for the super family.
Contoh report Text tentang Petir
Thunder Lightning is a sudden, shocked, and very fast electric force between the cloud and ground, or between clouds. The speed of thunder can be several miles long. It is so hot, with average temperatures of 34,000 ° Celsius, that cause surrounding air suddenly expands with a loud explosion and sounds. This is why sometimes we can hear thunder. The most dangerous type of cloud caused by lightning is called cumulonimbus.
When the cloud rises high enough, the moisture freezes and creates crystal ices and snowflakes. It began to fall, pushing the rain on the way down. This is more humid, rainy air, and it is the friction between those who generate static electricity. When the cloud is fully charged with electricity, it will burst as a flash of lightning. So lightning suddenly appears before the rain and the sounds are very loud.