, Jakarta - Lirik lagu Fix You Up oleh Sheryl Sheinafia:
Boy i've you seen your heart in the darkest hour
Seen you fall apart like a dying flower
And it hurts me so you have let me down
But I tell you that I love you and i'll fix you up
You got demonds i got mine but
It won't break us up
Keep me head up don’t you worry look from up above
Oh I…
They can say what they want 'bout our love
I don’t believe that no one can compare
And when you're feeling alone, know I’ll swear
I got your back, you can count on that
I will fix you up up up up up
I will fix you up up up up up
I will fix you up up up up up
I will fix you, fix you up
I can mad sometimes, but you calm me down
Look into my eyes, turn the pain around
I have hurt you so, I have let you down
They can say what they want 'bout our love
I don’t believe that no one can compare
And when you're feeling alone, know I’ll swear
I got your back, you can count on that
I will fix you up up up up up
I will fix you up up up up up
I will fix you up up up up up
I will fix you, fix you up
But I tell you that I love you and i'll fix you up
You got demonds i got mine but
It won't break us up
Keep me head up don’t you worry look from up above
Oh I…
They can say what they want 'bout our love
I don’t believe that no one can compare
And when you're feeling alone, know I’ll swear
I got your back, you can count on that
I will fix you up up up up up (I'll fix you up)
I will fix you up up up up up (I will)
I will fix you up up up up up (When you feeling lonely know that i will got your back)
I will fix you, fix you up
Selain lirik lagunya yang romantis namun bersemangat, "Fix You Up" juga menampilkan videoklip berisi Sheryl Sheinafia sedang menari bersama seorang dancer pria bernama Hamada.
Keinginan Sheryl Sheinafia sempat diragukan oleh produser Musica Studios, yang memproduksi albumnya. Hal itu juga dibenarkan oleh sang sutradara, Andrew yang menyatakan bahwa Sheryl tak memiliki dasar sebagai penari.
Karenanya, Sheryl Sheinafia pun memilih gerakan-gerakan dance yang tak begitu membutuhkan teknik sulit. Gerakan yang dilakukannya bersama Hamada hanya mengambil gerakan-gerakan sehari-hari.
Demi mewujudkan konsep videoklip impian, Sheryl pun menantang diri.
"Latihan 6 kali. Per Sesi 2 jam. Jujur saja kesulitan pasti banget," ujarnya dalam sebuah keterangan.