, Bandung - Indonesian President Joko 'Jokowi' Widodo along with foreign delegations have arrived in Bandung, to resume the commemoration processes of the 60th Asia-Africa Conference.
The people of Bandung cheered in excitement as the participants of the conference’s vehicles passed them by. They were immediately directed to the Savoy Homann Hotel, which was followed by the historical walk similar to the one their predecessors did back in 1955.
The nostalgic atmosphere of Bandung and the historical walk they went through are proven to be the kind reminder of their established cooperation in the past which had successfully led to the independence of 79 countries.
Among the dozens of foreign delegations who are present, President Zimbabwe, Robert Mugabe was one of them. His previous remarks about this year’s Asia-Africa Conference was officially announced in his speech back in Jakarta Convention Centre, Senayan. According to him, the current conference reminded him a lot about the first conference in 1955.
"We have now reached the end of the conference. Everybody took the time to share their ideas and visions, just like the spirits our predecessors yielded in 1955 in the first Asia-Africa Conference," Zimbabwe President Mugabe informed during the closing of 2015 AAC, Jakarta Convention Centre (JCC), on Thursday 24 April 2015.
They are currently in Bandung to confirm further the legitimization of 3 documents as the result of Asia- Africa Conference. The three documents are, Bandung Message, The Strenghtening of New Asia- Africa Strategic Partnership and the declaration of Palestine independence. (Akp/Tnt)
Zimbabwe President Claims 2015 AAC Reflects the 1955 Conference
The people of Bandung cheered in excitement as the participants of the conference’s vehicles passed them by.
diperbarui 24 Apr 2015, 11:24 WIBDiterbitkan 24 Apr 2015, 11:24 WIB
Presiden Jokowi bersama sejumlah kepala negara mengikuti 'Historical Walk' dalam rangkaian Peringatan ke-60 tahun KAA, di Jalan Asia Afrika, Bandung ( Zakharia)... Selengkapnya
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