Ex-Terrorist Umar Patek Sworn Loyalty to Indonesia and Released from Prison

Umar Patek, the convict in the Bali bombing case, was officially released from Surabaya Prison on Wednesday (07/12/2022).

oleh Liputan6.com diperbarui 08 Des 2022, 21:00 WIB
Diterbitkan 08 Des 2022, 21:00 WIB
Umar Patek, the convict in the Bali bombing case, was officially released from Surabaya Class 1 Prison through the parole program, Wednesday (07/12/2022).

Liputan6.com, Surabaya - The terrorist convict of the Bali bombing I, Hisham bin Alizein (Umar Patek), has officially been released on parole. He also declared himself loyal to the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI) and left radicalism.

"That's right, Wednesday morning, the person concerned was released," said an official from Surabaya Penitentiary, Jalu Yuswa Panjang, Thursday (8/12/2022).

With this conditional release, Jalu said the person concerned had changed his status from a convict to a client of the Surabaya Correctional Facility.

"He is obligated to participate in the mentoring program until 29 April 2030. If before that time there is a violation, then the parole rights shall  be revoked," he said.

The Public Relations and Protocol Coordinator of the Directorate General of Corrections, Rika Aprianti, explained that Umar Patek was declared deradicalized and loyal to the Republic of Indonesia. The declaration was confirmed by the National Counter-Terrorism Agency (BNPT) and Special Detachment 88 (Densus 88). As a result, Umar is entitled to a parole program.

Rika explained the parole program is a right given to all convicts who have fulfilled the administrative and substantive requirements, including having served 2/3 of their sentence, exercising good behavior, participated in a coaching program, and showing a reduced risk as stated in the constitution concerning Corrections.

Umar Patek was involved in the Bali bombing in 2002. The terror attack took lives of 202 people. Most of the victims were foreigners who visited Bali.


Writer: Safinatun Nikmah.

Dian Kurniawan contributed to the report.

Graphic Info: Rows of Bomb Explosion Cases in Indonesia
Graphic Info: Rows of Bomb Explosion Cases in Indonesia (Liputan6.com / Abdillah)

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