Murderous Jealousy: South Jakartan Father Killed 4 Children After Abusing Wife

The South Jakartan father killed his four children in the same day in South Jakarta.

oleh Tommy K. Rony diperbarui 13 Des 2023, 20:05 WIB
Diterbitkan 13 Des 2023, 20:00 WIB
4 Bocah di Jagakarsa Tewas Mengenaskan
Police line in front of the crime scene in Jagakarsa, South Jakarta. A father killed his four children over jealousy. Photo: Zakharia... Selengkapnya, Jakarta The police found the motive behind the cold-blooded infanticide in South Jakarta earlier this month. The father who killed his four children did it out of jealousy over his wife.

Panca Darmansyah took his children's lives after abusing his own wife. When the wife was hospitalized, Panca got the idea to slay his children by suffocation on Sunday (3/12).

Chief Commissioner of South Jakarta Metro Resort Police, Ade Ary Syam Indradi, said that Panca assaulted his wife on Saturday, a day before the infanticide.

"Finally, the suspect got the idea to murder his four chidren," said Ade on Tuesday.

Panca then attempted to kill himself by hurting his wrist and nailing both of his hands. He left the children bodies inside the bedroom. All those days, he lived with the corpses of his murdered chidren, the youngest was only a year old.

After failed attempts, Panca felt exhausted and asked his neighbor to buy him beverage because he felt famished. On Wednesday after the murder, the police later checked the house after being notified by the neighbors who felt suspicious by the situation. 

Panca was taken into hospital to receive treatment, but he is now facing the possibility of death penalty or life in prison for murdering his own children. contributed to this report.

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