Cara Jitu Membuat Kerangka Motivation Letter, Sudah Coba?

Berikut panduan membuat motivation letter yang bisa kamu gunakan.

oleh Huyogo Simbolon Diperbarui 30 Okt 2022, 14:19 WIB
Diterbitkan 30 Okt 2022, 14:00 WIB
Belajar Membuat CV dan Motivation Letter yang Profesional
Ilustrasi Membuat CV dan Motivation Letter Credit: Selengkapnya, Bandung - Motivation letter dibutuhkan untuk mereka yang biasanya ingin mendaftar beasiswa, lanjutan sekolah ke jenjang yang lebih tinggi, atau mereka yang ingin mendaftarkan diri ke universitas di luar negeri.

Namun, tidak semua orang memiliki kemampuan untuk membuat motivation letter. Banyak orang yang berbondong-bondong ikut kursus agar dapat meraih cita-cita kuliah di luar negeri.

Sebelum ikut kursus, kamu bisa loh belajar otodidak melalui internet. Banyak sekali orang yang sudah membagikan tips-tips sukses agar motivation letter-nya diterima, tes IELTS dan TOEFL di atas rata-rata, serta pemilihan universitas yang sesuai.

Selain itu, sering-sering baca panduan dan situs resmi universitas yang dituju agar kamu bisa menyiapkan berkas-berkas dengan matang. Salah satunya membuat esai atau motivation letter. Jika masih bingung, berikut panduan membuat motivation letter yang bisa kamu gunakan:

Buatlah kerangka esai secara umum.

-Introduction + hook


-Conclusion (Optional)

Promosi 1

1. Introduction + Hook

Ilustrasi surat lamaran kerja
Ilustrasi surat lamaran kerja. (Photo created by yanalya on Selengkapnya

Jelaskan secara umum alasan memilih program yang dipilih, bisa berupa alasan personal atau dikaitkan dengan tantangan yang dihadapi dunia/Indonesia.

> Contoh 1 (alasan personal)

- Hook yang menarik:

Living with a family member who suffers from Alzheimer's disease has opened my mind that a tiny alteration in the nervous system can change the whole family member's life.

-Sebutkan tujuan utama:

Supporting & bridging sentence:

I surely understand that being a caretaker of people who have neurodegenerative diseases is not easy. Therefore, wish could find a way to lessen the burden of families which own a family member with neurodegenerative disease with my knowledge and research in biosciences.

>Contoh 2 (tantangan/kondisi terkini)

- Kondisi lingkungan/tanah air yang menjadi alasan ingin melanjutkan S2:

Infrastructure is a primary driver for economic growth of a nation. As a developing country, Indonesia is upgrading its infrastructure development and equitably expanding it throughout the country in order to reduce a gap between Eastern and Western Indonesia. As Indonesia is located in a complex geological condition, geotechnical engineering has become an essential part of preliminary study for building infrastructure in Indonesia in order to prevent construction failure.

-Supporting & bridging sentence:

During my bachelor degree, specialized myself in environmental geology in which geotechnics became one of the elective subjects. I realized that understanding ground conditions and predicting potential geological hazards is the strength of a geologist.

-Sebutkan tujuan utama (contoh: ingin S2):

However, realizing that geotechnical engineering also encompasses civil engineering study which I have not deeply learned in my undergraduate program, I decided to pursue a master degree in geotechnical engineering particularly in underground construction and tunneling.

2. Body

Ilustrasi melamar kerja - cv
Ilustrasi melamar kerja (Foto: Green Chameleon)... Selengkapnya

Kamu bisa pecah bagian "body" menjadi beberapa paragraf:

• Cerita pengalaman terdahulu yang relevan dengan program yang diambil.

•Tiga alasan kenapa studi di kampus atau negara tersebut.

•Penjabaran rencana masa depan.

>Contoh body essay:

-Ide utama tentang tempat tujuan kuliah:

For my master degree, I intended to study a master of geology with a major on tunnel building at the University of Leeds.

Kalimat pendukung mengapa kuliah di sana & bridging sentence:

I understand that most of the fundamental textbooks in geotechnical engineering come from UK universities, making the UK become a house of dreams for people who want to advance their knowledge in geological engineering. Furthermore, the abundant chance of a professional career as a geotechnical engineer enables me to gain practical experience by taking an internship in UK companies.

-Concluding sentence:

Excellent academic research and professional career will be a perfect combination of experience I will obtain from the UK.

> Contoh paragraf tentang rencana masa depan:

After finishing my master study, I have a plan to pursue a career in academics as a lecturer and researcher.

-Supporting details:

I also have a strong will to establish an animal modeling research group for human and animal disease in my home country as we still need to improve the development of the nation's research in biosciences.

-Concluding sentence/main idea:

I believe my plan could be started and my dream might come true by taking higher study in Experimental and Medical Biosciences master program at the University of Edinburgh.

3. Conclusion

Ilustrasi kerja
Terapkan 4 cara ini supaya portofolio Anda dilirik saat melamar pekerjaan... Selengkapnya

Rangkum secara singkat/ambil yang penting utarakan ide utama kenapa kamu kuliah, dan tujuan utamanya secara umum yang menunjukkan pentingnya kamu S2 di luar negeri.


"In summing up, deciding to continue my study in the University of Leeds is not only for personal ambition to boost my career but also to obtain international experience in which the positive value will be adopted to be a better Indonesia particularly for its infrastructure quality.

Nah, itulah beberapa contoh cara membuat kerangka motivation letter. Selamat mencoba dan semoga berhasil!

(Fathia Uqimul Haq)

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