Lirik Lagu Butterfly, Eksplorasi Musik dari Rahmania Astrini

Rahmania Astrini sebelumnya sudah merencanakan untuk mengolah salah satu karya musiknya dengan vibe yang jauh dari dominasi pop. Tapi, baru di lagu "Butterfly" lah rencananya terealisasi.

oleh Surya Hadiansyah Diperbarui 01 Des 2021, 17:40 WIB
Diterbitkan 01 Des 2021, 17:40 WIB
[Bintang] Rahmania Astrini
Rahmania Astrini (Daniel Kampua/ Selengkapnya, Jakarta - Rahmania Astrini baru saja meluncurkan lagu terbarunya yang diberi judul "Butterfly". Di lagu ini, nuansa pop yang identik dengan Rahmania Astrini mendadak hilang. Ada energi dan musikalitas baru yang dibawa dara 20 tahun ini.

Rahmania Astrini sebelumnya sudah merencanakan untuk mengolah salah satu karya musiknya dengan vibe yang jauh dari dominasi pop. Tapi, baru di lagu "Butterfly" lah rencananya terealisasi.

Berikut ini lirik lagu Butterfly dari Rahmania Astrini.


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Promosi 1


Rahmania Astrini (ist)
Rahmania Astrini (ist)... Selengkapnya

Is it that your coffee tastes bitter now?

Or is it that the winter day no longer feels warm?

But I still feel your warmth,

Does your heart still beat when I call your na-me?


Lend me your hand for once I ask you,

Look into my eyes & tell me what is on your mind?

Unravel your mind, boy


Do the butterflies still come & go as you said?

Are these pretty white lies as pretty as you said?

Do the butterflies still come & go as you said?

Are these pretty white lies as pretty as you said?


Love is a game that we can't lose

At times we fall, we bruise,

Somedays we heal too

With that being said,

I'm not falling out of love with you, with you


Lend me your hand for once I ask you,

Look into my eyes & tell me what is on your mind?

Unravel your mind, boy


Do the butterflies still come & go as you said?

Are these pretty white lies as pretty as you said?

Do the butterflies still come & go as you said?

Are these pretty white lies as pretty as you said?


Do the butterflies still come & go as you said?

Are these pretty white lies as pretty as you said?

Do the butterflies still come & go as you said?

Are these pretty white lies as pretty as you said?

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