Lagi Tren Pamer Surat Cerai di Instagram, Perlukah?

Beberapa orang memamerkan surat cerai mereka di Instagram sebagai bukti mereka telah bebas.

oleh Sulung Lahitani diperbarui 30 Okt 2017, 14:00 WIB
Diterbitkan 30 Okt 2017, 14:00 WIB
Lagi Tren Pamer Surat Cerai di Instagram, Perlukah?
Beberapa orang memamerkan surat cerai mereka di Instagram sebagai bukti mereka telah bebas., Jakarta - Kita hidup pada era yang diperintah oleh media sosial. Setiap hari, kita membagikan detail kehidupan kita di Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, dan lainnya.

Kita membagikan hal-hal membahagiakan yang kita alami: pernikahan, liburan, punya anak, pertunangan, makanan enak, dan sebagainya. Nah, jika kita bisa menyombongkan diri dengan hal-hal tersebut, kenapa kita tidak jarang membagikan hal-hal buruk yang menimpa kita, seperti kecelakaan, kematian, atau bahkan perceraian?

Tren selfie terbaru menjawab hal tersebut. Orang-orang mendokumentasikan perceraian mereka dengan hastag #divorceselfie. Alasannya? Siapa yang tidak bahagia dengan perceraian yang lancar dan melegakan?

Meski terkadang menyakitkan, wajah-wajah bahagia pasangan yang bercerai seperti di bawah ini menunjukkan hal-hal buruk bisa menjadi sesuatu yang positif dengan mengubah cara pandang kita. Beberapa dari mereka bahkan mengaku masih bisa berteman dan menertawakan perceraian yang mereka lakukan.


We went to court and got divorced today, and then went out for a beer and a selfie. Totally normal, right? Seems appropriate because nothing we've ever done is normal. I'm grateful to this guy for 25 sometimes good, sometimes not-so-good, years together. We raised each other from adolescence to adulthood and then made two beautiful children we love like crazycakes. Instead of being disappointed that our choice to be together didn't last forever, we choose to accept that sometimes good things fall irreparably apart, to be thankful for the adventures we had, to look forward to the new and exciting ways we will grow as individuals and in other relationships, and to commit to a lifelong friendship and coparenting partnership-- not just because it's good for our little ones, but because it's also good for us. KB, thanks for making this day, and so many other days, easier. You will always be my family. "Your heart and my heart are very, very old friends." (Rumi) #divorceselfie

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Another inspiring #divorceselfie! It's time to change our society's expectations for divorce - you CAN divorce without all out war. (You can even stay friends!) #divorceselfiesunday #divorceify ・・・ "Officially divorced this afternoon. Here's our #DivorceSelfie to commemorate the occasion. We also went to lunch afterwards. We couldn't make our marriage work, but there's no reason to fight. We don't hate each other (we're past that). #ItIsWhatItIs and this marriage was beyond saving. We still have a son to raise, and we will respect and support/help each other in the meantime. Every divorce should be like this one." ・・・ Tag @divorceify to show us your divorce selfie! #divorce #divorceselfies #divorcelawyer #divorce

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