, Jakarta - The Indonesian Minister of Foreign Relations, Retno Marsudi included the meeting with The Republic of Gambia Foreign Minister, Neneh Macdouall-Gaye during the third day of 60th Asia-Africa Conference (AAC) commemoration on Tuesday 21 April 2015. The performed of bilateral meeting in Cendrawasih room at the Jakarta Convention Center (JCC) where they covered topics, such as future enhancement of bilateral efforts in certain crucial areas.
The crucial discussions centered on topics such as the intensification of capacity building through the imminent event for Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), Indonesian exported agricultural and medical instruments offer to Gambia, supporting Gambia's future ambition of 'food-sufficient' and the talks on RI'S request for Gambia's support for its impermanent candidacy as the United nation (UN) Security Council.
"The Minister of Gambia mentioned that in 2019, Gambia will host the OIC meeting so the capacity building on organizing international conference is also mentioned," Minister Retno informed during a press conference at JCC, Senayan on Tuesday 21 April 2015.
"Indonesia also offers the product of our strategic industry such as agriculture tools, machinery, along with medical equipment," she informed further.
Minister Neneh welcomed Indonesia's support for Gambia's IOC event and its exported goods offer with a positive gesture. She claimed that her country is interested to cooperate in the field of agriculture as the President of Gambia, Alhaji Dr. Yahya A.J.J Jammeh envisions a Gambia that is 'food-sufficient' by 2016.
"I’d like to thank Minister Retno and Indonesia for the warm hospitality. Our country seeks for South to South cooperation particularly on agriculture as our President has come up with 'Vision 2016' about being food-sufficient," Minister Neneh responded during the press conference.
"We are hoping for collaboration and support for food processing and also rice cultivation. Irrigation as well as it is very helpful in cultivating rice. We can surely make good use of the Indonesian agricultural equipment," she added. (Akp/Tnt)
RI and Gambia Hopeful on Future Agricultural Ties
The relationship will become intensified with enhancement not only on agriculture but also medical and religion.
Diperbarui 22 Apr 2015, 08:03 WIBDiterbitkan 22 Apr 2015, 08:03 WIB
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