Pekan Ini, The Beatles Siap Rilis 'Harta Karun'

The Beatles merilis 59 lagu langka yaitu 15 rekaman studio yang tidak dimasukan ke dalam album resmi, juga 44 lagu yang dimainkan di BBC.

oleh Liputan6 Diperbarui 16 Des 2013, 21:10 WIB
Diterbitkan 16 Des 2013, 21:10 WIB
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The Beatles, band legendaris asal Liverpool akan segera merilis koleksi rekaman langka yang belum pernah diedarkan sebelumnya secara digital melalui iTunes pada pekan ini.

Seperti yang dilansir dari Rollingstone baru-baru ini, koleksi yang berisikan rekaman langka The Beatles ini dikabarkan akan bernama The Beatles Bootleg Recordings 1963.

Koleksi ini akan berisikan 59 rekaman The Beatles, di antaranya 15 rekaman studio yang tidak dimasukan ke dalam album resmi, juga 44 lagu yang mereka mainkan di BBC pada tahun 1963.

The Beatles juga dikabarkan akan merilis satu buah box set berjudul The U.S. Albums pada 21 Januari mendatang. Sesuai nama judulnya, box set ini akan menyertakan 13 album The Beatles yang rilis di Amerika, yang lima diantaranya belum pernah dijual lewat bentuk CD.

Satu minggu setelah perilisan The U.S. Albums, The Beatles akan menginjak usia 50 tahun sejak mereka tiba untuk pertama kalinya di Amerika Serikat pada 7 Februari 1964.

Sementara itu, The Beatles sendiri akan dianugerahi sebagai Lifetime Achievement Awards oleh The Recording Academy pada malam sebelum perhelatan Grammy Awards 2014 digelar Januari mendatang.

Selain The Beatles, yang akan dianugerahi Lifetime Achievement Awards adalah Kraftwerk, unit elektronik asal Jerman, musisi country Kris Kristofferson dan grup pop The Isley Brothers. [baca: The Beatles Raih Lifetime Achievement di Grammy Awards 2014]

Berikut adalah rekaman-rekaman langka yang akan diterbitkan pekan ini:

“There's A Place” - Takes 5, 6
'”There's A Place” - Take 8
“There's A Place” - Take 9
”Do You Want To Known A Secret” - Track 2, Take 7
“A Taste Of Honey” - Track 2, Take 6.
“I Saw Her Standing There” - Take 2
“Misery” - Take 1
“Misery” - Take 7
“From Me To You” - Take 1 & 2
“From Me To You” - Take 5
“Thank You Girl” - Take 1
“Thank You Girl” - Take 5
“One After 909” - Take 1 & 2
“Hold Me Tight” - Take 21
“Money (That's What I Want)” - RM 7 Undubbed
“Some Other Guy” - Live At BBC For 'Saturday Club' / 26th January, 1963
“Love Me Do” - Live At BBC For 'Saturday Club' / 26th January, 1963
“Too Much Monkey Business” - Live At BBC For 'Saturday Club' / 16th March, 1963
“I Saw Her Standing There” - Live At BBC For 'Saturday Club' / 16th March, 1963
“Do You Want To Know A Secret” - Live At BBC For 'Saturday Club' / 25th May, 1963
“From Me To You” - Live At BBC For 'Saturday Club' / 26th May, 1963
“I Got To Find My Baby” - Live At BBC For 'Saturday Club' / 26th January, 1963
“Roll Over Beethoven” - Live At BBC For 'Saturday Club' / 29th June, 1963
“A Taste Of Honey” - Live At BBC For 'Easy Beat' / 23rd June, 1963
“Love Me Do” - Live At BBC For 'Easy Beat' / 20th October, 1963
“Please Please Me” - Live At BBC For 'Easy Beat' / 20th October, 1963
“She Loves You” - Live At BBC For 'Easy Beat' / 20th October, 1963
“I Want To Hold Your Hand” - Live At BBC For 'Saturday Club' / 21st December, 1963
“Till There Was You” - Live At BBC For 'Saturday Club' / 21st December, 1963
“Roll Over Beethoveen” - Live At BBC For 'Saturday Club' / 21st December, 1963
“You Really Got A Hold On Me” - Live At BBC For 'Pop Go The Beatles' / 4th June, 1963
“The Hippy Hippy Shake” - Live At BBC For 'Pop Go The Beatles' / 4th June, 1963
“Till There Was You” - Live At BBC For 'Pop Go The Beatles' /11th June, 1963
“A Shot Of Rhythm And Blues” - Live At BBC For 'Pop Go The Beatles' / 18th June, 1963
“A Taste Of Honey” - Live At BBC For 'Pop Go The Beatles' / 18th June, 1963
“Money (That's What I Want)” - Live At BBC For 'Pop Go The Beatles' / 18th June, 1963
“Anna” - Live At BBC For 'Pop Go The Beatles' / 25th June, 1963
“Love Me Do” - Live At BBC For 'Pop Go The Beatles' / 10th September, 1963
“She Loves You” - Live At BBC For 'Pop Go The Beatles' / 24th September, 1963
“I'll Get You” - Live At BBC For 'Pop Go The Beatles' / 10th September, 1963
“A Taste Of Honey” - Live At BBC For 'Pop Go The Beatles' / 10th September, 1963
“Boys” - Live At BBC For 'Pop Go The Beatles' / 17th September, 1963
“Chains” - Live At BBC For 'Pop Go The Beatles' / 17th September, 1963
“You Really Got A Hold On Me” - Live At BBC For 'Pop Go The Beatles' / 17th September, 1963
“I Saw Her Standing There” - Live At BBC For 'Pop Go The Beatles' / 24th September, 1963
“She Loves You” - Live At BBC For 'Pop Go The Beatles' / 10th September, 1963
“Twist And Shout” - Live At BBC For 'Pop Go The Beatles' / 24th September, 1963
“Do You Want To Know A Secret” - Live At BBC For 'Here We Go' / 12th March, 1963
“Please Please Me” - Live At BBC For 'Here We Go' / 12th March, 1963
“Long Tall Sally” - Live At BBC For 'Side By Side' / 13th May, 1963
“Chains” - Live At BBC For 'Side By Side' / 13th May, 1963
“Boys” - Live At BBC For 'Side By Side' / 13th May, 1963
“A Taste Of Honey” - Live At BBC For 'Side By Side' / 13th May, 1963
“Roll Over Beethoven” - Live At BBC For 'From Us To You' / 26th December, 1963
“All My Loving” - Live At BBC For 'From Us To You' / 26th December, 1963
“She Loves You” - Live At BBC For "From Us To You" / 26th December, 1963
“Till There Was You” - Live At BBC For "From Us To You" / 26th December, 1963
“Bad To Me” - Demo
“I'm In Love” - Demo

Berikut ada 13 album The Beatles yang masuk di box set The U.S. Albums:
- Meet The Beatles! (1964)
- The Beatles’ Second Album (1964)
- A Hard Day’s Night (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) (1964) *
- Something New (1964)
- The Beatles’ Story (1964) *
- Beatles ’65 (1965)
- The Early Beatles (1965)
- Beatles VI (1965)

- Help! (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) (1965)
- Rubber Soul (1965)
- Yesterday And Today (1966) *
- Revolver (1966) *
- Hey Jude (1970) *

*belum pernah rilis dalam bentuk CD

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