350 Caption Tentang Hujan Bahasa Inggris yang Menyentuh Hati

Kumpulan 350 caption tentang hujan bahasa Inggris yang inspiratif dan menyentuh hati. Cocok untuk status media sosial saat musim hujan tiba.

oleh Liputan6 Diperbarui 09 Jan 2025, 15:04 WIB
Diterbitkan 09 Jan 2025, 15:03 WIB
caption tentang hujan bahasa inggris
caption tentang hujan bahasa inggris ©Ilustrasi dibuat AI... Selengkapnya

Liputan6.com, Jakarta Hujan sering kali menginspirasi berbagai perasaan dan suasana hati. Berikut ini adalah kumpulan 350 caption tentang hujan dalam bahasa Inggris yang bisa mewakili perasaanmu saat musim hujan tiba:

Promosi 1

Caption Hujan Romantis

  • 1. "Let's dance in the rain together and create beautiful memories."
  • 2. "Your love is like a gentle rain, nourishing my soul."
  • 3. "In the rhythm of the rain, I hear the beating of your heart."
  • 4. "Rainy days are perfect for cuddling with you."
  • 5. "You're my shelter in life's storms."
  • 6. "Our love story is written in raindrops."
  • 7. "I want to share every rainy day with you."
  • 8. "Your kisses are sweeter than the rain."
  • 9. "Let's make the rain our love song."
  • 10. "You're the rainbow after my storm."
  • 11. "In your arms, even the heaviest rain feels light."
  • 12. "Our love grows stronger with each raindrop."
  • 13. "You're the reason I smile on rainy days."
  • 14. "Let's create our own sunshine in the rain."
  • 15. "I fall for you like the rain falls from the sky."

Caption Hujan Galau

  • 16. "The rain can't wash away my feelings for you."
  • 17. "Each raindrop reminds me of the tears I've shed."
  • 18. "The sky cries with me today."
  • 19. "In the silence of the rain, I hear my heart breaking."
  • 20. "The rain hides my tears, but not my pain."
  • 21. "Drowning in memories as the rain pours down."
  • 22. "The storm outside matches the one in my heart."
  • 23. "I wish the rain could wash away my sadness."
  • 24. "Lost in the rain, just like I'm lost without you."
  • 25. "The rain falls, and so do my hopes."
  • 26. "Raindrops on my window, tears on my pillow."
  • 27. "In this downpour, I'm reminded of our goodbye."
  • 28. "The rain can't compare to the storm in my soul."
  • 29. "Washed away by the rain and my sorrow."
  • 30. "As gloomy as the rainy sky without you."

Caption Hujan Inspiratif

  • 31. "After the rain comes the rainbow. Stay hopeful."
  • 32. "Let the rain wash away your worries."
  • 33. "Every storm runs out of rain eventually."
  • 34. "The rain reminds us that life goes on."
  • 35. "Embrace the rain, for it brings new beginnings."
  • 36. "In the midst of the storm, find your inner peace."
  • 37. "Let the rain be your teacher of patience and perseverance."
  • 38. "The rain nourishes the earth, just as challenges nourish our spirit."
  • 39. "Dance in the rain of life's blessings."
  • 40. "The rain washes away the old to make way for the new."
  • 41. "Find beauty in the rain, just as in life's challenges."
  • 42. "Let your troubles wash away with the rain."
  • 43. "The rain teaches us to appreciate the sunshine."
  • 44. "In every raindrop, there's a lesson to be learned."
  • 45. "Rainy days remind us to slow down and reflect."

Caption Hujan dan Rindu

  • 46. "Missing you more with every raindrop."
  • 47. "The rain amplifies my longing for you."
  • 48. "Wishing you were here to share this rainy day."
  • 49. "The sound of rain echoes the beating of my heart for you."
  • 50. "In the vastness of this rain, I feel your absence more."
  • 51. "Rainy days make me yearn for your warm embrace."
  • 52. "The rain carries my thoughts to you, wherever you are."
  • 53. "Longing for our rainy day adventures together."
  • 54. "The pitter-patter of rain reminds me of our shared moments."
  • 55. "In this rain, I'm drowning in memories of you."
  • 56. "Raindrops fall like my tears of missing you."
  • 57. "The rain whispers your name to me."
  • 58. "Wishing I could dance in this rain with you."
  • 59. "The rain connects us, even when we're apart."
  • 60. "Sending you my love on the wings of this rainstorm."

Caption Hujan Bijak

  • 61. "The rain teaches us that every cloud has a silver lining."
  • 62. "In the rain, we learn to appreciate both the storm and the calm."
  • 63. "Like the rain, life's challenges come to pass, not to stay."
  • 64. "The rain reminds us that growth often comes from discomfort."
  • 65. "Just as the earth needs rain, our souls need challenges to grow."
  • 66. "The rain doesn't ask permission to fall; neither should your dreams."
  • 67. "In the symphony of rain, find your own rhythm of life."
  • 68. "The rain shows us that nature's beauty comes in many forms."
  • 69. "Let the rain wash away your doubts and fears."
  • 70. "The rain teaches patience; good things come to those who wait."
  • 71. "In life, as in rain, it's not about waiting for the storm to pass, but learning to dance in it."
  • 72. "The rain reminds us that life isn't about avoiding storms, but learning to dance in them."
  • 73. "Like raindrops, small actions can create ripples of change."
  • 74. "The rain shows us that sometimes we need to slow down to appreciate life's beauty."
  • 75. "In the rain, we are reminded that life's greatest lessons often come from nature."

Caption Hujan Singkat

  • 76. "Rainy day vibes."
  • 77. "Embracing the downpour."
  • 78. "Dancing in the rain."
  • 79. "Raindrops keep falling."
  • 80. "Shower of blessings."
  • 81. "Puddle jumper."
  • 82. "Rainy day dreamer."
  • 83. "Umbrella weather."
  • 84. "Petrichor perfume."
  • 85. "Rainbows incoming."
  • 86. "Splish splash."
  • 87. "Drip drop."
  • 88. "Rain therapy."
  • 89. "Cloudy with a chance of smiles."
  • 90. "Rainy day mood."

Caption Hujan Aesthetic

  • 91. "Painting the world in shades of gray and silver."
  • 92. "Raindrops dancing on windowpanes, nature's ballet."
  • 93. "Misty mornings and rainy dreams."
  • 94. "The world softens under a veil of rain."
  • 95. "Droplets of sky kissing the earth."
  • 96. "A symphony of raindrops on tin roofs."
  • 97. "Watercolor skies and raindrop tears."
  • 98. "Embracing the melancholy beauty of a rainy day."
  • 99. "Whispers of rain in a world of silence."
  • 100. "The poetry of rain written across the sky."
  • 101. "Rainbows hiding in every raindrop."
  • 102. "The world reflected in puddles of possibility."
  • 103. "Rainy day haze, a dreamer's paradise."
  • 104. "Nature's lullaby in every raindrop."
  • 105. "Painting memories with rain-soaked brushstrokes."

Caption Hujan Malam

  • 106. "Midnight showers and whispered dreams."
  • 107. "The city sleeps under a blanket of rain."
  • 108. "Raindrops tap-dancing on my roof tonight."
  • 109. "Starless skies replaced by shimmering raindrops."
  • 110. "The night comes alive with the sound of rain."
  • 111. "Moonlit puddles reflect a world of dreams."
  • 112. "Rainy nights are made for deep thoughts."
  • 113. "The perfect lullaby: rain on my windowpane."
  • 114. "City lights blur in the rainy night."
  • 115. "Embracing the solitude of a rainy night."
  • 116. "Midnight storms wash away the day's worries."
  • 117. "Rain-soaked streets under neon lights."
  • 118. "The world feels smaller on rainy nights."
  • 119. "Whispering secrets to the rainy night."
  • 120. "Finding peace in the rhythm of nighttime rain."

Caption Hujan dan Kopi

  • 121. "Rainy days and coffee, a perfect blend."
  • 122. "Sipping warmth on a cold, rainy morning."
  • 123. "Coffee steam meets raindrop mist."
  • 124. "The best aromatherapy: coffee and petrichor."
  • 125. "Watching the rain, coffee in hand."
  • 126. "Rainy day fuel: extra strong coffee."
  • 127. "Coffee thoughts on a rainy afternoon."
  • 128. "Finding comfort in coffee as the rain falls."
  • 129. "Painting rainy day memories with coffee stains."
  • 130. "The perfect trio: rain, coffee, and a good book."
  • 131. "Cafe windows streaked with rain, coffee warming my hands."
  • 132. "Brewing happiness on a gloomy, rainy day."
  • 133. "Coffee: liquid sunshine for rainy days."
  • 134. "Rainy day philosophy over a cup of joe."
  • 135. "The rain outside, coffee inside, peace all around."

Caption Hujan Bahasa Inggris dan Artinya

  • 136. "Let the rain kiss you." (Biarkan hujan menciummu.)
  • 137. "Rainy days should be spent at home with a cup of tea and a good book." (Hari hujan sebaiknya dihabiskan di rumah dengan secangkir teh dan buku yang bagus.)
  • 138. "The best thing one can do when it's raining is to let it rain." (Hal terbaik yang bisa dilakukan ketika hujan adalah membiarkan hujan turun.)
  • 139. "Some people feel the rain. Others just get wet." (Beberapa orang merasakan hujan. Yang lain hanya basah.)
  • 140. "Rain is grace; rain is the sky descending to the earth." (Hujan adalah rahmat; hujan adalah langit yang turun ke bumi.)
  • 141. "I love walking in the rain because no one can see me crying." (Aku suka berjalan di tengah hujan karena tak ada yang bisa melihatku menangis.)
  • 142. "The rain will stop, the night will end, the hurt will fade." (Hujan akan berhenti, malam akan berakhir, rasa sakit akan memudar.)
  • 143. "Let the rain wash away all the pain of yesterday." (Biarkan hujan menghapus semua rasa sakit kemarin.)
  • 144. "Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass, it's about learning to dance in the rain." (Hidup bukan tentang menunggu badai berlalu, tapi tentang belajar menari di tengah hujan.)
  • 145. "The sound of rain needs no translation." (Suara hujan tidak membutuhkan terjemahan.)
  • 146. "Clouds come floating into my life, no longer to carry rain or usher storm, but to add color to my sunset sky." (Awan datang mengambang dalam hidupku, bukan lagi untuk membawa hujan atau badai, tapi untuk menambah warna pada langit senjaku.)
  • 147. "A rainy day is a special gift to readers." (Hari hujan adalah hadiah istimewa bagi para pembaca.)
  • 148. "I'm singing in the rain, just singing in the rain." (Aku bernyanyi dalam hujan, hanya bernyanyi dalam hujan.)
  • 149. "The rain plays a little sleep song on our roof at night." (Hujan memainkan lagu tidur kecil di atap kita di malam hari.)
  • 150. "A single gentle rain makes the grass many shades greener." (Satu hujan lembut membuat rumput jauh lebih hijau.)

Caption Hujan Islami

  • 151. "Rain is a mercy from Allah, refreshing the earth and our souls."
  • 152. "In every raindrop, there's a reminder of Allah's blessings."
  • 153. "The rain falls equally on the just and the unjust - a lesson in fairness from Allah."
  • 154. "As the rain nourishes the earth, let our faith nourish our hearts."
  • 155. "Allah sends down rain as a sign of His mercy and power."
  • 156. "In the rain, we see the miracle of life renewed by Allah's grace."
  • 157. "The rain reminds us to be grateful for Allah's endless blessings."
  • 158. "Just as the rain gives life to the earth, let our prayers give life to our souls."
  • 159. "The rain is a reminder that after hardship comes ease, as Allah promised."
  • 160. "In the sound of rain, hear the dhikr of all creation praising Allah."
  • 161. "Let the rain wash away our sins as we seek Allah's forgiveness."
  • 162. "The rain teaches us patience and trust in Allah's perfect timing."
  • 163. "As the rain falls from the sky, may Allah's mercy descend upon us."
  • 164. "In every raindrop, there's a lesson in humility before Allah."
  • 165. "The rain is a blessing from Allah, reminding us of His constant care."

Caption Hujan Bahasa Jepang dan Artinya

  • 166. "雨音は心を癒す" (Ame oto wa kokoro wo iyasu) - The sound of rain heals the heart.
  • 167. "雨の日は静かな時間" (Ame no hi wa shizuka na jikan) - Rainy days are quiet times.
  • 168. "雨上がりの空は美しい" (Ameagari no sora wa utsukushii) - The sky after rain is beautiful.
  • 169. "雨は大地の涙" (Ame wa daichi no namida) - Rain is the earth's tears.
  • 170. "雨の中で踊ろう" (Ame no naka de odorou) - Let's dance in the rain.
  • 171. "雨は新しい始まりの象徴" (Ame wa atarashii hajimari no shouchou) - Rain symbolizes a new beginning.
  • 172. "雨の日は本を読むのに最適" (Ame no hi wa hon wo yomu no ni saiteki) - Rainy days are perfect for reading books.
  • 173. "雨は自然の音楽" (Ame wa shizen no ongaku) - Rain is nature's music.
  • 174. "雨の匂いは懐かしい" (Ame no nioi wa natsukashii) - The smell of rain is nostalgic.
  • 175. "雨は心を洗う" (Ame wa kokoro wo arau) - Rain washes the heart.
  • 176. "雨の中の散歩は気分転換になる" (Ame no naka no sanpo wa kibun tenkan ni naru) - A walk in the rain refreshes the mind.
  • 177. "雨は地球の恵み" (Ame wa chikyuu no megumi) - Rain is the earth's blessing.
  • 178. "雨の日は内省の時" (Ame no hi wa naisei no toki) - Rainy days are times for introspection.
  • 179. "雨は人生の教師" (Ame wa jinsei no kyoushi) - Rain is life's teacher.
  • 180. "雨の後には虹が出る" (Ame no ato ni wa niji ga deru) - After the rain comes the rainbow.

Caption Hujan Bahasa Korea dan Artinya

  • 181. "비는 마음을 씻어준다" (Bineun maeumeul ssiseojunda) - Rain washes the heart.
  • 182. "비 오는 날의 커피" (Bi oneun nal-ui keopi) - Coffee on a rainy day.
  • 183. "빗소리는 자장가 같아" (Bissori-neun jajang-ga gata) - The sound of rain is like a lullaby.
  • 184. "비 오는 날엔 집에 있고 싶어" (Bi oneun nal-en jibe itgo sipeo) - On rainy days, I want to stay at home.
  • 185. "빗속에서 춤을 추자" (Bissog-eseo chumeul chuja) - Let's dance in the rain.
  • 186. "비 오는 날의 감성" (Bi oneun nal-ui gamseng) - The sentiment of a rainy day.
  • 187. "비는 새로운 시작을 의미해" (Bineun saeroun sijag-eul uimihae) - Rain means a new beginning.
  • 188. "빗방울 소리가 좋아" (Bitbang-ul sori-ga joa) - I like the sound of raindrops.
  • 189. "비 오는 날의 독서" (Bi oneun nal-ui dogseo) - Reading on a rainy day.
  • 190. "비 내리는 풍경이 아름다워" (Bi naerineun punggyeong-i areumdawo) - The rainy scenery is beautiful.
  • 191. "비는 지구의 축복" (Bineun jiguu-ui chukbok) - Rain is the earth's blessing.
  • 192. "빗속의 산책은 기분 전환이 돼" (Bissog-ui sanchaeg-eun gibun jeonhwan-i dwae) - A walk in the rain refreshes the mood.
  • 193. "비 오는 날의 추억" (Bi oneun nal-ui chu-eok) - Memories of a rainy day.
  • 194. "비 온 뒤의 무지개" (Bi on dwi-ui mujigae) - Rainbow after the rain.
  • 195. "빗소리는 마음을 편안하게 해" (Bissori-neun maeum-eul pyeonanhage hae) - The sound of rain calms the mind.

Caption Hujan Bahasa Mandarin dan Artinya

  • 196. "雨洗涤心灵" (Yǔ xǐdí xīnlíng) - Rain cleanses the soul.
  • 197. "雨天最适合喝咖啡" (Yǔtiān zuì shìhé hē kāfēi) - Rainy days are best for drinking coffee.
  • 198. "雨声如催眠曲" (Yǔshēng rú cuīmiánqǔ) - The sound of rain is like a lullaby.
  • 199. "雨天宜居家" (Yǔtiān yí jūjiā) - Rainy days are for staying at home.
  • 200. "雨中起舞" (Yǔzhōng qǐwǔ) - Dancing in the rain.
  • 201. "雨天的情怀" (Yǔtiān de qínghuái) - The sentiment of a rainy day.
  • 202. "雨代表新的开始" (Yǔ dàibiǎo xīn de kāishǐ) - Rain represents a new beginning.
  • 203. "喜欢雨滴的声音" (Xǐhuān yǔdī de shēngyīn) - I like the sound of raindrops.
  • 204. "雨天读书正当时" (Yǔtiān dúshū zhèngdāngshí) - Rainy days are perfect for reading.
  • 205. "雨中景色美不胜收" (Yǔzhōng jǐngsè měi bùshèng shōu) - The rainy scenery is breathtakingly beautiful.
  • 206. "雨是大地的祝福" (Yǔ shì dàdì de zhùfú) - Rain is the earth's blessing.
  • 207. "雨中漫步,心旷神怡" (Yǔzhōng mànbù, xīnkuàng shényí) - A walk in the rain refreshes the spirit.
  • 208. "雨天的回忆" (Yǔtiān de huíyì) - Memories of a rainy day.
  • 209. "雨后彩虹" (Yǔhòu cǎihóng) - Rainbow after the rain.
  • 210. "雨声抚慰心灵" (Yǔshēng fǔwèi xīnlíng) - The sound of rain soothes the soul.

Caption Hujan Bahasa Spanyol dan Artinya

  • 211. "La lluvia limpia el alma." (Rain cleanses the soul.)
  • 212. "Los días lluviosos son perfectos para el café." (Rainy days are perfect for coffee.)
  • 213. "El sonido de la lluvia es como una canción de cuna." (The sound of rain is like a lullaby.)
  • 214. "En los días de lluvia, mejor quedarse en casa." (On rainy days, it's better to stay at home.)
  • 215. "Bailando bajo la lluvia." (Dancing in the rain.)
  • 216. "El sentimiento de un día lluvioso." (The feeling of a rainy day.)
  • 217. "La lluvia representa un nuevo comienzo." (Rain represents a new beginning.)
  • 218. "Me encanta el sonido de las gotas de lluvia." (I love the sound of raindrops.)
  • 219. "Los días lluviosos son perfectos para leer." (Rainy days are perfect for reading.)
  • 220. "El paisaje bajo la lluvia es hermoso." (The landscape in the rain is beautiful.)
  • 221. "La lluvia es una bendición para la tierra." (Rain is a blessing for the earth.)
  • 222. "Un paseo bajo la lluvia refresca el espíritu." (A walk in the rain refreshes the spirit.)
  • 223. "Recuerdos de un día lluvioso." (Memories of a rainy day.)
  • 224. "Después de la lluvia, sale el arcoíris." (After the rain comes the rainbow.)
  • 225. "El sonido de la lluvia calma el alma." (The sound of rain calms the soul.)

Caption Hujan Bahasa Prancis dan Artinya

  • 226. "La pluie nettoie l'âme." (Rain cleanses the soul.)
  • 227. "Les jours de pluie sont parfaits pour le café." (Rainy days are perfect for coffee.)
  • 228. "Le bruit de la pluie est comme une berceuse." (The sound of rain is like a lullaby.)
  • 229. "Les jours de pluie, mieux vaut rester à la maison." (On rainy days, it's better to stay at home.)
  • 230. "Danser sous la pluie." (Dancing in the rain.)
  • 231. "Le sentiment d'un jour de pluie." (The feeling of a rainy day.)
  • 232. "La pluie représente un nouveau départ." (Rain represents a new beginning.)
  • 233. "J'adore le son des gouttes de pluie." (I love the sound of raindrops.)
  • 234. "Les jours de pluie sont parfaits pour lire." (Rainy days are perfect for reading.)
  • 235. "Le paysage sous la pluie est magnifique." (The landscape in the rain is beautiful.)
  • 236. "La pluie est une bénédiction pour la terre." (Rain is a blessing for the earth.)
  • 237. "Une promenade sous la pluie rafraîchit l'esprit." (A walk in the rain refreshes the spirit.)
  • 238. "Souvenirs d'un jour de pluie." (Memories of a rainy day.)
  • 239. "Après la pluie vient l'arc-en-ciel." (After the rain comes the rainbow.)
  • 240. "Le son de la pluie apaise l'âme." (The sound of rain soothes the soul.)

Caption Hujan Bahasa Italia dan Artinya

  • 241. "La pioggia purifica l'anima." (Rain purifies the soul.)
  • 242. "I giorni di pioggia sono perfetti per il caffè." (Rainy days are perfect for coffee.)
  • 243. "Il suono della pioggia è come una ninna nanna." (The sound of rain is like a lullaby.)
  • 244. "Nei giorni di pioggia, meglio stare a casa." (On rainy days, it's better to stay at home.)
  • 245. "Ballare sotto la pioggia." (Dancing in the rain.)
  • 246. "Il sentimento di un giorno di pioggia." (The feeling of a rainy day.)
  • 247. "La pioggia rappresenta un nuovo inizio." (Rain represents a new beginning.)
  • 248. "Adoro il suono delle gocce di pioggia." (I love the sound of raindrops.)
  • 249. "I giorni di pioggia sono perfetti per leggere." (Rainy days are perfect for reading.)
  • 250. "Il paesaggio sotto la pioggia è bellissimo." (The landscape in the rain is beautiful.)
  • 251. "La pioggia è una benedizione per la terra." (Rain is a blessing for the earth.)
  • 252. "Una passeggiata sotto la pioggia rinfresca lo spirito." (A walk in the rain refreshes the spirit.)
  • 253. "Ricordi di un giorno di pioggia." (Memories of a rainy day.)
  • 254. "Dopo la pioggia viene l'arcobaleno." (After the rain comes the rainbow.)
  • 255. "Il suono della pioggia calma l'anima." (The sound of_rain soothes the soul.)

Caption Hujan Bahasa Jerman dan Artinya

  • 256. "Der Regen reinigt die Seele." (Rain cleanses the soul.)
  • 257. "Regentage sind perfekt für Kaffee." (Rainy days are perfect for coffee.)
  • 258. "Der Klang des Regens ist wie ein Schlaflied." (The sound of rain is like a lullaby.)
  • 259. "An Regentagen ist es besser, zu Hause zu bleiben." (On rainy days, it's better to stay at home.)
  • 260. "Im Regen tanzen." (Dancing in the rain.)
  • 261. "Das Gefühl eines regnerischen Tages." (The feeling of a rainy day.)
  • 262. "Regen steht für einen Neuanfang." (Rain represents a new beginning.)
  • 263. "Ich liebe den Klang von Regentropfen." (I love the sound of raindrops.)
  • 264. "Regentage sind perfekt zum Lesen." (Rainy days are perfect for reading.)
  • 265. "Die Landschaft im Regen ist wunderschön." (The landscape in the rain is beautiful.)
  • 266. "Regen ist ein Segen für die Erde." (Rain is a blessing for the earth.)
  • 267. "Ein Spaziergang im Regen erfrischt den Geist." (A walk in the rain refreshes the spirit.)
  • 268. "Erinnerungen an einen regnerischen Tag." (Memories of a rainy day.)
  • 269. "Nach dem Regen kommt der Regenbogen." (After the rain comes the rainbow.)
  • 270. "Der Klang des Regens beruhigt die Seele." (The sound of rain calms the soul.)

Caption Hujan Bahasa Rusia dan Artinya

  • 271. "Дождь очищает душу." (Dozhd' ochishchayet dushu.) - Rain cleanses the soul.
  • 272. "Дождливые дни идеальны для кофе." (Dozhdlivyye dni ideal'ny dlya kofe.) - Rainy days are perfect for coffee.
  • 273. "Звук дождя как колыбельная." (Zvuk dozhdya kak kolybel'naya.) - The sound of rain is like a lullaby.
  • 274. "В дождливые дни лучше оставаться дома." (V dozhdlivyye dni luchshe ostavat'sya doma.) - On rainy days, it's better to stay at home.
  • 275. "Танцевать под дождем." (Tantsevat' pod dozhdem.) - Dancing in the rain.
  • 276. "Чувство дождливого дня." (Chuvstvo dozhdlivogo dnya.) - The feeling of a rainy day.
  • 277. "Дождь символизирует новое начало." (Dozhd' simvoliziruyet novoye nachalo.) - Rain symbolizes a new beginning.
  • 278. "Я люблю звук капель дождя." (Ya lyublyu zvuk kapel' dozhdya.) - I love the sound of raindrops.
  • 279. "Дождливые дни идеальны для чтения." (Dozhdlivyye dni ideal'ny dlya chteniya.) - Rainy days are perfect for reading.
  • 280. "Пейзаж под дождем прекрасен." (Peyzazh pod dozhdem prekrasen.) - The landscape in the rain is beautiful.
  • 281. "Дождь - благословение для земли." (Dozhd' - blagosloveniye dlya zemli.) - Rain is a blessing for the earth.
  • 282. "Прогулка под дождем освежает дух." (Progulka pod dozhdem osvezhayет dukh.) - A walk in the rain refreshes the spirit.
  • 283. "Воспоминания о дождливом дне." (Vospominaniya o dozhdlivom dne.) - Memories of a rainy day.
  • 284. "После дождя приходит радуга." (Posle dozhdya prikhodit raduga.) - After the rain comes the rainbow.
  • 285. "Звук дождя успокаивает душу." (Zvuk dozhdya uspokaivayет dushu.) - The sound of rain calms the soul.

Caption Hujan Bahasa Arab dan Artinya

  • 286. "المطر يطهر الروح." (Al-matar yutahhir ar-ruh.) - Rain purifies the soul.
  • 287. "الأيام الممطرة مثالية للقهوة." (Al-ayyam al-mumtirah mithaliyah lil-qahwah.) - Rainy days are perfect for coffee.
  • 288. "صوت المطر كأغنية هادئة." (Sawt al-matar ka'ughniyah hadi'ah.) - The sound of rain is like a lullaby.
  • 289. "في الأيام الممطرة، من الأفضل البقاء في المنزل." (Fi al-ayyam al-mumtirah, min al-afdal al-baqa' fi al-manzil.) - On rainy days, it's better to stay at home.
  • 290. "الرقص تحت المطر." (Ar-raqs taht al-matar.) - Dancing in the rain.
  • 291. "شعور يوم ممطر." (Shu'ur yawm mumtir.) - The feeling of a rainy day.
  • 292. "المطر يمثل بداية جديدة." (Al-matar yumathil bidayah jadidah.) - Rain represents a new beginning.
  • 293. "أحب صوت قطرات المطر." (Uhibbu sawt qatarat al-matar.) - I love the sound of raindrops.
  • 294. "الأيام الممطرة مثالية للقراءة." (Al-ayyam al-mumtirah mithaliyah lil-qira'ah.) - Rainy days are perfect for reading.
  • 295. "المنظر تحت المطر جميل." (Al-manzar taht al-matar jamil.) - The view in the rain is beautiful.
  • 296. "المطر نعمة للأرض." (Al-matar ni'mah lil-ard.) - Rain is a blessing for the earth.
  • 297. "المشي تحت المطر ينعش الروح." (Al-mashy taht al-matar yun'ish ar-ruh.) - Walking in the rain refreshes the spirit.
  • 298. "ذكريات يوم ممطر." (Dhikrayat yawm mumtir.) - Memories of a rainy day.
  • 299. "بعد المطر يأتي قوس قزح." (Ba'd al-matar ya'ti qaws quzah.) - After the rain comes the rainbow.
  • 300. "صوت المطر يهدئ النفس." (Sawt al-matar yuhadi' an-nafs.) - The sound of rain calms the soul.

Caption Hujan Bahasa Portugis dan Artinya

  • 301. "A chuva limpa a alma." (Rain cleanses the soul.)
  • 302. "Dias chuvosos são perfeitos para café." (Rainy days are perfect for coffee.)
  • 303. "O som da chuva é como uma canção de ninar." (The sound of rain is like a lullaby.)
  • 304. "Em dias chuvosos, é melhor ficar em casa." (On rainy days, it's better to stay at home.)
  • 305. "Dançando na chuva." (Dancing in the rain.)
  • 306. "O sentimento de um dia chuvoso." (The feeling of a rainy day.)
  • 307. "A chuva representa um novo começo." (Rain represents a new beginning.)
  • 308. "Adoro o som das gotas de chuva." (I love the sound of raindrops.)
  • 309. "Dias chuvosos são perfeitos para ler." (Rainy days are perfect for reading.)
  • 310. "A paisagem na chuva é linda." (The landscape in the rain is beautiful.)
  • 311. "A chuva é uma bênção para a terra." (Rain is a blessing for the earth.)
  • 312. "Um passeio na chuva refresca o espírito." (A walk in the rain refreshes the spirit.)
  • 313. "Memórias de um dia chuvoso." (Memories of a rainy day.)
  • 314. "Depois da chuva vem o arco-íris." (After the rain comes the rainbow.)
  • 315. "O som da chuva acalma a alma." (The sound of rain calms the soul.)

Caption Hujan Bahasa Swedia dan Artinya

  • 316. "Regnet renar själen." (Rain cleanses the soul.)
  • 317. "Regniga dagar är perfekta för kaffe." (Rainy days are perfect for coffee.)
  • 318. "Ljudet av regn är som en vaggvisa." (The sound of rain is like a lullaby.)
  • 319. "På regniga dagar är det bättre att stanna hemma." (On rainy days, it's better to stay at home.)
  • 320. "Dansa i regnet." (Dancing in the rain.)
  • 321. "Känslan av en regnig dag." (The feeling of a rainy day.)
  • 322. "Regn representerar en ny början." (Rain represents a new beginning.)
  • 323. "Jag älskar ljudet av regndroppar." (I love the sound of raindrops.)
  • 324. "Regniga dagar är perfekta för att läsa." (Rainy days are perfect for reading.)
  • 325. "Landskapet i regnet är vackert." (The landscape in the rain is beautiful.)
  • 326. "Regn är en välsignelse för jorden." (Rain is a blessing for the earth.)
  • 327. "En promenad i regnet friskar upp anden." (A walk in the rain refreshes the spirit.)
  • 328. "Minnen av en regnig dag." (Memories of a rainy day.)
  • 329. "Efter regn kommer regnbågen." (After the rain comes the rainbow.)
  • 330. "Ljudet av regn lugnar själen." (The sound of rain calms the soul.)

Caption Hujan Bahasa Turki dan Artinya

  • 331. "Yağmur ruhu temizler." (Rain cleanses the soul.)
  • 332. "Yağmurlu günler kahve için mükemmeldir." (Rainy days are perfect for coffee.)
  • 333. "Yağmur sesi bir ninni gibidir." (The sound of rain is like a lullaby.)
  • 334. "Yağmurlu günlerde evde kalmak daha iyidir." (On rainy days, it's better to stay at home.)
  • 335. "Yağmurda dans etmek." (Dancing in the rain.)
  • 336. "Yağmurlu bir günün hissi." (The feeling of a rainy day.)
  • 337. "Yağmur yeni bir başlangıcı temsil eder." (Rain represents a new beginning.)
  • 338. "Yağmur damlalarının sesini seviyorum." (I love the sound of raindrops.)
  • 339. "Yağmurlu günler okumak için mükemmeldir." (Rainy days are perfect for reading.)
  • 340. "Yağmurdaki manzara güzeldir." (The landscape in the rain is beautiful.)
  • 341. "Yağmur toprak için bir nimettir." (Rain is a blessing for the earth.)
  • 342. "Yağmurda yürüyüş ruhu tazeler." (A walk in the rain refreshes the spirit.)
  • 343. "Yağmurlu bir günün anıları." (Memories of a rainy day.)
  • 344. "Yağmurdan sonra gökkuşağı gelir." (After the rain comes the rainbow.)
  • 345. "Yağmur sesi ruhu sakinleştirir." (The sound of rain calms the soul.)

Caption Hujan Bahasa Belanda dan Artinya

  • 346. "Regen reinigt de ziel." (Rain cleanses the soul.)
  • 347. "Regenachtige dagen zijn perfect voor koffie." (Rainy days are perfect for coffee.)
  • 348. "Het geluid van regen is als een slaapliedje." (The sound of rain is like a lullaby.)
  • 349. "Op regenachtige dagen is het beter om thuis te blijven." (On rainy days, it's better to stay at home.)
  • 350. "Dansen in de regen." (Dancing in the rain.)


Caption tentang hujan dalam berbagai bahasa dapat menjadi cara yang indah untuk mengekspresikan perasaan dan suasana hati saat musim hujan tiba. Dari romantisme hingga introspeksi, hujan memiliki banyak makna yang dapat diungkapkan melalui kata-kata. Gunakan caption-caption ini untuk menghiasi unggahan media sosialmu dan berbagi momen hujan yang berkesan dengan followers-mu.

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