KPK Chairman Abraham Samad Named as Suspect for Forgery-Case

Investigating officers are planning to do full inspection of the suspect on the 20th of February 2015.

oleh Adanti Pradita Diperbarui 17 Feb 2015, 15:52 WIB
Diterbitkan 17 Feb 2015, 15:52 WIB
Abraham Samad Tak Gentar Periksa Presiden
Samad menjelaskan bahwa KPK tidak pandang bulu. KPK tidak peduli mau presiden atau wakil presiden semuanya harus ikut aturan hukum yang berlaku, Jakarta Selatan, Rabu (28/8/2014) ( Diksana)... Selengkapnya, Jakarta The tumult between the Indonesian Police (Polri) and the Indonesian Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) that has decorated the Indonesian media for the past few weeks, finally reached its peak with the alleged suspect of graft-case, Budi Gunawan granted freedom from the accusation against him and conversely the Chairman of KPK, Abraham Samad recently named as a suspect for document forgery of his closest acquaintance, Feriyani Lim.

The police headquarter of South Sulawesi confirmed the naming of Abraham Samad, currently the Chairman of the KPK, as the primary suspect as he was believed to have allegedly counterfeited documents of the female that was once a subject of accusation of another Abraham Samad’s case earlier when the issue between the two institutions was still on the preliminary stage.

"After all the evidence are gathered and the case has been investigated thoroughly, then we were able to formally named Abraham Samad as a suspect," The Head of South and West Sulawesi Public Relation from the police division, Endi Sutendi said in a press conference at the Police Headquarter in South and West Sulawesi, Jalan Perintis Kemerdekaan, Tuesday (17/02/2015).

Endi said, the accusation placed on Abraham Samad was based purely on the evidence such as the family identity card (KK), National Identity Card (KTP) and Passport of Feriyani Lim. It is believed that all the documents gathered were all allegedly being forged by Abraham Samad.

"The investigation upon Abraham Samad will be done on the 20th of February 2015. We will have a warrant letter for the investigation soon," he said. The investigation officers of South Sulawesi police have already inspected 23 witnesses which include the ones from the district, immigration, and other witnesses.

"In this particular case, Abraham Samad is stated as the head of the family and Feriyani Lim as a family member of his," Endi concluded. (Akp/Riz)

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