Police Criminal Investigation Agency Summons DPRD DKI Members?

The reason behind the plan to summon DPRD DKI members is based on the alleged corruption case of the provisioning of UPS in schools.

oleh Moch Harun SyahAdanti Pradita Diperbarui 25 Mar 2015, 12:36 WIB
Diterbitkan 25 Mar 2015, 12:36 WIB
bareskrim polri
Bareskrim Polri... Selengkapnya

Liputan6.com, Jakarta Investigating officers from the Police Criminal Investigation Agency (Bareskrim) is planning to summon a number of Jakarta House of Representative members (DPRD DKI). The reason behind this summon is the alleged corruption case which involves the provisioning of  'Uninterruptible Power Supply' at 49 schools in Jakarta. 

The Head of Public Relations division from the Indonesian Police Department, Anton Charliyan claimed that his team is ready to summon the members of DPRD DKI after the police have collected information and evidence from witnesses that are deemed necessary for the investigation process. Investigating officers have agreed that the information collected is sufficient to make the summoning of DPRD DKI members legitimate.

"We will summon them soon. We will soon after all the information collected is enough to have them summoned by us. We have to collect more proofs," Anton said at the Police Headquarter on Tuesday 24 March 2014.

Anton said that it is imperative for his team along with the investigating officers to address this issue as soon as possible so that the truth will be revealed soon regarding the provisioning of UPS which has led many into questioning whether or not corruption was at play during the budgeting process.

This is to also prevent the postponement of investigation on DPRD DKI members.

"Yes, we are working on it. Hopefully soon so we can address the issue as soon as possible," he continued.

Bareskrim has previously received information regarding the corruption case in the provisioning of UPS which was included in the regional budget (APBD) 2014.

Police Commisioner, Rikawanto claimed the case as having many witnesses from the executive and legislative area, thus, it is easy for the investigating officers to hastily address the issue.

This means that there are plenty of witnesses to be questioned regarding the situation. Rikwanto claimed, so far he has a number of names that are viewed to be the suspects for the corruption- case.

"Investigating officers will have to do more of investigations in the future they ought to be fully prepared for. Not to mention, perhaps the ones interrogated/ investigated are those in higher positions, such as in the executive and legislative governmental positions," Rikwanto explained in Jakarta March 20 2015. (Akp/Ein)


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