Osama Bin Laden's Crane Fell onto Mecca's Holy Site on '9/11'

Many was left in profound surprise following reports of Bin Laden's cranes collapsing over some important parts of the holy site in Mecca.

oleh Adanti Pradita Diperbarui 14 Sep 2015, 12:08 WIB
Diterbitkan 14 Sep 2015, 12:08 WIB
Tragedi Crane Jatuh Jadi Objek Foto Jamaah Haji
Pekerja dibantu alat berat berusaha mengevakuasi crane yang roboh di Masjidil Haram, Kota Mekah, Arab Saudi (9/12/2015). Sebanyak 107 calon jemaah haji meninggal dunia akibat crane jatuh karena cuaca buruk. (AFP PHOTO / STR)... Selengkapnya


Mecca, the holy site of worldwide Islamic population where each and every Muslim scattered all around the world devout themselves to perform Umrah or Hajj pilgrimage as part of their long-awaited fulfillment of Muslim religious duty.

Just 10 days prior to the annually-held Hajj pilgrimage, a shocking lightning strike on the mosque which was followed by a series of deadly wind and heavy rains that led to the giant crane falls on Mecca’s Grand Mosque.

Generally, the religion Islam requires that every Muslim capable of doing a pilgrimage performance to the holy site at least once in their lifetime.

The collapse of large-scale crane attacking some of crucial parts of the Grand Mosque, led to the continual rising of casualties with death toll reaching 110 with the rest of 230 both mildly and severely injured. The amount of victims continues to escalate as the evacuation procedure is underway.

14 years ago, on the morning of September 11 2001, four planes were hijacked by terrorists and directed to a number of places symbolizing America's power. It was the saddest day in American history and just as people pray in 14th years commemoration of those who have been victimized by the unwanted tragedy on the 11th September, heavy cranes falling into the area of Mecca Holy site on the same date this year.

What astonishes people the most is the fact that the 2001 terrorist attack was orchestrated by the wanted for decades long terrorist, Osama Bin Laden and coincidentally, it has been learned that the cranes that fell onto Mecca holy sites were owned by him and his family. Though viewed as rare coincidence and immediately raised many speculations, the tragedy in Mecca was provoked by unusual bad weather and no evidence is strong enough to show any linkage of human perpetrated action. 


According to Weasel Zippers, Saudi Arabian authorities took the time in the past to develop major expansion of the site with its initial construction last year in pursuance of grand mosque area expansion by 400.000 square meters thus that it could accommodate up to 2 million people all at once.

It has been reported by Huffington Post that in 2013, Saudi Arabian authorities have considered limiting the number of pilgrims due to excessive number of people present in the previous year.

Cranes were initially thought to be strong it its very foundation that many were unaware of its likeliness to fall down or highly susceptible to strong pressured wind and unexpected fatal natural disaster that has struck the holy site's packed areas.

As cited in WND, the crane belongs to a German crane company operated by the Bin Laden family’s consortium, who are heading the expansion of the Holy Mosque.

Saudi Bin Laden Group was founded by Osama’s Bin Laden’s billionaire father, Mohammed, the man who owns most of the infrastructure development of the Sunni Kingdom, as analyzed by Infowars.

Pictures taken prior disaster showing the crane being struck by a bolt of lightning and authorities were profoundly shocked by such alarming and unforeseen incident. The crane fell into the east side of the mosque, with the top section of the structure crashing into most part of the roof.


The huge red crane wreaked havoc into a part of the Grand Mosque that was filled with worshippers.

Officials told BBC on 12 September 2015, strong winds and heavy rains caused the crane to collapse. Correspondents additionally say that there have previously been concerns about safety records on Saudi construction sites.

The incident happened at 17.23 local time (14:23 GMT) on Friday. Many have resorted to the notion of associating it with the catastrophe faced by the American people 14 years ago which many people dubbed as 9/11 calamitous tragedy where hijacked planed were directed to buildings and sites symbolizing The United States' supreme power. (Akp/Tnt)

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