Bekasi Man Stabbed A Prostitute After He Refused to Wear Condom

The 21-year-old man booked the prostitute through MiChat app.

oleh Tommy K. Rony Diperbarui 03 Mar 2023, 13:30 WIB
Diterbitkan 02 Feb 2023, 18:00 WIB
Polisi amankan pelaku penusukan PSK di Apartemen Bekasi Town Square, Jalan Cut Mutia, Margahayu, Bekasi Timur, Kota Bekasi ( Sinulingga)
Police arrested the young man who stabbed a prostiute in Bekasi City. Photo: Sinulingga... Selengkapnya, Bekasi - A 21-year-old man in Bekasi City stabbed a prostitute after he refused to wear a condom. The sex worker is only 18 year-old.

The young man met the girl through a MiChat application. He booked her for Rp 300,000 (US$ 20) and the two zoomers met in an apartment on early Wednesday (1/2).

Ordering sex worker through social media, including Twitter, is not uncommon in the big cities of Indonesia, especially as the Generation Z is more tech-savvy.

However, snapped after the sex worker asked him to wear a condom before having sexual intercourse. The two got into arguments which led to stabbing.

He stabbed her three times.

"The perpetrator was angry because asked for using protection. The perpetrator took a knife and stabbed the victim three times on the hips, left hand, and finger," said the Head of Sectoral Police in Bekasi, Ridha Aditya.

The bleeding girl was screaming, and fortunately other apartments residents heard her voice. They came to the room alongside the authority in the building.

Police said the victim was laying down with blood on her body. She survived and brought to the Bekasi Regional Hospital for treatment.

The stabber was taken to the Bekasi police who was patroling near the area. The young man is facing up to five years in prison for abusive acts.

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