Indonesia Feels "Concerned" As EU Will Reject Products That Cause Deforestation

EU's new regulation should be a good news for the forests in Indonesia. But the foreign minister is concerned.

oleh Tommy K. Rony diperbarui 29 Mei 2023, 20:00 WIB
Diterbitkan 29 Mei 2023, 20:00 WIB
Pernyataan pers Menteri Luar Negeri Retno Marsudi terkait pertemuan bilateral yang dilakukan Presiden Jokowi dengan empat negara di sela-sela kegiatan KTT ke-42 ASEAN 2023 di Labuan Bajo, NTT. (Liputan6/Benedikta Miranti)
Minister for Foreign Affairs Retno Marsudi at the ASEAN Summit 2023, Labuan Bajo. Photo: Presidential Secretariat, Jakarta - The European Union is currently championing the green law to prohibit products that cause deforestation. It will affect various products, including palm oil, soy, coffee, and chocolates. 

"The new regulation sets strong mandatory due diligence rules for companies that want to place relevant products on the EU market or export them," said the statement on the EU website. 

In January this year, the EU Ambassador for Indonesia Vincent Piket said this EU Deforestation Regulation (EUDR) is not singling out any country, and there will be no discrimination, or banning against any products. 

This anti-deforestation law should be good news for Indonesia who prides itself as the Emerald of the Equator, thanks to its rich forests. But Minister for Foreign Affairs Retno Marsudi is "concerned" with the regulation. 

She expressed her concern during meetings with her EU counterparts.

"I raised up Indonesia's concern about the EU new policy, that is EU deforestation regulation," said Minister Retno last Wednesday after meeting the Luxembourger Foreign Minister Jean Asselborn. On the previous day, she shared the similar concern to her Slovenian counterpart Tanja Fajon.

The law is actually rather lax, since it will only affect the products that caused deforestation after December 2020. Ambassador Piket said he already talked with Indonesian farmers about this law, and that they were not worried. 

Local activists are often very loud in their demands to the government to prevent deforestation.

President Joko Widodo recently talked with the Malaysian government to fight against palm oil "discrimination". Greenpeace Indonesia said the EU Deforestation Regulation should not be perceived as a threat to Indonesia and Malaysia.

"The law should not be a threat if the governments of Indonesia and Malaysia commit to stop deforestation for palm oil. However the statement 'warring against palm oil discrimination' can indicate that both countries still intend to ignore the deforestation," said Kiki Taufik, the Global Head of Greenpeace Indonesia's Forest Campaign, in his statement.

Palm Oil Association Protests

Deforestasi Hutan Jambi
The deforestation in Jambi. The area was transformed to palm oil plantation. Photo: Plasmanto

The Indonesian Palm Oil Association (IPOA), locally known as GAPKI, said that they were coordinating with their Malaysian counterpart to conduct their joint-mission and deliver their objections to Brussels.

GAPKI also said that President Joko Widodo disagrees with the new law. 

"GAPKI just finished attending the meeting in Kuala Lumpur for a joint-mission plan to Brussels; Indonesia with Malaysia regarding the EUDR. GAPKI supports the government in a few meetings with the EU. President Jokowi also has sent his objection about this," said the head of GAPKI Eddy Martono to

Eddy emphasized that EUDR will impact the palm oil exports, and also other commodities. But he said that palm oil will be affected the most.

Minister Retno also confirmed there will be a joint mission which consists of Indonesians and Malaysians who will discuss this issue in Brussels at the end of May.


Benedikta Miranti T.V and Tira Santia contributed to this report.

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