, Jakarta - Mendaki gunung adalah aktivitas yang menyenangkan sekaligus menantang. Selain menikmati keindahan alam, kita juga bisa mengabadikan momen seru di gunung melalui foto-foto keren. Nah, agar unggahan foto gunung kamu di Instagram makin menarik, yuk simak kumpulan caption gunung lucu dalam bahasa Inggris berikut ini:
Caption Gunung Lucu Singkat
1. Mountain hair, don't care!
2. Hiking hair is my new favorite hairstyle.
3. The view up here is breathtaking... or maybe that's just the altitude.
4. I'm on top of the world! Well, this mountain at least.
5. Reached the peak, now where's my prize?
Caption Gunung Lucu Panjang
6. They said it would be fun, they said it would be easy. They lied.
7. I climbed a mountain today. Which is strange because all I wanted to do was sleep.
8. Dear legs, I'm sorry for what I put you through today. Love, me.
9. I thought I wanted a career, turns out I just wanted paychecks to buy hiking gear.
10. Hiking: Because therapy is expensive and being in nature is priceless.
Caption Gunung Lucu untuk Selfie
11. This is my "I survived the hike" face.
12. Selfie game: strong. Leg game after hiking: weak.
13. I'm not lost, I'm on an adventure!
14. My face says "I'm having fun" but my legs are screaming.
15. Smile and say "cheese"... because that's all the energy I have left after this climb.
Caption Gunung Lucu untuk Pemandangan
16. Nature is my therapist, and these mountains are my couch.
17. The mountains are calling and I must go... take a nap.
18. I came, I saw, I conquered... and then I sat down because my legs were tired.
19. This view is brought to you by sore legs, sweat, and determination.
20. Mother Nature's selfie game is on point today!
Itulah 20 caption gunung lucu dalam bahasa Inggris yang bisa kamu gunakan untuk mempercantik feed Instagram. Dengan caption yang menarik dan menghibur, unggahan foto gunung kamu pasti akan mendapat banyak likes dan komentar positif. Selamat mencoba dan jangan lupa untuk selalu menjaga keselamatan saat mendaki gunung ya!