, Jakarta - Jakartan Police are investigating a child with the initials MA (6) who disappeared in Central Jakarta. The little girl was gone with a mysterious person who liked to give toys.
The Chief of Metropolitan Resort Police of Central Jakarta Komarudin explained that the police have investigated several witnesses including a bajaj (three wheeler vehicle) driver who drove the alleged kidnapper and the victim to the Kota Station area, West Jakarta.
Baca Juga
The bajaj driver said that he did not realize it was kidnapping. He simply thought it was just a kid who went together with her parent.
After the police received the information, it was then revealed that the alleged kidnapper is a scavenger, Komarudin said at the Metropolitan Regional Police on Monday (12/19/2022).
Komarudin also said that the police looked into the CCTV footage that went viral on social media.
This incident occurred near the railroad in the Gunung Sahari 7A area, Central Jakarta on Wednesday (7/12) at around 10 AM. The case was reported to the Metropolitan Resort Police of Central Jakarta two days later. Regarding this matter, all witnesses were questioned by the police.
The police collected the information that the kidnapper has been seen often for a couple of months at a coffee shop owned by the victim's parents. Komarudin also revealed a clue that the alleged perpetrator often had coffee there during the past month.
The CCTV Footage Went Viral
According to the victim's parents, the kidnapper was known as a person who often gave something to the kids, such as toys, snacks, and others.
"And it can be said that he is quite familiar with the kids around there," said Komarudin.
The 3 minutes long video of the CCTV footage was uploaded on Instagram which then went viral. The little girl was seen together with the alleged perpetrator. They nonchalantly walked toward the bajaj parked on the side of a narrow road.
The man was wearing long-sleeved black shirt. He opened the bajaj's door, and the girl also helped to open it. Moments later, he let the girl to enter the bajaj first.
Based on the viral video, the victim did not look like she was forced to enter the bajaj. According from the different post of the same source, the victim wore a blue shirt and trousers when the incident occured.
Writer: Adelina Wahyu Martanti.
Ady Anugrahadi contributed to this report.