Terinspirasi Uma Thurman, Fall Out Boy Rilis Lagu Baru

Fall Out Boy merilis lagu baru berjudul `Uma Thurman`.

oleh Rizkiono Unggul Wibisono Diperbarui 13 Jan 2015, 12:40 WIB
Diterbitkan 13 Jan 2015, 12:40 WIB
fall out boy
Fall Out Boy... Selengkapnya

Liputan6.com, Los Angeles Fall Out Boy tak berhenti meramaikan kancah musik dunia. Setelah menjadi gladiator dalam video untuk single mereka Century, kini band rock tersebut hadir lagi dalam sebuah lagu berjudul Uma Thurman. Single ini terinspirasi dari Uma Thurman dan film Kill Bill nya.

"She wants to dance like Uma Thurman/ Bury me 'till I confess/ She wants to dance like Uma Thurman/ And I can't get you out of my head," penggalan lirik lagu `Uma Thurman` tersebut.

Lagu `Uma Thurman` adalah salah satu lagu andalan Fall Out Boy dalam album teranyar mereka American Beauty/American Psycho yang akan rilis 20 Januari 2015 mendatang.

Seperti dilansir Aceshowbiz, Selasa (13/1/2015), lagu sebelumnya, Century yang juga merupakan single perdana dari album baru mereka mendapat respon yang cukup baik dari publik. Bahkan menduduki no.13 di tangga lagu Billboard 100 saat ini.

Band yang dimotori Pete Wentz, dan Patrick Stump ini merilis album Save Rock And Roll pada 2013 lalu. Fall Out Boy melejit namanya pada 2006 silam. Mereka sukses berat dengan album From Under The Cork Tree. Fall Out Boy juga pernah dinominasikan di Grammy Award untuk kategori pendatang baru terbaik.

Seperti apakah lagu Uma Thurman milik Fall Out Boy? Mari kita simak video (audio) dan lirik di halaman selanjutnya.

Promosi 1

Video & Lirik Lagu 'Uma Thurman' Fall Out Boy

I can move mountains
I can work a miracle, work a miracle
Oh, oh, keep you like an oath
May nothing but death do us part

She wants to dance like Uma Thurman
Bury me till I confess
She wants to dance like Uma Thurman
And I can’t get you out of my head

The stench, the stench, of summer sex
And CK eternity, oh hell yes
Divide me down to the smallest I can be
Put your, put you v-v-v-venom in me

I can move mountains
I can work a miracle, work a miracle
Oh, oh, keep you like an oath
May nothing but death do us part

She wants to dance like Uma Thurman
Bury me till I confess
She wants to dance like Uma Thurman
And I can’t get you out of my head

The blood, the blood, the blood of the lamb
It’s worth two lions, but here I am
And I slept in last night’s clothes and tomorrow’s dreams
But they’re not quite what they seem

You’ll find your way
And may death find you alive
Take me down the line
In Gem City we claim the tide
You’ll find your way
And may death find you alive
Take me down the line
In Gem City we claim the tide

She wants to dance like Uma Thurman
Bury me till I confess
She wants to dance like Uma Thurman
And I can’t get you out of my head

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