Lirik Lagu Thats What I Want dari Lil Nas X, Singel Terbaru dari Album Montero

Lil Nas X meluncurkan singel baru berjudul Thats What I Want, berikut lirik lagunya

oleh Panditio Rayendra Diperbarui 21 Sep 2021, 17:40 WIB
Diterbitkan 21 Sep 2021, 17:40 WIB
Lil Nas X
Tak pernah berhenti tampil luar biasa, gaya Lil Nas X kali ini semakin unik dengan pakaian emas tiga dimensi dari Versace. (Foto: instagram/ Versace).... Selengkapnya, Jakarta - Musisi Lil Nas X meluncurkan lagu baru berjudul "Thats What I Want". Lagu ini merupakan singel keempat dari album Montero.

Sebelumnya, pemilik nama asli Montero Lamar Hill telah merilis single berjudul "Montero", "Sun Goes Down" dan "Industry Baby". Album Montero telah diluncurkan pada 17 September 2021.

Penyanyi kelahiran Lithia Springs, Georgia, Amerika Serikat membawakan lagu ini dengan asik. Berikut lirik lagu "Thats What I Want" dari Lil Nas X.


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Promosi 1

Lirik Lagu Baru Lil Nas X berjudul Thats What I Want

Penampilan Spektakuler Rapper Lil Nas X Pakai Tiga Lapis Baju di Met Gala 2021
Penampilan Lil Nas X menghadiri The 2021 Met Gala Celebrating In America: A Lexicon Of Fashion di Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York City, Senin (13/9/2021). Lil Nas X yang hadir di Met Gala 2021 dengan penuh totalitas tampil menggunakan 3 busana sekaligus. (Dimitrios Kambouris/Getty Images/AFP)... Selengkapnya

Need a boy who can cuddle with me all night

Keep me warm, love me long, be my sunlight

Tell me lies, we can argue, we can fight

Yeah, we did it before but we'll do it tonight

That afro' black boy with the gold teeth

He dark skin looking at me like he know me

I wonder if he got the G or the B

Let me find out and see, he coming over to me, yeah


These days I'm way too lonely

I'm missing out, I know

These days I'm way too alone

And I'm known for giving love away but


I want

Someone to love me

I need

Someone who needs me

'Cause it don't feel right when it's late at night

And it's just me and my dreams

So I want

Someone to love

That's what I fucking want


Look! You know it's harder to find in these times

But I got nothin' but love on my mind

I need a baby while I'm in my prime

Need an adversary to my down and weary

Like tell me there's life when I'm stressing at night

Be like you'll be okay and everything is alright, uh

Love me or nothin 'cause I'm not wanting anything

But your loving, your body, and a little bit of ya brain


These days I'm way too lonely

I'm missing out, I know

These days I'm way too alone

And I'm known for giving love away but


I want

Someone to love me

I need

Someone who needs me

'Cause it don't feel right when it's late at night

And it's just me and my dreams

So I want

Someone to love

That's what I fucking want

I want

Someone to love me

I need

Someone who needs me

'Cause it don't feel right when it's late at night

And it's just me and my dreams

So I want

Someone to love

That's what I fucking want

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