Tuai Kontroversi, Seniman Ini Gunakan Darah Haid untuk Melukis

Jika biasanya seniman lain melukis menggunakan cat minyak, Jasmie justru memiliki darah haid.

oleh Camelia diperbarui 06 Okt 2020, 13:00 WIB
Diterbitkan 06 Okt 2020, 13:00 WIB
melukis dengan darah haid
foto: @jasminealiciacarter... Selengkapnya

Liputan6.com, Jakarta - Setiap wanita rutin mengalami menstruasi setiap bulannya. Hal ini juga sebagai pertanda bahwa mereka masih aktif dan mampu untuk bereproduksi atau menghasilkan keturunan.

Darah kotor tersebut atau yang biasa disebut dengan darah haid umumnya akan membuat banyak individu jijik. Namun, berbeda dengan wanita bernama Jasmine Alicia Carter.

Bagaimana tidak, Jasmine justru menggunakan darah haid tersebut untuk membuat lukisan. Ya, jika biasanya seniman lain melukis menggunakan cat minyak, Jasmie justru memiliki darah haid.

Melansir dari Now This News, Selasa (6/10/2020), wanita 29 tahun tersebut melakukannya untuk menginspirasi para wanita untuk mencintai tubuh mereka dan tak perlu malu dengan siklus menstruasi yang dialami setiap bulannya.

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Memberi kesan yang lebih hidup

melukis dengan darah haid
foto: @jasminealiciacarter... Selengkapnya

“Darah itu organik dan seperti hal-hal organik lainnya, cat ini memberi kesan hidup yang tidak bisa diberikan oleh cat konvensional lainnya,” ujar Jasmie kepada Caters News.

Jasmine rupanya kerap mengunggah proses serta hasil lukisan uniknya tersebut melalui Instagram pribadinya @jasminealiciacarter. Berikut deretan potretnya:

1. Jasmine membuat pola terlebih dahulu sebelum mewarnainya dengan darah haid

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My latest Menstrual Art ♥️ . I've always been drawn towards the mysteries of black holes and I wanted to devote my last period to them as I went through a major process the previous month which really threw me the void countless times. . I can't but notice that black holes have all sorts of colourful wraps: as objects of mockery, as extremely pleasurable places to dwell in, or as fearful spaces where we can lose ourselves... regions of spacetime where gravity is so strong that nothing—no particles or even electromagnetic radiation such as light—can escape from it. And yet where we are subconsciously yearning to return to. . Black holes are the void, the great womb, the mystery manifested. . Around the black hole I placed the eight auspicious symbols, known as the Ashtamangala... the gifts of God to the Buddha when he achieved Nirvana. They are auspicious symbols as they signify deep spiritual growth for those who understand them deeply. . All this dance accompanied by the endless rhythm of the Moon phases, the mother that connects us with our spiritual essence. . May we all recognise our True Nature. . Prints of this piece are available in my Etsy shop! Link in bio 🙏🏽 . 🎶 Four Tet - My Angel Rocks back and forth

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2. Jasmine telah membuat banyak lukisan dengan menggunakan darah haid

3. Meski menuai kontroversi, Jasmine kerap melakukan hobinya tersebut

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I have one word for you when it comes to a woman’s monthly cycle… Magic. Periods are highly esoteric. Whatever you are doing in life, period is there to remind you to slow down and dive in the mysterious realms of our wombs. We may put a lot of resistance but she is there telling us to let go. . Today I got completely vacuumed in the sensations of my menstrual phase, and I still have to bleed… I spent the whole day resting. I haven’t slept this much in ages, my body was imploring me to rest, so I did. . I found myself grieving today for all the times I was working 9-10 hours at the restaurant or at the pub during my first days of bleeding. I would even have to excuse people for being pale and having my period because I would be distracted, get an order wrong, or I wasn’t smiling a lot. . I could literally feel my womb contracting at these thought emerging. And I feel such deep pain for all the women who don’t have the privilege of slowing down, because they have their children to maintain, because they have work to go to, because they simply can’t stop (or can they?) . So much compassion. Life is sometimes so hard. . Society has developed in such a way that women have no idea about their monthly cycles and about what their own cycle is telling them about themselves. We are raised in a society that values being able to maintain stasis. . Meaning it is considered good if we are not at the mercy of any fluctuation and can instead feel the same way every day and perform the same every day, especially if that performance is productive. . This is so sad. . When we bleed, we can consciously take that opportunity to focus on releasing and on letting go of anything we want to let go of. We can detox and cleanse on an emotional, physical and mental level. We can connect in the most beautiful spaces ever, the divine. . Period blood is imbued with all of your genetic information, which includes memory and strengths and knowledge. It also carries the entire ancestral lineage that created you. . Such an intense homecoming. Difficult to contain the tears when you find home in your womb again. . 🎶 Palden Ranjung ~ Choying Drolma

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