, Jakarta - Brand besar asal Prancis LVMH, LVMH mencapai kesepakatan untuk membeli saham perusahaan perhiasan asal Amerika Serikat, yaitu Tiffany & Co. Nilai pembelian tersebut senilai USD 16,2 miliar atau Rp 22 triliun (USD 1 = Rp 14.066).
Seperti dilansir dari CNN Business, Selasa (26/11/2019), LVMH akan membayar USD 135 atau Rp 1,9 juta per saham.
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Pembahasan kesepakatan tersebut sudah berlangsung selama berminggu-minggu. Pembelian saham Tiffany & Co dinilai tepat, karena dinilai merupakan merk global yang kuat.
Perhiasan termasuk, salah satu area produk yang memberikan kinerja terkuat pada industri barang mewah pada 2018, menurut konsultan Bain & Co.
Penjualan barang mewah ini di pasar global diprediksi mencapai USD 20 miliar setara Rp 280 triliun, atau tumbuh 7 persen pada tahun ini.
Tiffany, didirikan di New York pada tahun 1837. Perusahaan telah berjuang dengan pertumbuhan selama beberapa tahun terakhir. Penjualan dan laba perusahaan tercatat turun sejak 2015. Penjualan perhiasan menurun di AS dan Asia salah satunnya dipicu perang perdagangan AS-Cina.
LMVH, yang berbasis di Paris tercatat mampu meraup pendapatan tahunan sekitar USD 50 miliar dari merek-merek termasuk Louis Vuitton dan Dom Perignon.
Pembelian saham Tiffany akan memberikan eksposur LVMH ke kategori perhiasan dan bisnis pernikahan sehingga bisa mendorong lebih banyak pelanggan mewah dari AS.
Perusahaan Warren Buffett Timbun Uang Rp 1.788 Triliun
[Warren Buffett] 's Berkshire Hathaway Company (3968900 "") is caught hoarding up to a thousand trillion more. Analysts were confused as to why that kind of money was being held rather than used.
CNBC reported , the total money owned by Berkshire Hathaway currently reaches USD 128 billion or Rp 1,788 trillion (USD 1 = Rp 13,965). This heap of money is the latest record from Berkshire Hathaway.
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Analysts questioned why the company owned by [Warren Buffett] (3979910 "") did not boost spending given that there was so much funds, especially to buyback shares from investors so investors could profit.
In the previous quarter, Berkshire Hathaway said it bought a stock of as much as USD 700 million. That figure is considered by Morgan Stanley analysts to be insufficient.
Morgan Stanley said investors could be disappointed because of the lack of stock buyback in the last quarter, UBS analysts were also surprised because Berkshire was not aggressive in making a buyback.
Barclays analysts also say that the money deposited by Berskhire can [Warren Buffett] (3967915 "") use it for positive things for the company.
"Berkshire now has more than $ 100 billion in cash that can be immediately used for acquisitions that trigger growth to strengthen organic growth, as well as investment, and stock buybacks ," said Barclays analyst Jay Gelb.