Alice Cooper Puji Album Baru Mumford and Sons

Mumford & Sons belum lama ini meluncurkan album terbaru mereka yang bertajuk `Wilder Mind`.

oleh Rizkiono Unggul Wibisono Diperbarui 23 Jul 2015, 10:00 WIB
Diterbitkan 23 Jul 2015, 10:00 WIB
Mumford & Sons
Mumford & Sons ( Selengkapnya, London Mumford & Sons belum lama ini meluncurkan album terbaru mereka yang bertajuk Wilder Mind. Dalam karya baru tersebut mereka benar-benar membanting haluan bermusiknya dari folk dengan dominasi banjonya menjadi sebuah band yang lebih elektrik dan ngerock. Legenda rock Alice Cooper pun menyukai `Wilder Mind` dan memujinya.

Alice Cooper (Metrotimes)

"Kau sudah mendengar album terbaru mereka? Keren. Mereka telah membuktikan kalau saya salah," ujar Alice Cooper seperti dilansir NME, Rabu (22/7/2015).

`Wilder Mind` merupakan album ketiga Mumford & Sons. Selain single Believe, single-single lainnya seperti The Wolf dan Tompkins Square Park juga menjadi ajang pembuktian transformasi mereka.

Mumford & Sons

Memang, `Wilder Mind` menuai pujian dari banyak kritikus musik dunia. Dan tak hanya Alice Cooper musisi tenar yang menyukainya, Mark Hoppus dari Blink 182 juga sempat berkomentar komentar serupa belum lama ini.

"Album baru Mumford & Sons sangat bagus. Isinya benar-benar menghancurkan hati dan membuatku cemburu setengah mati," kata Mark.

Mumford & Sons berdiri sejak 2007 di London, Inggris. Nama mereka benar-benar melejit pada 2013 dengan album kedua mereka Babel yang memenangkan Grammy untuk Album of The Year.(Gul/Mer)

Tompkins Square Park - Mumford & Sons


[Verse 1:]
Oh babe, meet me in Tompkins Square Park
I wanna hold you in the dark
One last time
Just one last time

And oh babe, can you tell what's on my tongue?
Can you guess that I'll be gone?
With the twilight
With the twilight

[Hook 1:]
But no flame burns forever, oh no
You and I both know this all too well
And most don't even last the night
No they don't, they say they don't

[Verse 2:]
Oh babe, I've never been so lost
I wanna hear you lie
One last time
Just one last time

But oh babe, I really wish you would not cry
I only ever told you one lie
When it could have been a thousand
It might as well have been a thousand

[Hook 1]

[Hook 2:]
And we can talk it round again girl
Round and round, round and round again
Or we could leave it out to die
Leave it out just leave it out

I never tried to trick you babe
I just tried to work it out
But I was swallowed up by doubt
If only things were black and white
Cause I just want to hold you tight
Without holding back my mind
Without holding back my mind

[Hook 3:]
But no flame burns forever, oh no
You and I both know this all too well
And most don't even last the night

Promosi 1

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