Selebgram Ini Kelilingi 50 Negara Hanya dalam 2 Tahun

Instagram banyak dipakai orang untuk mengunggah foto liburan, tetapi apa jadinya jika mengunggah foto di 50 negara ke IG hanya 2 tahun saja?

oleh Agustin Setyo Wardani diperbarui 26 Jul 2016, 06:35 WIB
Diterbitkan 26 Jul 2016, 06:35 WIB
Inilah sosok Instagrammer bernama Taylor Anthony Gleason saat berkunjung ke Bali (Sumber: Instagram)., California - Instagram dikenal menjadi salah satu platform berbagi foto-foto indah dari berbagai tempat wisata di dunia.

Tak sedikit pengguna mengunggah foto dari lokasi yang dikunjunginya di berbagai belahan dunia. 

Nah, salah seorang selebgram atau bintang Instagram bernama W Taylor Anthony Gleason, merupakan salah satunya. Selebgram dengan follower sebanyak 64.800an ini acapkali mengunggah foto-foto liburannya.


It takes 2 to see most of India in 5 days 🤗👳🏽👌🏼☀️👲🏼🌏🇮🇳 #BackToBack #India #TombRaiders #AsianGlow #ThePosesSheMakesMeDo

A photo posted by W. Taylor Anthony Gleason 👌🏼 (@wtayloranthony) on

Hebatnya, pria yang diketahui berusia 21 tahun ini melakukan perjalanan ke-50 negara hanya dalam waktu 2 tahun saja. Siapa sangka, pemuda asal California, Amerika Serikat, ini dulunya hanya pernah bepergian ke Meksiko bersama keluarga.

Awal mula dirinya memulai perjalanan keliling dunia adalah ketika berkaryawisata ke Italia. Semenjak itu, ia mulai suka keliling dunia. Tercatat, ia telah mengunjungi 65 negara di dunia dalam kurun waktu 5 tahun.


Trekking out here in the Arabian desert 👐🏼🇦🇪👳🏾🌍🤗💪🏼 #Dubai #ArabianDesert #HotOutHere #Sand #Everywhere

A photo posted by W. Taylor Anthony Gleason 👌🏼 (@wtayloranthony) on

Lulus Kuliah Cepat

Gleason yang lulus cepat dari University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) ini berkomitmen untuk mengelilingi 50 negara dengan waktu 2 tahun. Tak hanya sekadar berkeliling dunia, ia juga mengunggah foto tempat-tempat yang dikunjungi ke  Instagram sebagai dokumentasi perjalanannya.

"Saya adalah tipe orang yang ingin selalu melakukan sesuatu, aktif, dan mengeksplor banyak hal. Saya senang menuliskan cerita perjalanan dan pergi ke manapun hidup membawa saya," katanya kepada Business Insider seperti dikutip Tekno, Selasa (26/7/2016).


...And it was all yellow 🙏🏼😇🌍🇹🇷 #HagiaSophia #Istanbul #Turkey

A photo posted by W. Taylor Anthony Gleason 👌🏼 (@wtayloranthony) on

Lalu bagaimana Gleason mendapatkan ongkos untuk keliling dunia? Rupanya, selama berkuliah di UCLA ia juga bekerja keras untuk mendapatkan uang. Ia pun berteman dengan banyak orang di berbagai belahan dunia untuk memudahkan perjalanannya.

Sebelum melakukan perjalanan Gleason juga melakukan sejumlah penelitian mengenai negara yang akan dikunjunginya. Hal ini dirasa bisa membuat waktu dan biaya perjalanan bisa ditekan serendah mungkin.

Keliling Dunia

Adapun negara-negara yang pernah dikunjunginya di antaranya adalah Jerman, Australia, Rusia, Jepang, Indonesia, Israel, Selandia Baru, Siberia, Timur Tengah, Tiongkok, India, Mesir, Turki, Dubai, Maroko, Thailand hingga Korea Utara.


It's a bit crazy to think that just 2 days ago we were taking photos here in Paris, visiting friends and having a good time in the 10th and 11th arrondissements. It's also a bit crazy to think how the world can change so fast in less than 48 hours, and to find out that one of your friends in Paris is one of the confirmed dead of the 153 count so far. It's sad that it's come to this, but having been in Europe since August, friends in various countries ranging from Spain, Germany, Sweden, Italy, France and the U.K. have been expecting an attack, and have been on edge every day just waiting for it to happen... Just less than 2 weeks after ISIS bombed the Russian plane leaving Egypt, they struck again in Paris -- and it's not ISIS who should be held accountable, it's everyone on this Earth who have been doing nothing to prevent these attacks from taking place, and laughing off the "refugee crisis," tensions and threats in the Middle East... But it's not funny anymore, is it? Especially knowing that instead of celebrating Thanksgiving in 2 weeks, your friends family has to pay to ship their son in a casket back home to California and plan his funeral. Unfortunately, many of the people who committed the attacks last night were confirmed as refugees. And unfortunately, because of the European Union's negligence, many of the people who are coming in posing as "refugees" are not refugees (or even from Syria for that matter), but rather terrorists and scoundrels who seek not to "immigrate" but to inflict harm on a population. No one wants to do anything until it happens to you, a family member or even a childhood friend... Then what do you do when it does happen, and you see it happening consistently? Everyone needs to be accountable for this -- as this is the byproduct of everyone's decisions -- and to use these incidents and deaths as a measure to insure safe immigration for the future and to be more cautious of who you let through your borders. And sadly for many of us, we realize that these attacks are not the end, but just the beginning of what is to come around the world. 😔🙏🏼🇫🇷🌐✝🗼💧🖕🏼#StandWithParis #Paris #France #JeSuisCharlie #FridayThe13th #ISISWillPay

A photo posted by W. Taylor Anthony Gleason 👌🏼 (@wtayloranthony) on


Despite being warned by the local Norwegians not to go hike Trolltunga in "winter like conditions" with the sun setting at 4:30 PM and having a tourist slip and fall to her death last month, we decided to do it anyway (considering we flew all the way to West Norway and drove 4 hours just to get to the mountain)... We definitely weren't prepared to hike nearly 10 hours and 20 miles in snow, ice and mud at freezing temperatures in our California clothes (@richhhhv thought she could hike Trolltunga in ankle socks, sweatpants and running shoes in snowing conditions 😂), but managed to brave it, even though Richiny gave up on me less than halfway and left me to do the rest on my own 😒. Luckily I made friends with some good New Zealanders (who were more prepared than I was) and hiked back to our cars in pitch black darkness for 2 hours, and ending up falling down the last kilometer and dislocating my knee down the trail... Despite all of this, we were glad to have hiked Trolltunga as it was not only a challenging hike but a great learning experience. But, if you're planning on hiking Trolltunga in the future make sure to listen to the Norwegians, come fully prepared, and don't do the hike during winter 😉❄️🇳🇴👐🏼👹🌍🌨🌬💦🏃🏼👟🏔⚠️ #Trolltunga #Norway #Fjords #HardestHikeSoFar #RichinyLeftMeToDieAgain

A photo posted by W. Taylor Anthony Gleason 👌🏼 (@wtayloranthony) on


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