Result of the Verification for the Clubs in the 2015 Indonesian Super League (ISL)

Dear Honourable Minister,

We refer to your correspondence dated 2 April 2015 concerning the above matter. In particular, your correspondence informed us that the Badan Olahraga Profesional Indonesia (BOPI) – an agency of the Indonesian Ministry of Youth and Sport – seeks to prevent Persebaya and Arema Malang from participating in the 2015 ISL.

As we understand, the reason for preventing the clubs’ participation is that BOPI seeks to impose criteria additional to those imposed by PSSI that need to be met in order to participate in the ISL.

In relation to the clubs’ participation in the 2015 ISL season, we inform you that all FIFA Member Associations must manage their affairs independently and without influence of any third parties as clearly stipulated in art. 13 and 17 of the FIFA Statutes.

Furthermore, and in relation to criteria (as well as any other conditions that could affect ISL clubs from participating in the ISL), we inform you that only FIFA Member Associations (or affiliated leagues) can be the licensor and body responsible for governing and imposing the criteria of which clubs must meet in order to participate (c.f. art. 2 and 3 of the FIFA Club Licensing Regulations).

By preventing the clubs’ from participating in the 2015 ISL by imposing criteria additional to those imposed by PSSI, in our view, this would place the Indonesian Football Association (PSSI) in breach of art. 13 and 17 of the FIFA Statutes and the relevant provisions of the FIFA Club Licensing Regulations.

Accordingly, we respectfully request that your office and/or BOPI refrain from interfering with PSSI affairs and allow PSSI to comply with its obligations as a member of FIFA. Failure to do so will leave with no other option but to refer this matter to the appropriate FIFA body to consider possible sanctions on PSSI.

Yours sincerely,
Jérôme Valcke
Secretary General

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