1300+ Nama Sorotan IG Aesthetic Keren dan Unik

Cari inspirasi nama sorotan IG aesthetic? Simak 1300+ ide nama sorotan Instagram keren dan unik untuk berbagai konten dari A-Z dalam artikel lengkap ini.

oleh Liputan6 Diperbarui 29 Okt 2024, 17:45 WIB
Diterbitkan 29 Okt 2024, 17:45 WIB
nama sorotan ig aesthetic
nama sorotan ig aesthetic ©Ilustrasi dibuat Stable Diffusion... Selengkapnya
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Pengertian Sorotan Instagram

Liputan6.com, Jakarta Sorotan Instagram atau Instagram Highlights adalah fitur yang memungkinkan pengguna untuk menyimpan dan menampilkan koleksi Stories pilihan di profil mereka secara permanen. Fitur ini diluncurkan pada akhir tahun 2017 dan menjadi cara yang populer bagi pengguna untuk mengorganisir dan menyoroti konten penting di akun mereka.

Berbeda dengan Stories biasa yang hanya bertahan 24 jam, konten yang disimpan dalam Sorotan akan tetap dapat dilihat selama pengguna menginginkannya. Hal ini membuat Sorotan menjadi alat yang sangat berguna untuk personal branding maupun promosi bisnis di Instagram.

Promosi 1

Manfaat Menggunakan Sorotan Instagram

Beberapa manfaat utama menggunakan fitur Sorotan Instagram antara lain:

  • Mengorganisir konten penting agar mudah ditemukan
  • Menyoroti informasi utama tentang diri/bisnis
  • Menampilkan portofolio karya
  • Mempromosikan produk/layanan
  • Meningkatkan engagement dengan followers
  • Membangun personal branding yang kuat
  • Memberikan first impression yang baik pada pengunjung profil

Dengan memaksimalkan penggunaan Sorotan, pengguna dapat membuat profil Instagram mereka lebih informatif, menarik, dan profesional.

Cara Membuat Sorotan Instagram

Berikut langkah-langkah mudah untuk membuat Sorotan di Instagram:

  1. Buka profil Instagram Anda
  2. Ketuk tombol "+" di bawah bio
  3. Pilih Stories yang ingin disimpan ke Sorotan
  4. Ketuk "Selanjutnya"
  5. Pilih cover dan beri nama Sorotan
  6. Ketuk "Tambahkan" atau "Selesai"

Anda juga bisa menambahkan Stories langsung ke Sorotan saat membuat Story baru dengan mengaktifkan opsi "Tambahkan ke Sorotan" sebelum memposting.

1300+ Ide Nama Sorotan IG Aesthetic

Berikut ini adalah daftar lengkap 1300+ ide nama sorotan Instagram yang aesthetic dan keren untuk berbagai jenis konten:


  1. Adventure Time
  2. Aesthetic Vibes
  3. Art Gallery
  4. About Me
  5. Awesome Moments
  6. Artsy Fartsy
  7. All Things Beauty
  8. Aspirations
  9. Achievements
  10. Adorable Pets
  11. Autumn Feels
  12. Anime Love
  13. Adrenaline Rush
  14. Artistic Soul
  15. Affirmations
  16. Awesome Eats
  17. Adulting 101
  18. Astrology Vibes
  19. Architectural Wonders
  20. Athleisure Style


  1. Behind the Scenes
  2. Bookworm
  3. Beauty Hacks
  4. Bucket List
  5. Beach Vibes
  6. Baking Adventures
  7. Best Friends
  8. Birthday Celebrations
  9. Business Tips
  10. Bright Ideas
  11. Blessed Life
  12. Bohemian Style
  13. Brunch Goals
  14. Breathtaking Views
  15. Blooming Flowers
  16. Binge-Worthy Shows
  17. Brilliant Moments
  18. Blissful Memories
  19. Bold Fashion
  20. Backstage Pass


  1. Coffee Addict
  2. Creative Corner
  3. Cute Outfits
  4. Cooking Adventures
  5. Cozy Moments
  6. City Explorations
  7. Candid Shots
  8. Childhood Memories
  9. Couple Goals
  10. Crafty Projects
  11. Celestial Wonders
  12. Chic Style
  13. Culinary Delights
  14. Chill Vibes
  15. Colorful Life
  16. Crazy Adventures
  17. Confidence Boost
  18. Coastal Living
  19. Cultural Experiences
  20. Cuddly Pets


  1. Daily Outfits
  2. Dream Big
  3. Delicious Eats
  4. DIY Projects
  5. Dance Moves
  6. Digital Art
  7. Dreamy Places
  8. Date Night Ideas
  9. Doodle Art
  10. Dessert Heaven
  11. Day in the Life
  12. Daring Adventures
  13. Decor Inspiration
  14. Dazzling Moments
  15. Doggo Love
  16. Dreamy Sunsets
  17. Diva Moments
  18. Destination Unknown
  19. Denim Days
  20. Dramatic Skies


  1. Everyday Moments
  2. Exploring Nature
  3. Ethereal Beauty
  4. Empowering Quotes
  5. Epic Adventures
  6. Elegant Style
  7. Eco-Friendly Living
  8. Exciting Travels
  9. Enchanted Forest
  10. Effortless Chic
  11. Energizing Workouts
  12. Exotic Destinations
  13. Emotional Growth
  14. Edgy Fashion
  15. Ethereal Moments
  16. Entrepreneurial Journey
  17. Exquisite Tastes
  18. Endless Summer
  19. Empowered Women
  20. Eclectic Vibes


  1. Foodie Adventures
  2. Fashion Finds
  3. Family Time
  4. Fitness Journey
  5. Fun Times
  6. Floral Fantasy
  7. Furbaby Love
  8. Favorite Moments
  9. Festive Celebrations
  10. Friendship Goals
  11. Fabulous Finds
  12. Fearless Living
  13. Fangirl Moments
  14. Fairytale Vibes
  15. Funky Style
  16. Fresh Start
  17. Furry Friends
  18. Fancy Drinks
  19. Fierce Looks
  20. Future Plans


  1. Good Vibes Only
  2. Getaway Adventures
  3. Glam Looks
  4. Green Living
  5. Grateful Heart
  6. Gourmet Eats
  7. Girl Boss
  8. Glow Up
  9. Game Night
  10. Golden Hour
  11. Gym Life
  12. Girly Things
  13. Groovy Tunes
  14. Gorgeous Views
  15. Geek Culture
  16. Glamping Adventures
  17. Giggles and Laughs
  18. Gardening Love
  19. Globetrotter
  20. Grunge Aesthetic


  1. Happy Moments
  2. Healthy Living
  3. Home Sweet Home
  4. Hair Goals
  5. Hustle Hard
  6. Hiking Adventures
  7. Handmade Creations
  8. Holiday Vibes
  9. Hygge Life
  10. Hidden Gems
  11. Haute Couture
  12. Heartfelt Moments
  13. Heavenly Views
  14. Hipster Style
  15. Homemade Treats
  16. Hype Moments
  17. Harmonious Living
  18. Hilarious Moments
  19. Humble Beginnings
  20. Haute Cuisine


  1. Inspiration
  2. Island Life
  3. Iconic Moments
  4. Interior Design
  5. In My Element
  6. Insta-Worthy
  7. Intimate Moments
  8. Innovative Ideas
  9. Irresistible Eats
  10. Indie Vibes
  11. Incredible Views
  12. Inspiring Quotes
  13. Impromptu Adventures
  14. Iconic Landmarks
  15. Indulgent Treats
  16. Illuminating Moments
  17. Intriguing Art
  18. Invigorating Workouts
  19. Idyllic Scenes
  20. Intellectual Pursuits


  1. Journey
  2. Just Breathe
  3. Joyful Moments
  4. Jewelry Love
  5. Jet-Setting
  6. Juicy Gossip
  7. Jungle Vibes
  8. Just Dance
  9. Jazzy Tunes
  10. Junk Food Heaven
  11. Jumping for Joy
  12. Journaling
  13. Jaw-Dropping Views
  14. Jolly Times
  15. Juicy Details
  16. Just Married
  17. Jeans and Tees
  18. Joyrides
  19. Juggling Life
  20. Just Be You


  1. Kindness Matters
  2. Kitchen Adventures
  3. K-Pop Love
  4. Keeping It Real
  5. Knitting Projects
  6. Keto Life
  7. Kickass Moments
  8. Kawaii Vibes
  9. Killer Looks
  10. Karaoke Nights
  11. Kitschy Finds
  12. Kinfolk Aesthetic
  13. Kayaking Adventures
  14. Kaleidoscope Dreams
  15. Kiddie Corner
  16. Kicking Goals
  17. Keeping Fit
  18. Kissable Moments
  19. Karma Vibes
  20. Knockout Style


  1. Love Life
  2. Lifestyle
  3. Laughter
  4. Little Things
  5. Luxury Living
  6. Lazy Days
  7. Life Hacks
  8. Lovely Views
  9. Literary Quotes
  10. Lush Nature
  11. Late Night Thoughts
  12. Lip Service
  13. Lively Moments
  14. Lavish Events
  15. Luminous Beauty
  16. Laid-Back Style
  17. Lessons Learned
  18. Luxe Travel
  19. Lovable Pets
  20. Luscious Locks


  1. Memories
  2. Motivation
  3. Magical Moments
  4. Mindfulness
  5. Music Love
  6. Makeup Looks
  7. Minimalist Living
  8. Mouthwatering Eats
  9. Movie Night
  10. Morning Routine
  11. Marvelous Adventures
  12. Meme Time
  13. Monochrome Magic
  14. Motherhood Journey
  15. Majestic Views
  16. Moodboard
  17. Mindset Shift
  18. Mermaid Vibes
  19. Milestone Moments
  20. Mystic Beauty


  1. Nature Love
  2. New Beginnings
  3. Night Out
  4. Neon Dreams
  5. Nostalgia
  6. Nourishing Eats
  7. Nail Art
  8. Nerdy Moments
  9. Namaste
  10. Nap Time
  11. Nautical Vibes
  12. Never Give Up
  13. Nifty Finds
  14. Nordic Style
  15. Nightlife
  16. Natural Beauty
  17. Noteworthy Moments
  18. Nurturing Self
  19. Naughty or Nice
  20. New Horizons


  1. Outfit of the Day
  2. Ocean Vibes
  3. Outdoor Adventures
  4. Oh Happy Day
  5. Organizing Tips
  6. On the Go
  7. Obsessions
  8. Oasis of Calm
  9. Ombre Everything
  10. Optimistic Outlook
  11. Organic Living
  12. Out and About
  13. Opulent Style
  14. Off the Beaten Path
  15. Oooh La La
  16. Oddly Satisfying
  17. On Cloud Nine
  18. Overcoming Challenges
  19. Otherworldly Beauty
  20. Onward and Upward


  1. Pet Love
  2. Photography
  3. Party Time
  4. Positive Vibes
  5. Plant Parent
  6. Productivity Hacks
  7. Pastel Dreams
  8. Pampering Sessions
  9. Picturesque Views
  10. Precious Moments
  11. Passion Projects
  12. Peaceful Places
  13. Playful Moments
  14. Powerful Women
  15. Poetic Thoughts
  16. Posh Living
  17. Puppy Love
  18. Priceless Memories
  19. Punk Rock Vibes
  20. Pure Bliss


  1. Quote of the Day
  2. Quality Time
  3. Quirky Finds
  4. Quiet Moments
  5. Queen Vibes
  6. Quaint Places
  7. Quick Bites
  8. Quintessential Style
  9. Quarantine Life
  10. Quests and Adventures
  11. Quilling Art
  12. Quokka Cuteness
  13. Quaint Cafes
  14. Quilting Projects
  15. Quirky Art
  16. Quantum Leaps
  17. Quenching Thirst
  18. Queenly Fashion
  19. Quaint Towns
  20. Quintessential Moments


  1. Random Thoughts
  2. Road Trips
  3. Retro Vibes
  4. Reading Nook
  5. Relationship Goals
  6. Rustic Charm
  7. Rainy Days
  8. Radiant Beauty
  9. Retail Therapy
  10. Romantic Getaways
  11. Refreshing Moments
  12. Rocking Out
  13. Runway Looks
  14. Reflective Moments
  15. Rooftop Views
  16. Rejuvenating Spa Days
  17. Rad Adventures
  18. Regal Style
  19. Rustic Weddings
  20. Radiant Smiles


  1. Self-Care
  2. Sunset Vibes
  3. Street Style
  4. Skincare Routine
  5. Sweet Treats
  6. Spiritual Journey
  7. Sassy Moments
  8. Scenic Routes
  9. Stylish Outfits
  10. Serenity Now
  11. Soulful Music
  12. Starry Nights
  13. Sustainable Living
  14. Smiley Faces
  15. Sporty Spice
  16. Sunkissed
  17. Savory Delights
  18. Sleek Design
  19. Spontaneous Adventures
  20. Sentimental Moments


  1. Travel Diaries
  2. Throwback Thursday
  3. Tasty Treats
  4. Tech Talk
  5. Tiny Moments
  6. Trendy Looks
  7. Tranquil Spaces
  8. Taco Tuesday
  9. Transformation
  10. Tropical Vibes
  11. Thrifty Finds
  12. Timeless Beauty
  13. Twinning Moments
  14. Thoughtful Gifts
  15. Thrilling Adventures
  16. Teatime
  17. Tidy Spaces
  18. Treasured Memories
  19. Trendsetter
  20. Twilight Magic


  1. Urban Exploration
  2. Unique Finds
  3. Unboxing
  4. Unforgettable Moments
  5. Uplifting Quotes
  6. Unwind and Relax
  7. Unexpected Joy
  8. Upcycling Projects
  9. Unfiltered Moments
  10. Urbex Adventures
  11. Unicorn Vibes
  12. Unconventional Beauty
  13. Unleashing Creativity
  14. Uncharted Territories
  15. Upbeat Tunes
  16. Undiscovered Gems
  17. Unstoppable Me
  18. Utopian Dreams
  19. Unspoken Words
  20. Urban Jungle


  1. Vacation Mode
  2. Vintage Vibes
  3. Vegan Eats
  4. Vibrant Colors
  5. Vlog Life
  6. Vanlife Adventures
  7. Victorious Moments
  8. Velvet Dreams
  9. Vivid Imagination
  10. Voguish Style
  11. Valuable Lessons
  12. Vinyasa Flow
  13. Visionary Ideas
  14. Vintage Finds
  15. Vivacious Living
  16. Vocal Journey
  17. Verdant Spaces
  18. Velvety Textures
  19. Vibrant Personality
  20. Victorious Achievements


  1. Wanderlust
  2. Workout Motivation
  3. Weekend Vibes
  4. Wellness Journey
  5. Whimsical Moments
  6. Wardrobe Essentials
  7. Wander Often
  8. Wise Words
  9. Watercolor Dreams
  10. Wild and Free
  11. Woke Moments
  12. Winter Wonderland
  13. Wandering Soul
  14. Wishful Thinking
  15. Witty Banter
  16. Wholesome Content
  17. Wandering Eyes
  18. Wistful Memories
  19. Wonderful World
  20. Whispered Secrets


  1. Xoxo
  2. X-treme Sports
  3. Xmas Cheer
  4. Xenial Vibes
  5. X Marks the Spot
  6. Xylophone Tunes
  7. X-Factor Moments
  8. Xanadu Dreams
  9. Xcellent Adventures
  10. Xplore Nature
  11. Xquisite Tastes
  12. Xtra Special
  13. X-citing Times
  14. Xclusive Content
  15. Xtraordinary Life
  16. Xperience It All
  17. Xceptional Style
  18. Xotic Places
  19. Xpress Yourself
  20. Xtravagant Living


  1. Yummy Eats
  2. Yoga Life
  3. YOLO Moments
  4. Yay Days
  5. Yesterday's Memories
  6. Young Wild Free
  7. Youthful Spirit
  8. Yearning for Adventure
  9. Yin and Yang
  10. Yummy Mummy
  11. Yearly Highlights
  12. Yuletide Cheer
  13. Yachtlife
  14. Yard Sale Finds
  15. Yassss Queen
  16. Yummy Desserts
  17. Yoga Retreat
  18. Youthful Glow
  19. Yearbook Moments
  20. Yonder Adventures


  1. Zen Moments
  2. Zesty Life
  3. Zodiac Vibes
  4. Zany Adventures
  5. Zzzz (Sleep)
  6. Zigzag Journey
  7. Zoom Calls
  8. Zestful Living
  9. Zebra Prints
  10. Zillion Stars
  11. Zealous Pursuits
  12. Zesty Flavors
  13. Zen Garden
  14. Zipline Thrills
  15. Zeitgeist
  16. Zumba Time
  17. Zen and Now
  18. Zesty Mornings
  19. Zigzag Patterns
  20. Zoomed In

Nama Sorotan IG Aesthetic untuk Makanan

  1. Culinary Adventures
  2. Foodie Finds
  3. Tasty Treats
  4. Flavor Explosion
  5. Gourmet Moments
  6. Delicious Bites
  7. Yum Yum
  8. Food Porn
  9. Epicurean Delights
  10. Nom Nom Nom
  11. Gastronomic Journey
  12. Comfort Food
  13. Sweet Tooth
  14. Savory Sensations
  15. Foodgasm
  16. Plate Perfection
  17. Edible Art
  18. Flavor Fiesta
  19. Mouthwatering Moments
  20. Culinary Creations

Nama Sorotan IG Aesthetic untuk Fashion

  1. Style Diary
  2. Fashion Forward
  3. Chic Looks
  4. Trendsetter
  5. Wardrobe Essentials
  6. Runway Inspired
  7. Street Style
  8. Fashion Faves
  9. Outfit Inspo
  10. Glam Squad
  11. Fashionista
  12. Style Evolution
  13. Closet Confidential
  14. Fashion Week
  15. Accessory Love
  16. Haute Couture
  17. Dress to Impress
  18. Style Icon
  19. Fashion Finds
  20. Chic Chick

Nama Sorotan IG Aesthetic untuk Traveling

  1. Wanderlust
  2. Adventure Awaits
  3. Globetrotter
  4. Explore More
  5. Travel Diaries
  6. Jet Set Go
  7. Wander Often
  8. Passport Stamps
  9. Nomad Life
  10. _
  11. Wanderlust Chronicles
  12. Bucket List Adventures
  13. Roaming Soul
  14. Destination Unknown
  15. Travel Bug
  16. Scenic Routes
  17. World Explorer
  18. Wander Lust
  19. Journey On
  20. Vagabond Life

Nama Sorotan IG Aesthetic untuk Fitness

  1. Fit Life
  2. Sweat Session
  3. Gym Time
  4. Workout Motivation
  5. Fitness Journey
  6. Healthy Habits
  7. Strong Body
  8. Active Lifestyle
  9. Fitness Goals
  10. Sweat It Out
  11. Muscle Hustle
  12. Wellness Warrior
  13. Fit Fam
  14. Health is Wealth
  15. Beast Mode
  16. Fitness Freak
  17. Gym Rat
  18. Flex Zone
  19. Workout Wins
  20. Fit and Fab

Nama Sorotan IG Aesthetic untuk Beauty

  1. Glow Up
  2. Beauty Secrets
  3. Makeup Magic
  4. Skincare Routine
  5. Glam Squad
  6. Beauty Junkie
  7. Flawless Face
  8. Lash Love
  9. Lipstick Lover
  10. Nail Art
  11. Hair Goals
  12. Beauty Hacks
  13. Spa Day
  14. Pamper Time
  15. Glowing Skin
  16. Makeup Looks
  17. Beauty Guru
  18. Cosmetic Queen
  19. Skincare Obsessed
  20. Glamour Girl

Nama Sorotan IG Aesthetic untuk Hobi

  1. Crafty Corner
  2. Bookworm
  3. Green Thumb
  4. Art Attack
  5. Music Lover
  6. DIY Projects
  7. Photography
  8. Baking Adventures
  9. Gaming Life
  10. Dance Moves
  11. Knit Wit
  12. Painting Paradise
  13. Collector's Corner
  14. Yoga Flow
  15. Film Buff
  16. Scrapbook Memories
  17. Culinary Creations
  18. Writing Journey
  19. Sports Fanatic
  20. Crafting Queen

Nama Sorotan IG Aesthetic untuk Bisnis

  1. Entrepreneur Life
  2. Business Tips
  3. Success Stories
  4. Hustle Hard
  5. Boss Babe
  6. Startup Journey
  7. Biz Growth
  8. Networking
  9. Side Hustle
  10. Money Moves
  11. Productivity Hacks
  12. Leadership
  13. Biz Inspo
  14. Work Life Balance
  15. Girlboss
  16. Entrepreneurship
  17. Business Mindset
  18. Career Goals
  19. Biz Strategy
  20. Professional Growth

Nama Sorotan IG Aesthetic untuk Motivasi

  1. Inspire Daily
  2. Positive Vibes
  3. Mindset Matters
  4. Goal Getter
  5. Dream Big
  6. Self-Love
  7. Empowerment
  8. Gratitude
  9. Believe in You
  10. Motivation Monday
  11. Rise and Grind
  12. Affirmations
  13. Growth Mindset
  14. Inspiration Station
  15. Manifest It
  16. Positivity
  17. Mindfulness
  18. Confidence Boost
  19. Wisdom Words
  20. Elevate Yourself

Nama Sorotan IG Aesthetic untuk Keluarga

  1. Family Time
  2. Love Nest
  3. Precious Moments
  4. Fam Bam
  5. Home Sweet Home
  6. Family Adventures
  7. Sibling Love
  8. Parenting 101
  9. Family Traditions
  10. Mommy Moments
  11. Dad Life
  12. Family Fun
  13. Growing Together
  14. Family Memories
  15. Household Happenings
  16. Family First
  17. Generations
  18. Family Bonds
  19. Domestic Bliss
  20. Family Matters

Nama Sorotan IG Aesthetic untuk Alam

  1. Nature's Beauty
  2. Outdoor Adventures
  3. Green Living
  4. Eco Warrior
  5. Wilderness
  6. Flora and Fauna
  7. Mountain Views
  8. Ocean Vibes
  9. Sunset Chaser
  10. Forest Bathing
  11. Nature Walks
  12. Starry Nights
  13. Earthly Wonders
  14. Scenic Beauty
  15. Nature's Palette
  16. Wild and Free
  17. Eco-Friendly
  18. Natural Wonders
  19. Green Thumb
  20. Nature Lover

Nama Sorotan IG Aesthetic untuk Musik

  1. Melody Maker
  2. Rhythm and Soul
  3. Music Vibes
  4. Playlist Life
  5. Harmony
  6. Lyrical Love
  7. Beat Drop
  8. Jam Session
  9. Music Therapy
  10. Soundscape
  11. Vinyl Vibes
  12. Concert Life
  13. Acoustic Dreams
  14. Music Junkie
  15. Melody Moments
  16. Tune Time
  17. Rhythm Nation
  18. Musical Journey
  19. Songbird
  20. Beats and Bars

Nama Sorotan IG Aesthetic untuk Seni

  1. Artistic Soul
  2. Creative Corner
  3. Art Attack
  4. Palette Play
  5. Brush Strokes
  6. Gallery Wall
  7. Artsy Fartsy
  8. Color Splash
  9. Masterpiece
  10. Art Therapy
  11. Sketch Daily
  12. Mixed Media
  13. Art Appreciation
  14. Creative Spark
  15. Artistic Vision
  16. Canvas Dreams
  17. Art Journey
  18. Expressive Arts
  19. Artful Living
  20. Creative Flow

Nama Sorotan IG Aesthetic untuk Teknologi

  1. Tech Talk
  2. Gadget Guru
  3. Digital Life
  4. Future Tech
  5. Coding Corner
  6. Tech Trends
  7. Innovation Station
  8. Geek Chic
  9. Smart Home
  10. App Life
  11. Tech Reviews
  12. Digital Nomad
  13. AI Adventures
  14. Cyber World
  15. Tech Savvy
  16. Virtual Reality
  17. Tech Tips
  18. Startup Scene
  19. Blockchain Buzz
  20. Tech Evolution

Nama Sorotan IG Aesthetic untuk Pendidikan

  1. Study Session
  2. Learning Journey
  3. Knowledge is Power
  4. Bookworm
  5. Campus Life
  6. Study Motivation
  7. Academic Adventures
  8. Lifelong Learner
  9. Classroom Chronicles
  10. Brain Boost
  11. Education Matters
  12. Student Life
  13. Study Hacks
  14. Learning Curve
  15. Scholar's Corner
  16. Exam Prep
  17. Teacher Life
  18. Educational Resources
  19. Study Abroad
  20. Academic Excellence

Nama Sorotan IG Aesthetic untuk Kesehatan Mental

  1. Mind Matters
  2. Self-Care Sunday
  3. Mental Wellness
  4. Therapy Thursday
  5. Mindfulness Moments
  6. Emotional Intelligence
  7. Anxiety Awareness
  8. Depression Support
  9. Stress Relief
  10. Healing Journey
  11. Positive Psychology
  12. Mental Health Matters
  13. Self-Love
  14. Coping Strategies
  15. Wellness Wednesday
  16. Resilience Building
  17. Mood Boosters
  18. Mindset Shift
  19. Emotional Wellbeing
  20. Mental Strength

Nama Sorotan IG Aesthetic untuk Hubungan

  1. Love Story
  2. Relationship Goals
  3. Couple Things
  4. Date Night
  5. Soulmate
  6. Better Together
  7. Love Language
  8. Romantic Moments
  9. Partner in Crime
  10. Couple Adventures
  11. Love and Laughter
  12. Relationship Tips
  13. Couple Goals
  14. Love Wins
  15. Happily Ever After
  16. Relationship Journey
  17. Love Birds
  18. Couple's Corner
  19. Romance
  20. Love Life

Nama Sorotan IG Aesthetic untuk Hewan Peliharaan

  1. Fur Babies
  2. Paw Prints
  3. Pet Love
  4. Animal Kingdom
  5. Puppy Paradise
  6. Kitty Corner
  7. Pet Parent
  8. Furry Friends
  9. Tail Wags
  10. Pet Adventures
  11. Animal Antics
  12. Purrfect Moments
  13. Dog Days
  14. Cat Life
  15. Pet Care
  16. Animal Lover
  17. Pet Therapy
  18. Rescue Love
  19. Pet Portraits
  20. Fur Family

Nama Sorotan IG Aesthetic untuk Dekorasi Rumah

  1. Home Decor
  2. Interior Inspo
  3. Cozy Corner
  4. Home Sweet Home
  5. Design Dreams
  6. Decor Diaries
  7. Hygge Home
  8. Minimalist Living
  9. Boho Vibes
  10. Home Makeover
  11. DIY Decor
  12. Rustic Charm
  13. Modern Living
  14. Home Styling
  15. Decor Details
  16. Scandinavian Style
  17. Farmhouse Chic
  18. Eclectic Home
  19. Cozy Living
  20. Home Accessories

Nama Sorotan IG Aesthetic untuk Keberlanjutan

  1. Eco Warrior
  2. Zero Waste
  3. Sustainable Living
  4. Green Life
  5. Eco-Friendly
  6. Planet Love
  7. Reduce Reuse Recycle
  8. Conscious Consumer
  9. Earth Friendly
  10. Eco Tips
  11. Plastic Free
  12. Sustainability
  13. Climate Action
  14. Eco Home
  15. Green Beauty
  16. Ethical Fashion
  17. Low Impact
  18. Eco Travel
  19. Clean Energy
  20. Eco Lifestyle

Nama Sorotan IG Aesthetic untuk Fotografi

  1. Through the Lens
  2. Capture Moments
  3. Shutterbug
  4. Photo Diary
  5. Snap Happy
  6. Visual Stories
  7. Frame It
  8. Click Click
  9. Photographer's Eye
  10. Picture Perfect
  11. Photo Adventures
  12. Candid Shots
  13. Lens Love
  14. Photography Tips
  15. Street Photography
  16. Portrait Mode
  17. Nature Shots
  18. Black and White
  19. Golden Hour
  20. Photo Journal

Nama Sorotan IG Aesthetic untuk Perjalanan Spiritual

  1. Soul Journey
  2. Inner Peace
  3. Spiritual Growth
  4. Meditation
  5. Mindful Living
  6. Zen Moments
  7. Higher Self
  8. Enlightenment
  9. Chakra Balance
  10. Spiritual Awakening
  11. Divine Connection
  12. Sacred Space
  13. Soulful Living
  14. Spiritual Practice
  15. Inner Wisdom
  16. Conscious Living
  17. Energy Healing
  18. Spiritual Quotes
  19. Mindfulness
  20. Soul Purpose

Nama Sorotan IG Aesthetic untuk Olahraga

  1. Sports Life
  2. Game On
  3. Athlete's Corner
  4. Team Spirit
  5. Sports Fan
  6. Victory Lap
  7. Sportsmanship
  8. Play Hard
  9. Sports Highlights
  10. Athletic Adventures
  11. Sports Goals
  12. Champion Mindset
  13. Sports Training
  14. Game Day
  15. Sports Gear
  16. Winning Moments
  17. Sports Motivation
  18. Team Player
  19. Sports Journey
  20. Athletic Performance

Nama Sorotan IG Aesthetic untuk Kuliner

  1. Foodie Adventures
  2. Culinary Delights
  3. Tasty Travels
  4. Flavor Fusion
  5. Gourmet Experiences
  6. Food Critic
  7. Epicurean Journey
  8. Dining Out
  9. Food Photography
  10. Recipe Corner
  11. Foodie Finds
  12. Culinary Arts
  13. Food and Wine
  14. Gastronomy
  15. Food Culture
  16. Culinary Inspiration
  17. Food Lover
  18. Taste Test
  19. Food Adventures
  20. Culinary Creations

Nama Sorotan IG Aesthetic untuk Kecantikan Alami

  1. Natural Beauty
  2. Organic Glow
  3. Clean Beauty
  4. Eco Beauty
  5. Herbal Beauty
  6. Green Glamour
  7. Natural Skincare
  8. Holistic Beauty
  9. Pure Beauty
  10. Botanical Beauty
  11. Eco Glam
  12. Natural Glow
  13. Earth Beauty
  14. Organic Skincare
  15. Natural Cosmetics
  16. Clean Living
  17. Green Beauty
  18. Natural Radiance
  19. Eco Chic
  20. Pure Glow

Nama Sorotan IG Aesthetic untuk Seni Kuliner

  1. Culinary Artistry
  2. Food as Art
  3. Gourmet Creations
  4. Plating Perfection
  5. Edible Masterpieces
  6. Culinary Canvas
  7. Food Styling
  8. Gastronomic Art
  9. Creative Cuisine
  10. Artistic Appetizers
  11. Dessert Design
  12. Culinary Compositions
  13. Food Fusion Art
  14. Gourmet Gallery
  15. Culinary Craftsmanship
  16. Artistic Plating
  17. Food Photography Art
  18. Culinary Creativity
  19. Edible Art
  20. Gourmet Aesthetics

Nama Sorotan IG Aesthetic untuk Gaya Hidup Minimalis

  1. Minimalist Living
  2. Less is More
  3. Simplicity
  4. Declutter Life
  5. Minimal Aesthetic
  6. Clean Lines
  7. Minimalist Style
  8. Simple Living
  9. Minimal Design
  10. Clutter Free
  11. Minimalism
  12. Essentials Only
  13. Minimal Wardrobe
  14. Zen Living
  15. Minimal Home
  16. Simplify
  17. Minimal Beauty
  18. Mindful Consumption
  19. Minimal Lifestyle
  20. Streamlined Living

Nama Sorotan IG Aesthetic untuk Seni Digital

  1. Digital Creations
  2. Pixel Art
  3. Digital Illustrations
  4. Graphic Design
  5. Digital Paintings
  6. 3D Art
  7. Digital Sketches
  8. Vector Art
  9. Digital Collage
  10. Cyberpunk Art
  11. Digital Portraits
  12. Glitch Art
  13. Digital Landscapes
  14. AI Art
  15. Digital Comics
  16. Motion Graphics
  17. Digital Sculptures
  18. Generative Art
  19. Digital Abstracts
  20. VR Art

Nama Sorotan IG Aesthetic untuk Gaya Hidup Sehat

  1. Wellness Journey
  2. Healthy Living
  3. Holistic Health
  4. Clean Eating
  5. Fitness Lifestyle
  6. Mind Body Soul
  7. Wellness Tips
  8. Healthy Habits
  9. Self-Care Rituals
  10. Balanced Life
  11. Nourish
  12. Wellness Warrior
  13. Health Coach
  14. Mindful Eating
  15. Active Lifestyle
  16. Wellness Inspiration
  17. Healthy Choices
  18. Natural Healing
  19. Wellness Community
  20. Health Journey

Nama Sorotan IG Aesthetic untuk Seni Pertunjukan

  1. Stage Life
  2. Performing Arts
  3. Backstage Pass
  4. Theatre Magic
  5. Dance Performance
  6. Musical Theatre
  7. Opera Nights
  8. Circus Arts
  9. Stand-up Comedy
  10. Ballet Dreams
  11. Improv Comedy
  12. Street Performance
  13. Cabaret Show
  14. Puppet Theatre
  15. Contemporary Dance
  16. Spoken Word
  17. Mime Art
  18. Acrobatics
  19. Performance Art
  20. Stage Design

Nama Sorotan IG Aesthetic untuk Gaya Hidup Eco-Friendly

  1. Eco Living
  2. Green Lifestyle
  3. Sustainable Choices
  4. Zero Waste Journey
  5. Eco Warrior
  6. Planet-Friendly
  7. Eco Hacks
  8. Green Beauty
  9. Sustainable Fashion
  10. Eco Home
  11. Plastic Free Life
  12. Eco Travel
  13. Green Tech
  14. Eco Food
  15. Sustainable Design
  16. Eco Parenting
  17. Green Energy
  18. Eco Gardening
  19. Conscious Consumer
  20. Eco Innovations

Nama Sorotan IG Aesthetic untuk Seni Jalanan

  1. Street Art
  2. Urban Canvas
  3. Graffiti Life
  4. City Murals
  5. Spray Paint Art
  6. Urban Expression
  7. Street Sculptures
  8. Guerrilla Art
  9. Stencil Art
  10. Urban Interventions
  11. Wheatpaste Art
  12. Street Installations
  13. Urban Poetry
  14. Sidewalk Art
  15. Neon Street Art
  16. Urban Mosaics
  17. Street Portraits
  18. City Art Walks
  19. Yarn Bombing
  20. Urban Decay Art

Nama Sorotan IG Aesthetic untuk Gaya Hidup Bohemian

  1. Boho Vibes
  2. Free Spirit
  3. Gypsy Soul
  4. Bohemian Style
  5. Wanderlust
  6. Boho Home
  7. Hippie Chic
  8. Boho Fashion
  9. Nomad Life
  10. Bohemian Beauty
  11. Eclectic Living
  12. Boho Weddings
  13. Festival Fashion
  14. Boho Accessories
  15. Earth Child
  16. Boho Travel
  17. Gypset Style
  18. Boho Decor
  19. Free-Spirited Living
  20. Bohemian Dreams

Nama Sorotan IG Aesthetic untuk Seni Kontemporer

  1. Contemporary Art
  2. Modern Expressions
  3. Avant-Garde
  4. Conceptual Art
  5. Installation Art
  6. Performance Art
  7. New Media Art
  8. Experimental Art
  9. Pop Art
  10. Minimalist Art
  11. Abstract Expressionism
  12. Video Art
  13. Sound Art
  14. Land Art
  15. Feminist Art
  16. Political Art
  17. Postmodern Art
  18. Neo-Expressionism
  19. Relational Aesthetics
  20. Bio Art

Nama Sorotan IG Aesthetic untuk Gaya Hidup Urban

  1. City Life
  2. Urban Explorer
  3. Metropolitan Vibes
  4. Concrete Jungle
  5. City Lights
  6. Urban Style
  7. City Adventures
  8. Urban Photography
  9. City Culture
  10. Urban Lifestyle
  11. City Views
  12. Urban Fashion
  13. City Nights
  14. Urban Art
  15. City Eats
  16. Urban Nature
  17. City Sounds
  18. Urban Decay
  19. City Secrets
  20. Urban Exploration

Nama Sorotan IG Aesthetic untuk Seni Tradisional

  1. Traditional Arts
  2. Folk Crafts
  3. Heritage Art
  4. Cultural Artistry
  5. Ancient Techniques
  6. Ethnic Art
  7. Indigenous Crafts
  8. Classical Art
  9. Tribal Art
  10. Historical Crafts
  11. Traditional Paintings
  12. Folk Music
  13. Cultural Dance
  14. Traditional Textiles
  15. Ancient Pottery
  16. Folk Tales
  17. Traditional Sculpture
  18. Cultural Festivals
  19. Heritage Crafts
  20. Traditional Performances

Nama Sorotan IG Aesthetic untuk Gaya Hidup Vintage

  1. Vintage Vibes
  2. Retro Living
  3. Nostalgia
  4. Old School Cool
  5. Vintage Fashion
  6. Antique Finds
  7. Retro Style
  8. Vintage Home
  9. Classic Cars
  10. Vintage Photography
  11. Retro Tech
  12. Vintage Beauty
  13. Mid-Century Modern
  14. Vintage Collectibles
  15. Retro Gaming
  16. Vintage Music
  17. Pin-Up Style
  18. Vintage Travel
  19. Retro Diner
  20. Vintage Ads
  21. Vintage Ads

Nama Sorotan IG Aesthetic untuk Gaya Hidup Futuristik

  1. Future Living
  2. Cyber Style
  3. Tech Fashion
  4. Smart Home
  5. AI Lifestyle
  6. Futuristic Design
  7. Robotic Life
  8. Virtual Reality
  9. Neon Aesthetics
  10. Space Age
  11. Cyberpunk Vibes
  12. Holographic Dreams
  13. Augmented Reality
  14. Sci-Fi Living
  15. Future Food
  16. Eco-Futurism
  17. Biohacking
  18. Transhumanism
  19. Quantum Life
  20. Nano Tech

Nama Sorotan IG Aesthetic untuk Seni Eksperimental

  1. Experimental Art
  2. Avant-Garde
  3. Art Lab
  4. Creative Chaos
  5. Boundary Pushing
  6. Artistic Exploration
  7. Unconventional Art
  8. Innovative Creations
  9. Art Experiments
  10. Radical Art
  11. Artistic Research
  12. Experimental Music
  13. Art Science Fusion
  14. Conceptual Experiments
  15. Artistic Innovations
  16. Experimental Theatre
  17. Art Tech Fusion
  18. Experimental Dance
  19. Artistic Risks
  20. Experimental Film

Nama Sorotan IG Aesthetic untuk Gaya Hidup Slow Living

  1. Slow Living
  2. Mindful Moments
  3. Simple Pleasures
  4. Intentional Living
  5. Slow Food
  6. Hygge Life
  7. Slow Fashion
  8. Mindful Consumption
  9. Slow Travel
  10. Digital Detox
  11. Slow Home
  12. Mindful Creativity
  13. Slow Beauty
  14. Conscious Living
  15. Slow Tech
  16. Mindful Parenting
  17. Slow Gardening
  18. Intentional Relationships
  19. Slow Mornings
  20. Mindful Work


Memilih nama sorotan IG yang aesthetic dan sesuai dengan konten Anda adalah langkah penting dalam membangun personal branding di Instagram. Dengan 1300+ ide nama sorotan yang telah kami sajikan, Anda memiliki banyak pilihan untuk mengekspresikan kreativitas dan menampilkan konten Anda secara menarik. Ingatlah untuk selalu memilih nama yang mencerminkan kepribadian dan gaya Anda, serta relevan dengan konten yang ingin Anda tonjolkan. Dengan penamaan sorotan yang tepat, profil Instagram Anda akan terlihat lebih profesional, terorganisir, dan menarik bagi pengikut maupun pengunjung baru.

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