, Jakarta - Unggahan di Twitter milik salah satu kantor berita Tiongkok menghebohkan warga Indonesia baru-baru ini. Akun tersebut menyebut Batik merupakan "seni kerajinan tradisional yang umum di kalangan kelompok etnis di China."
"Batik is a traditional craft common among ethnic groups in China. Using melting wax and a spatula-like tool, people dye the cloth and heat it to get rid of the wax. Check out how the ancient craft evolves in modern times," tulis akun China Xinhua News @XHNews, yang diunggah pada Minggu 12 Juli 2020.
Baca Juga
Namun, diduga setelah mendapat kritik dari warganet dan juga pihak Kementerian Luar Negeri RI, tulisan tersebut direvisi dengan menyebutkan bahwa kata "Batik" memang berasal dari Indonesia.Â
"The ancient Chinese handicraft of wax printing is highly skilled and time consuming. The craft is also known as batik, a word with Indonesian origin that refers to a wax-resist dyeing technique practiced in many parts of the world. Thanks to @Kemlu_RI," tulis akun tersebut lagi, merevisi tulisan sebelumnya.Â
The ancient Chinese handicraft of wax printing is highly skilled and time consuming. The craft is also known as batik, a word with Indonesian origin that refers to a wax-resist dyeing technique practiced in many parts of the world. Thanks to @Kemlu_RI
— China Xinhua News (@XHNews) July 13, 2020
Pihak Kementerian Luar Negeri RI kemungkinan juga terlibat dalam proses revisi ini lantaran akun tersebut turut menyebutkan nama akun @Kemlu_RI
Saksikan video pilihan di bawah ini:
Geramnya Warganet
Ketika tweet tersebut pertama kali diunggah, respons warganet pun menjadi sorotan. Banyak komentar dari orang Indonesia yang tidak terima dengan pernyataan dalam tulisan tersebut.Â
"Batik is taken from Javanese 'ambatik' means to mark with spots or dots. Be a country with pride, not just copied and claims other nation's properties," tulis akun @kikiNmaKecilku
"I suggest you to claim covid instead. No countries claim it till now." @Sean_alma
"COVID-19 from China. Batik from Indonesia," tulis @Stevaniehuangg
"Next China will say Indonesia belongs to them," tulis @RazmanHakimi
"The word 'batik' used by UNESCO does not belong to China." tulis @Deedone13