Millie Bobby Brown Tampil Anggun dengan Floral di Red Carpet Time 100

Simak penampilan Millie Bobby Brown dengan gaun floral yang elegan dan anggun

oleh Vinsensia Dianawanti Diperbarui 27 Apr 2018, 18:45 WIB
Diterbitkan 27 Apr 2018, 18:45 WIB
Millie Bobby Brown jadi Putri Floral di Red Carpet Time 100
Simak penampilan Millie Bobby Brown dengan gaun floral di sini. (instagram/dolcegabbana)... Selengkapnya, Jakarta Millie Bobby Brown memiliki gaya busana dengan ciri khas tersendiri sebagai seorang remaja. Meski kini terkenal sebagai aktris lewat serial Stranger Things, tidak membuat Millie Bobby Brown kehilangan identitas sebagai seorang remaja dalam berbusana.

Dinobatkan sebagai salah satu orang paling berpengaruh versi Time pada 2018, Millie Bobby Brown tampil di Gala Time 100 dengan gaya elegan. 

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Millie Bobby Brown merasa sangat terhormat untuk menghadiri acara sekelas Time 100. Apalagi usianya yang kini masih muda. Millie Bobby Brown sendiri menggunakan gaun putih floral dari rumah mode Dolce & Gabbana. Gaun ini memiliki lengan siluet lengan unik dan potongan pinggang cinched in dengan detail shirring dan tulle.

Aksen floral yang elegan membuat remaja 14 tahun ini nampak seperti putri di negeri dongeng. Dengan gaun ini, Millie membawa nuansa elegan ke dalam acara Time 100.


@milliebobbybrown, one of the 100 most influential people in the world in 2018, attends the #TIME100 Gala in New York on April 24. "The first time I met Millie Bobby Brown was inside an ice cream shop. My wife and I had superfanned her, like most of the public did when they first saw her onscreen in @strangerthingstv," writes Emmy-winning actor Aaron Paul. "We asked if she wanted to meet up, and she said yes. We screamed. We picked a little ice cream shop in New York City, and then, suddenly, we were all together." He adds: "The moment we started speaking, I realized we were in the wrong setting. I had thought, Oh, she’s 12, let’s get ice cream. No. She may have been 12 in years, but her spirit and mind were timeless. A wise woman was speaking from her cherubic face. It was like speaking to a future mentor with a perspective and groundedness that I could only have dreamed of at that age. Or at any age, if I’m being honest. Maybe that’s why she’s such an extraordinary actor," Paul continues, on the now 14-year-old. "She somehow understands the human experience as if she has lived it for a thousand years. I’m proud to know her. To call her a friend. To call her my adopted daughter." See the full list at Photograph by @landonnordeman for TIME

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Tampilan Millie yang feminin ini dipertegas dengan riasan mata yang begitu anggun menggunakan eyeshadow berwarna biru. Sebagai sentuhan akhir, rambut Millie ditata dengan gaya updo longgar dengan tatanan rambut bertekstur ombak.

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