Former Police Chiefs Visited HQ to Discuss Recent Law Controversies

Former police chiefs visited police headquarters to discuss recent law controversies.

oleh Diperbarui 28 Okt 2022, 10:11 WIB
Diterbitkan 28 Okt 2022, 10:11 WIB
Some former police chiefs visited police headquarters on Thursday (27/10/2022). ( Rahmat Baihaqi)
Some former police chiefs visited police headquarters on Thursday (27/10/2022). ( Rahmat Baihaqi)... Selengkapnya, Jakarta - Several former Chiefs of the Indonesian National Police came to the Indonesian National Police Headquarters to meet The Chief of Indonesian Police (Kapolri) Listyo Sigit Prabowo. They discussed Listyo Sigit Prabowo's meeting with the Chief of Indonesian Regional Police (Kapolda) to Chiefs of Indonesian Resort Police (Kapolres) across Indonesia at the Presidential Palace a while back.

There are two inputs conveyed both for the short term or the long term.

"So, especially according to the instruction from the president, try to fix the public's complaints," said the former Indonesian National Police Chief Da'i Bachtiar at the Indonesian National Police Headquarters, Thursday (27/10/2022).

Bachtiar explained that from the discussions about law controversies, the public asked the police's community services to be evaluated and even re-evaluated.

"The SOP or the existing standard operating procedures needed to be reviewed again (to understand) why it happened again. Of course, it was because of public dissatisfaction with the services carried out by the Indonesian National Police," he said.

Recently, Indonesian police has been facing controvery after Inspector General Ferdy Sambo ordered to kill his junior and conspired to conceal it. Police is also criticism for their handling in Kanjuruhan tragedy, and later the richest police in Indonesia, Teddy Minahasa, arrested for selling drugs.

Bachtiar also advise the police to immediately respond the reports from the public.

As for his long-term input, the 17th chief of Indonesian police expressed many issues that were faced both in terms of budget support and facility support.

Bachtiar added that the inputs told together with other retired chiefs of Indonesian police were thoughts based on their experiences, and also because they have become civilians and felt the people's complaints.

Promosi 1

Think Rationally

President Jokowi gathers the Chiefs of Indonesian National Police across Indonesia in the palace.
President Jokowi gathers the Chiefs of Indonesian National Police across Indonesia in the state palace, Jakarta, Friday (14/10/2022). (Foto: Lukas - Biro Pers Sekretariat Presiden)... Selengkapnya

Several retired Chiefs of Indonesian Police were also present including Bambang Hendarso Danuri, Roesmanhadi, Chaerudin Ismail, Tan Sri Da'i Bachtiar, Soetanto, Timur Pradopo, and Badrodin Haiti. 

In Indonesia, military and police pensioneers are given the Purnawirawan title.

The Chief of Indonesian National Police for the period 2005 - 2007, Da'i Bachtiar explained that he came with other retired police generals because he was concerned by the situation faced by the National Police.

"Therefore, everyone, these retired police officers are called of course because of the situation that concerns us," Bachtiar told reporters at the Police Headquarters.

The incident and meetings between retired Police officers who are the seniors of those who are still in office were normal things that happened regularly, he said.

From the meeting, he gave input to active police officials. Especially to respond to the current situation.

"Of course, we encourage them to be resilient and also think rationally to deal with this situation," he added.

Police had to take concrete steps to deal with things that became the reason for public dissatisfaction.

Jokowi Talked About the Police Controversy

President Jokowi gives briefing to the Chiefs of Indonesian National Police across Indonesia in the palace.
President Jokowi gives briefing to the Chiefs of Indonesian National Police across Indonesia in the state palace, Jakarta, Friday (14/10/2022). (Foto: Lukas - Biro Pers Sekretariat Presiden)... Selengkapnya

Previously, President Joko Widodo or Jokowi talked about the survey which revealed several things that the public complained about the National Police. The illegal levy (pungli) became the issue that the community complained about the most.

"So the public's complaint against the National Police, 29.7 percent, is a perception because of the levies," said Jokowi when he gave a briefing to the chief ofs the Indonesian regional police, the chiefs of the Indonesian resort police, and high-rank officers of Indonesian police at the State Palace in Jakarta, Friday, October 14, 2022.

He also asked the members of the National Police not to behave arbitrarily and stayed away from repressive approaches to society. Moreover, Jokowi said that the actions of the National Police who looked for mistakes as well as luxurious lifestyles were also things that people complained about.

"Do not do repressive approaches. Looking for mistakes is the third, 19.2 percent. And the fourth, the luxurious life that I have conveyed earlier," he explained.

Jokowi himself received many reports related to the lifestyle of members of the National Police. He asked the top ranking polices to avoid the luxurious lifestyle so that there is no jealousy amid a crisis.

"I remind you, the chiefs of resort police, the chiefs of regional police, the entire main officials, the high-rank officers to stop the lifestyle problems. Don't act dashing just because you have a good car or a nice big motorcycle. Be careful, I remind you, be careful," said Jokowi.

On the other hand, he reminded that the National Police is the law enforcement officer which is the closest and most often interacts with the community.

Therefore, he asked the High-Rank officers of the Indonesian National Police to always remind their members to provide services to the society and maintain a sense of security and comfort for the community.


Writer: Adelina Wahyu Martanti.

Rahmat Baihaqi contributed to this report.

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