High Schools Will Start At 05.00 AM In This Indonesian Province

Governor of East Nusa Tenggara demands schools to start early in the morning. Ombudsman raises concerns.

oleh Tommy K. Rony diperbarui 03 Mar 2023, 13:28 WIB
Diterbitkan 28 Feb 2023, 20:00 WIB
Viktor Laiskodat (Liputan6.com)
Governor of East Nusa Tenggara Viktor Laiskodat. Photo: Liputan6.com

Liputan6.com, Kupang - A new rule in the East Nusa Tenggara Province raises eyebrows as the students have to come to school at 05.00 in the morning. This applies to high schools and vocational schools.

The Governor of East Nusa Tenggara, Viktor Bungtilu Laiskodat, believes that early morning school will increase the work ethics for the senior students. He is certain that this policy will create excellent students.

The provincial Ombudsman already expressed concern toward this new direction after the governor's remark became viral.

Previously, schools start at 07.15 in the morning, and the Ombudsman wants the governor to explain the urgency of such early school time.

"After I received part of the video about the policy which was conveyed by Mr. Governor, I am asking that policy to be discussed again with the schools committee and parents," said the Head of Ombudsman in the province, Darius Beda Daton, Tuesday (28/2/2023).

Darius stated that the policy would be tried in six high schools and four vocational schools in Kupang City, capital of the province.

However, one high school in Kupang City has applied that policy. 

Dr. Andreas Prasadja RPSGT, a sleep specialist, pointed out that such policy would bring the opposite effects for the students' performances. On his TikTok, he elaborated how lack of sleep could affect immunity and increase the risks of certain illnesses.

"So by decreasing sleep, that actually lowers the human's quality," said Andreas.

Last year, the governor was also under spotlight for saying he would "break the mouths" of athletes who were sitting down when he spoke.

Criticism from the Parliament

Gedung DPR
Parliamentary complex in Jakarta. Photo: Liputan6.com/Devira Prastiwi

A leading member of the Parliament (DPR) also has criticized the policy. The Head of Commission X of the Parliament, Saiful Huda, explained that such early morning policy should not be seen as the only way to improve quality.

"I disagree with that policy because there are many ways to improve the quality and grade of our education, besides merely pushing the school hours early," said Huda on Tuesday. 

Moreover, Huda gave a reminder that the school distance for some students is not close, therefore the new policy would be difficult for them. Alternatively, Huda recommended to increase the school hours instead of making children come too early. 

The Commission X deals with education, sports, and tourism. The Ministry of Education is one of the partners of the commission.

Some netizens on Instagram also voice their disagreement toward the new policy. One of them asks the public servants in East Nusa Tenggara to just work on time instead of making such difficult schedule. Others point out about the road safety for the students during the early hours.


Ahmad Apriyono, Tiara Laninda, and Jonathan Pandapotan Purba contributed to this report.

Infografis Olahraga Benteng Kedua Cegah Covid-19. (Liputan6.com/Abdillah)
Infografis Olahraga Benteng Kedua Cegah Covid-19. (Liputan6.com/Abdillah)
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