, Jakarta - Bipolar Sunshine merupakan musikus Inggris. Sudah banyak single yang dinyanyikan, salah satunya yang terbaru berjudul "Answers".
Pria keturunan Jamaika memulai kariernya sejak 2007, dengan ikut mendirikan dan berkontribusi vokal dalam enam bagian Kid British. Karier dimusik pun terbilang sukses dengan merilis EP antara 2009 hingga 2012.
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Pemilik nama asli Adio Marchant memulai debut solonya pada 2013 dengan EP Aesthetics. Sejak itu, ia tak berhenti untuk terus berkarya.
Berikut lirik lagu "Answers" yang bisa dinikmati dalam berbagai platform.
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Lirik Lagu Answers
Looking to the night sky
Searching for an answer
Heads far beyond a reach from anyone
And every other day I’m trying to know a factor
I’m glad you ask
Why you asking
I’m ayahuasca crushed up with the aspirin
Imaginarium removing all the masking
Pick ya poison
Pick a scene to remember
Put a tag on a landmark
For a fee any man starts
Escape in my damn thoughts
As you know they can cure cancer
Oh save me the answer
Big money for the banker
I was chilling in the wrong car
Whole scene turn manga
Ain’t spoke to my father in years
Done with the tears
I know I get lost sometimes on plans for bands and leers
Frostingon them tales of lights from chandeliers
On to me
Looking to the night sky
Searching for an answer
Heads far beyond a reach from anyone
And every other day I’m trying to know a factor
I hopeYou’ll see
All the good that I see in you
And if we make it out the other end
Just know that
Just know that I cared
Looking to the night sky
Searching for an answer
Heads far beyond a reach from anyone
And every other day I’m trying to know a factor
Enough is enough
I can’t get holding into every word
Need answers
Enough is enough
I can’t get holding into every word
Need answers