Russia- Turkey under 'Probationship' Following Snarled Incident

The downing of Russian warplane immediately put the two countries in a stalemate against one another.

oleh Adanti Pradita diperbarui 27 Nov 2015, 18:01 WIB
Diterbitkan 27 Nov 2015, 18:01 WIB
Russia- Turkey under 'Probationship' Following Snarled Incident
The downing of Russian warplane immediately put the two countries in a stalemate against one another., Jakarta The downing of Russia’s SU-24 fighter jet by Turkey near Syrian border immediately prompted an accusation formulated by President Vladimir Putin against Turkish government suggesting that the incident was intentionally put into action with it bringing the relation between the two nations into a ‘gridlock’.

According to Russian President Vladimir Putin as cited in Russia Today, Turkey ‘has neither offered any compensation nor expressed any apologies over the death of the Russian pilot’.

“We have still not heard any comprehensible apologies from the Turkish political leaders or any offers to compensate for the damage caused or promises to punish the criminals for their crime,” Russian president said.

“One gets the impression that the Turkish leaders are deliberately leading Russian-Turkish relations into a gridlock – and we are sorry to see this,” he continued.

Member of the UK Parliament George Galloway remarks as have been told to Russian News Agency on November 26 and cited in Syrian News Agency regarding the likeliness of the warplane attack being a ‘pre-planned provocation by Turkey and its NATO allies’ only empower the already existing accusation made by President Vladimir Putin.

“This has all the appearances of a pre-planned, pre-meditated provocation against Russia which Turkey planned with its NATO partners,” George Galloway stated.

Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Mariya Zakharova’s statement on Thursday to Russian News Agency signals the growing belief in Moscow highlighting the event as being purposely conducted by ‘accomplices of terrorists’.

"If a strike was delivered at those who conducted an operation against terrorists, how else can the actions of that side by described? As those of accomplices of terrorists - unambiguously, there’s no other variant here," Zakharova said.

Russia’s Defense Ministry previously confirmed that Turkey has voluntarily shot down its SU-24 fighter jet near Syrian border. Turkey claimed that its intention to shoot down the fighter jet was seen as acceptable as the jet allegedly violated the airspace rules.

Turkey military also informs in a statement that Russian jet has been warned 5 times before fire was aimed at it by Turkish F-16 fighter jets.

According to Russia Defense Ministry however, the jet had not violated Turkish airspace as it was cruising at an altitude of 6,000 meters. (Akp/Rie)


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