Armed Group Attacked Mining Camp in Papua, 1 Person Died

A mining camp in Papua was attacked again.

oleh Diperbarui 07 Nov 2022, 19:55 WIB
Diterbitkan 07 Nov 2022, 19:40 WIB
Teroris KKB merusak dan membakar sejumlah fasilitas umum di Puncak, Papua
KKB terrorists damaged and burned a number of public facilities in the Bintang Mountains, Papua. (Doc. Polda Papua)... Selengkapnya, Bintang Mountains - Armed Criminal Group (Kelompok Kriminal Bersenjata or KKB) in Papua attacked and burned mining camp 81 in Kawe Village, Awimbon District, Bintang Mountains Regency. The incident occurred at around 18.00 WIT, Saturday, 5 November 2022.

The Head of Public Relations of the Papua Police, Ahmad Musthofa Kamal, confirmed that the firing incident did take place.

"At around 18.00 WIT, we received a report that there had been an attack and a firing by the Armed Criminal Group (KKB) in Kawe Village, Bintang Mountains Regency," Kamal said in a written broadcast, Jakarta, Monday (7/11/2022).

Bintang Mountains Regency is part of the Highland Papua Province, one of the new provinces in Indonesia.

Ahmad Musthofa Kamal explained that the perpetrators were the Bocor Sobolim group from the Yahukimo region in the same province.

According to him, the location of the incident was close to a place where previously one of the workers was beheaded by the Papuan KKB.

"The perpetrators who carried out the firing were the Bocor Sobolim group from Yahukimo, and the location of the crime scene was close to the previous crime location where one of the miners was beheaded," explained Kamal.

The victim was a man named Rolmo Aldus Tuenoa (29).

"The victim suffered a stab wound to the wrist until it was torn apart and caused the victim to bleed out," said Commander Kamal.


Situation is Secure

Suasana camp mining 81 di Kampung Kawe, Distrik Awimbon, Kabupaten Pegunungan Bintang, Papua usai diserang dan dibakar KKB
The condition of mining camp 81 in Kawe Village, Awimbon District, Bintang Mountains Regency, Papua after being attacked and burned by KKB. ( Doc. Polda Papua)... Selengkapnya

The victim who lost his life had been evacuated to Tanah Merah, Boven Digoel Regency.

The police are currently examining witnesses to investigate the case thoroughly.

"Currently the victims and witnesses are being evacuated to Tanah Merah, and the witnesses will be questioned," said Kamal.

However, he explained, the current situation in the Bintang Mountains Regency is relatively safe and conducive.

"The situation in Kawe Village, Gunung Bintang Regency is relatively safe and conducive, joint personnel continue to increase guard and patrol," Kamal concluded.



Writer: Safinatun Nikmah

Rita Ayuningtyas contributed to the article.

Infografis Baku Tembak TNI Vs KKB Papua
Infografis Baku Tembak TNI Vs KKB Papua. ( Selengkapnya
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