Indonesian Diplomat Said Uyghur Muslims Are Allowed to Pray, Despite Contrary Reports

Diplomats from different countries visited Xinjiang.

oleh Tommy K. Rony Diperbarui 30 Apr 2023, 20:10 WIB
Diterbitkan 30 Apr 2023, 20:10 WIB
Demo kedubes China muslim uighur
Members of Islamic student alliance were holding theatrical rally in front of the Embassy of China in Jakarta, February 2023. They called the Chinese government to stop the violence against the Muslim communities in China, particularly Uyghur. Photo: Buhori... Selengkapnya, Xinjiang - China invited diplomats from various countries to visit Xinjiang, the region where Uyghurs are reportedly systemically harassed because of their Muslim faith. A diplomat from Indonesia was among the invitees.

In contrast to various media reports, the Indonesian diplomat said the Uyghurs in Xinjiang are not prevented from praying. 

"The news from the Western media that the Chinese government doesn't allow Muslims to do religious activities is not true," said Ben Perkasa Drajat, Indonesian consul general in Guangzhou, as quoted by the government news agency People's Daily

The visit took place on April 24 to 28 at the invitation of China's Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The diplomats came to Xinjiang just days after the Eid Al Fitr. 

Previously, Radio Free Asia reported that most Uyghurs were not allowed to pray during Eid, including at homes. In some places, only people over 60 who could pray -- under police surveillance.

Muhammadiyah Said Differently

It was not the first time the Chinese government invited foreigners in attempt to dispel the negative reports about Xinjiang. 

In early 2019, China invited three highly influential religious groups of Indonesia to visit Xinjiang: Ulama Council of Indonesia (MUI), Muhammadiyah, and Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) after the public were outraged about the persecution against Uyghurs. 

Later that year, Muhammadiyah revealed that they did find odd things during the visit. For example, the members of their delegation, and journalists, were not allowed to move freely, even just to buy cigarettes.

The students at the infamous re-education camp were also unable to do religious activities.

"So during the re-education for one year are not allowed to pray and not allowed to fast," said Muhyiddin Junaidi who was the head of international relations bureau in Muhammadiyah. He now serves as a member of the advisory council of MUI.

Muhammadiyah revealed that information only after The Wall Street Journal published a report which said Indonesia was "persuaded" to keep quiet on Xinjiang. 

Muhyiddin said his organization had already reported his finding to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, but he did not know if the ministry did anything about the information.

During his 2020 visit to Indonesia, former US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo also stated that Uyghurs were forced to eat porks, which are haram for Muslims, during Ramadan month.

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