Lirik Lagu Motions oleh MAGIC!

Simak lirik lagu terbaru dari band MAGIC! yang berjudul Motions.

oleh Ruly Riantrisnanto Diperbarui 06 Sep 2018, 16:20 WIB
Diterbitkan 06 Sep 2018, 16:20 WIB
Magic! Band
Foto Magic! Band (sumber: nypost)... Selengkapnya, Jakarta - Berikut ini adalah lirik lagu baru bertajuk "Motions" yang dinyanyikan oleh band MAGIC!.

Everyday the same routine

Operating life machine

On and on we live this way

With no spontaneity

What happened to the wild ones?

No sense of the hours

What happened to the freedom?

Did we get that back?

So we're going, going through the motions

We're just going, going through the motions

We used to live like waves in the oceans

Now we're going, going through the motions

What if I said 'let's run away'?

A one way ticket to an exotic place

Dance and scream and shout in the pouring rain

Find serenity in the great escape

What happened to the wild ones?

No sense of the hours

What happened to the freedom?

Can we get that back?

'Cause we're going, going through the motions

We're just going, going through the motions

We used to live like waves in the oceans

Now we're going, going through the motions

(I can't keep going, I can't keep going, I can't keep going

I can't keep going, I can't keep going, I can't keep going)

I can't, I can't, I can't

Said I can't keep going, going through the motions

You can't keep going, going through the motions

We used to live life with so much emotion

Can't keep going, going through the motions

Jelang Album Ketiga

Magic! Band
Foto Magic! Band (sumber: theconcourse)... Selengkapnya

Semua tentu sudah mengenal Magic!, band asal Kanada yang terdiri dari Nasri (vokal, gitar), Mark "Pelli" Pellizzer (gitar, keyboard, vocals), Ben Spivak (bass, vokal latar), dan Alex Tanas (drum, perkusi, vokal latar). Tahun ini, mereka bersiap merilis album ketiga bertajuk Expectations.

Albumnya siap dirilis pada 7 September 2018 mendatang. Lagu "Motions" yang sedang banyak didengar ini bakal menjadi salah satu lagu andalan Magic! di album barunya tersebut. Tahun lalu, band yang tenar berkat lagu "Rude" ini sempat merilis single "Darts in the Dark" dan "Kiss Me".

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