Cek Fakta: Viral Foto Baju Nabi Adam, Faktanya?

Seorang pengguna Facebook membagikan foto sebuah baju berwarna putih berukuran raksasa. Konon, itu pakaian milik Nabi Adam. Faktanya?

oleh Diyah Naelufar diperbarui 07 Okt 2019, 15:34 WIB
Diterbitkan 07 Okt 2019, 15:34 WIB
[Cek Fakta] Viral Foto Baju Nabi Adam, Faktanya?
[Cek Fakta] Viral Foto Baju Nabi Adam, Faktanya? (Facebook)

Liputan6.com, Jakarta - Pada 13 Mei 2018, pemilik akun Facebook Siti Aminah membagikan foto sebuah baju berwarna putih berukuran raksasa. Unggahan tersebut kini kembali viral.

"Inilah baju nabi Adam... Subhanallah Yg bagikan gambar ini dan komen aamin semoga masuk surga bersama Nabi Aamiin..

Klik bagikan jika anda Islam," demikian narasi yang menyertai unggahan tersebut.

Sejak kali pertama diunggah di Facebook, unggahan tersebut telah dibagikan sebanyak 36.496 kali dan mendapat lebih dari 7.200 komentar.

Benarkah foto tersebut adalah baju Nabi Adam?

Penelusuran Fakta

Penelusuran foto menggunakan Google Reverse Images menghasilkan temuan berikut ini: 

[Cek Fakta] Viral Foto Baju Nabi Adam, Faktanya? (Facebook)

Kabar serupa juga dimuat di sejumlah situs berbahasa Indonesia. Bedanya, dalam unggahannya, mereka mencantumkan kata 'replika'. 

Penelusuran lebih lanjut mengarah ke situs Picsart.com, yang memajang foto pakaian serupa, di lokasi berbeda.



[Cek Fakta] Viral Foto Baju Nabi Adam, Faktanya? (Picsart.com)


Foto tersebut disertai narasi yang menyebut bahwa foto itu menggambarkan thobe (gamis) yang dibuat dalam ukuran Nabi Adam, sesuai dalam Hadis, yakni 60 hasta atau 30 meter tingginya. 

Pakaian berukuran raksasa itu dibuat oleh warga Arab Saudi bernama Hamdan, yang dibantu empat penjahit.

Butuh 18 hari untuk mengerjakannya. Sebanyak 40 rol kain diperlukan untuk membuatnya. 


Berikut isi lengkapnya: 


Saudi’s Design thobe in Adam’s (AS) size.This was the idea of Hamdan with the help of 4 taylors. It took 18 days and 40 rolls of cloths were needed. The length of the garment is 29 meters: 9m between the shoulders, 12m width of the bottom, 10m length of the sleeves and 2m width of neck.Narrated by Abu Hurayrah (R.A): The Prophet (S.A.W) said: Allaah created Adam in His image sixty cubits (about 30 metres) in height.When He created him, He said to him, Go and greet that group of angels sitting there, and listen (to) what they will say in reply to you, for that will be your greeting and the greeting of your offspring. Aadam (went and) said As-Salaam alaykum (peace be upon you).They replied As-Salaamu-alayka wa Rahmatullaah (peace and Allaah’s Mercy be on you). So they increased it toWa Rahmatullaah. The Prophet Sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam added, So whoever will enter paradise, will be of the shape and picture of Aadam. Since then the creation of Aadam’s (as)offspring (i.e. stature of human beings) has been diminished continuously up to the present time.Saheeh Bukhari Vol 8 Hadeeth No: 6227

Sejarah Pakaian

Berdasarkan sejarahnya, seperti dikutip dari situs Thought.co dalam artikel berjudul The History of Clothing, tidak bisa dipastikan sejak kapan manusia mengenakan pakaian.

Para antropolog memperkirakan, antara 100 ribu hingga 500 ribu tahun lalu.

Pada awalnya, pakaian dibuat dari bahan-bahan alami, misalnya kulit binatang, bulu, rumput, dedaunan, tulang, dan kerang. Seringkali tanpa jahitan, diikat atau diselimutkan ke tubuh.

Temuan artefak jarum sederhana yang terbuat dari tulang binatang mengindikasikan pakaian dari kulit dan bulu mulai dijahit setidaknya sejak 30.000 tahun yang lalu.


Berikut isi artikel tersebut:

It is not certain when people first started wearing clothes, however, anthropologists estimate that it was somewhere between 100,000 and 500,000 years ago. The first clothes were made from natural elements: animal skin, fur, grass, leaves, bone, and shells. Garments were often draped or tied; however, simple needles made out of animal bone provide evidence of sewn leather and fur garments from at least 30,000 years ago.

When settled neolithic cultures discovered the advantages of woven fibers over animal hides, the making of cloth, drawing on basketry techniques, emerged as one of humankind's fundamental technologies. Hand and hand with the history of clothing goes the history of textiles. Humans had to invent weaving, spinning, tools, and the other techniques needed to be able to make the fabrics used for clothing.

Ready-Made ClothingBefore sewing machines, nearly all clothing was local and hand-sewn, there were tailors and seamstresses in most towns that could make individual items of clothing for customers. After the sewing machine was invented, the ready-made clothing industry took off.

The Many Functions of ClothesClothing serves many purposes: it can help protect us from various types of weather, and can improve safety during hazardous activities such as hiking and cooking. It protects the wearer from rough surfaces, rash-causing plants, insect bites, splinters, thorns and prickles by providing a barrier between the skin and the environment. Clothes can insulate against cold or heat. They can also provide a hygienic barrier, keeping infectious and toxic materials away from the body. Clothing also provides protection from harmful UV radiation.

The most obvious function of clothing is to improve the comfort of the wearer, by protecting the wearer from the elements. In hot climates, clothing provides protection from sunburn or wind damage, while in cold climates its thermal insulation properties are generally more important. Shelter usually reduces the functional need for clothing. For example, coats, hats, gloves, and other superficial layers are normally removed when entering a warm home, particularly if one is residing or sleeping there. Similarly, clothing has seasonal and regional aspects, so that thinner materials and fewer layers of clothing are generally worn in warmer seasons and regions than in colder ones.

Clothing performs a range of social and cultural functions, such as individual, occupational and sexual differentiation, and social status. In many societies, norms about clothing reflect standards of modesty, religion, gender, and social status. Clothing may also function as a form of adornment and an expression of personal taste or style.

Some clothing protects from specific environmental hazards, such as insects, noxious chemicals, weather, weapons, and contact with abrasive substances. Conversely, clothing may protect the environment from the clothing wearer, as with doctors wearing medical scrubs.


Berdasarkan penelusuran, foto yang dimuat akun Facebook bernama Siti Aminah bukanlah baju Nabi Adam, melainkan replika pakaian yang dibuat berdasarkan ukuran Sang Nabi sesuai Hadis yakni, 60 hasta atau 30 meter. 

Sementara, berdasarkan situs Thought.co pakaian pada awalnya pakaian dari bahan-bahan alami, tanpa dijahit. 

Klaim yang disebutkan dalam narasi akun Facebook bernama Siti Aminah bahwa pakaian dalam foto milik Nabi Adam, tidak didukung bukti sahih. 

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Banner Cek Fakta: Salah (Liputan6.com/Triyasni)

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Liputan6.com merupakan media terverifikasi Jaringan Periksa Fakta Internasional atau International Fact Checking Network (IFCN) bersama puluhan media massa lainnya di seluruh dunia. 

Cek Fakta Liputan6.com juga adalah mitra Facebook untuk memberantas hoaks, fake news, atau disinformasi yang beredar di platform media sosial itu. 

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