, Jakarta - The Italian Embassy in Jakarta, together with its Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation have decided to officially hold the 'First Bilateral Dialogue between Indonesia and Italy' today (10/11/2015) as to establish the furtherance of existing cooperation, signing of new ones and to facilitate mutually-benefiting exchanges of interfaith,education and economic knowledge between the two nations.
The President of Italy Sergio Mattarella graces such occassion with his presence and welcoming remarks which mark the commencement of such mutually-lucrative exchanges and cooperation in various sectors.
"Day by day we see increasing level of exchanges in trade, investment, which were driven by the agreements signed by the two respective countries," President Mattarella in his speech earlier this afternoon at Kempinksi Grand Ballroom of Grand Indonesia West Mall, Jakarta, Tuesday (10/11/2015).
"I firmly believe that the dialogues event held will be a fruitful one relation further developed and cooperation expands," he further shared.
 The Indonesian Coordinating Minister for Economy, Darmin Nasution has also been chosen to represent Indonesia through his welcoming remarks which explain the primary purpors of such dialogue from the Indonesian outlook.
Similar to Italian President, he views such event as a valuable gesture symbolizing the two nations pathway towards a stronger bond.
"Indonesia and Italy bilateral relations have been steadily increasing. I believe that there are potentials in our relations to be explored further," said Darmin in his wecoming remarks.
Other leading figures from both nations such as the Italian Ambassador to Indonesia, Mr. Federico Failla, Indonesian Deputy Chairman for Investment Planning (BKPM), Tamba P.Hutapea and many other economically, educationally, culturally, industrially and religiously influential figures who were present during the proceedings of the event.
Italian Ambassador to Indonesia,Mr.Federico Failla has previously informed during a special interview held on October 30 2015 regarding the need for furtherance of cooperation especially in the deepening tie among two countries companies.
"I think that the two countries need to know each other better, there are still rooms for presence of Italian companies here in Indonesia and also Indonesian companies maybe should be better known in Italy and so what to do is to establish policy of reciprocal knowledge so participating in fairs and events for the Indonesian companies to be known better in Italy," he stated. (Akp/Ein)
President Mattarella Opens 'Fruitful' RI-Italy Bilateral Event
Knowledge exchanges in the field of religion and lucrative deals in education and economic sectors are focuses of the dialogue.
Diperbarui 10 Nov 2015, 13:12 WIBDiterbitkan 10 Nov 2015, 13:12 WIB
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