Lewat Yoga, Wanita Gemuk Ini Ubah Ejekan Jadi Pujian

Sering menjadi bahan ejekan karena tubuhnya yang gemuk membuat wanita ini sempat tak percaya diri sampai akhirnya yoga mengubah hidupnya.

oleh Firman Fernando Silaban Diperbarui 12 Apr 2016, 19:00 WIB
Diterbitkan 12 Apr 2016, 19:00 WIB
Sering menjadi bahan ejekan karena tubuhnya yang gemuk membuat wanita ini sempat tak percaya diri sampai akhirnya yoga mengubah hidupnya.... Selengkapnya

Liputan6.com, Jakarta Olahraga yoga dikenal membutuhkan kelenturan tubuh karena memiliki gerakan-gerakan yang tergolong sulit. Bagi pemilik tubuh langsing, tak jadi sebuah kekhawatiran untuk bisa melakukan gerakan-gerakan yang sulit.

Hal tersebut, kini dipatahkan oleh adanya beberapa orang bertubuh besar dan gemuk yang mampu melakukan salah satu posisi tersulit dalam yoga, yaitu headstand dan handstand. Salah satu orang yang berhasil melakukan posisi tersebut adalah perempuan bernama Jessamyn Stanley, 27 tahun asal North Carolina.


I am so full of love for my #yoga students- today's PWYC classes filled me with a level of happiness I can't accurately describe in words. I mean, it's one thing to find clarity on your own mat. It's one thing to feel your own joy shine through. However, it's entirely different to serve as a vessel for the clarity of others. I don't know what to say- these beautiful people have left me undone. I am so grateful for the opportunity to practice with others, and it's an additional gift to be able to practice in the beautiful North Carolina sunshine with spring's bounty under my toes. Do I sound like I'm exaggerating? Are you rolling your eyes at my grand pronouncements? That's cool- no big deal. I understand that it can seem flaky to ramble about love for one's yoga students. But maybe one day, if we're lucky enough to practice in the same space, we can experience some version of this magic together. Leggings- @lineagewear #invertyoself #Invertyocurves

A photo posted by Jessamyn (@mynameisjessamyn) on


Seperti dilansir dari Lostateminor.com pada Senin (11/4/2016), Jessamyn berhasil memukau para follower-nya di Instagram miliknya karena aksi headstand dan handstand ketika sedang olahraga yoga. Mungkin Jessamyn tak seperti teman-teman di kampusnya yang memiliki tubuh kurus dan langsing sedangkan ia sangat gemuk.

Semua berawal ketika Jessamyn merasa tak percaya diri karena ia kerap diejek dengan julukan "Fat Femme" oleh teman-temannya perihal tubuh gemuknya. Saat sedang berjalan-jalan di kotanya, ia menemukan sebuah studio yoga yang akhirnya membuat wanita ini jatuh cinta pada olahraga tersebut.

Dalam keadaan tak percaya diri dan minder, keadaan Jessamyn saat pertama kali masuk ke studio yoga tersebut masih tak stabil. Sampai pada akhirnya, guru yoganya membantu Jessamyn untuk memulihkan pikiran serta perasaannya sehingga lambat laun semakin stabil.

Pikiran yang positif serta percaya diri membuat Jessamyn mampu melakukan posisi-posisi sulit yang jadi bagian dari olahraga tersebut. Ia pun mengunggah foto posisi headstand dan handstand yang dilakukannya ke media sosial.

Tak disangka, ejekan yang biasa ia dapatkan dari teman-teman dan lingkungan sekitar, lambat laun berubah jadi pujian. Saat diwawancara pun, Jessamyn mengungkapkan bahwa dirinya ingin mengajak dan menghimbau orang gemuk di dunia untuk berani berubah lewat jalur olahraga.


I can't stop practicing #forearmstand. Obviously, there are a wide variety of other poses in my daily practice, but this is the full focus of my attention right now. It just feels good to work on something, you know? To see slow progress and feel the joy of accomplishing small goals. It's like learning to read, or learning to drive. Learning to ride a bike. This kind of slow but rewarding learning process isn't celebrated or encouraged in adulthood. You're always expected to know everything and have everything figured out. Practicing #pinchamayurasana as often as possible is my personal reminder that it's ok to not know everything. It's ok to learn and it's ok to celebrate the small victories. Leggings- @maleshactivewear

A photo posted by Jessamyn (@mynameisjessamyn) on



I took a little break from the internet this weekend. I mean, I likelovehate social media as much as the next late twentysomething but JEEZ- a femme can only take so much 'internet-ing' before she needs to get outside and feel the grass under her toes, ya dig? In addition to spending time with my loved ones, eating @krispykreme doughnuts, and sunning myself by the banks of the Eno River, I spent the past few days catching up on projects that slid to my back burner while I was in Asheville. Of course, I would love to spill the beans on everything new and exciting to come, but I'm sworn to secrecy on several different topics. HOWEVER, I am SO STOKED to announce that my #yoga teenage dream is about to come true- my long distance yoga love @nolatrees & I are hitting the road....together....to teach joint yoga workshops! Dana & I are getting pumped to bring our body positive yoga mission to as many of you as humanly possible. However, if we hold a workshop, would you come? What studios/cities would you like to see us in/at? If you're too shy to write in the comments, feel free to shoot me an e-mail @ mynameisjessamyn@gmail.com. The instagram yoga community has blessed us with the opportunity to find kindred spirits across the globe- I think it's high time we take the #bodylove yoga movement into the stratosphere. #effyourbeautystandards #honoryourcurves Pants- @lineagewear P.S. via @nolatrees- if you're a studio owner, e-mail us!

A photo posted by Jessamyn (@mynameisjessamyn) on



Day 12 of #SizeDoesntMatter w/ @yogimj & @biggalyoga is #EkaPadaRajaKapotasana, one of my absolute favorite #hipopeners. Y'all, my boo @raysegev has crafted the cure for the flopping belly fat and it is THESE MOTHERFUCKING PANTS. She did a ton of research to design Molly Maven, a clothing line featuring a waistband that can really tuck in your midsection throughout any exercise routine. The pants have an interior lining that you can pull up over the parts of your belly that are usually exposed. It's kind of genius technology, really- I did my new favorite @kathrynbudig @yogaglo flow ("Hotel Yoga" for my fellow #yoga nerds) and I was unbelievably impressed by the fact that the pants not only didn't slide down but provided a consistent compression element which actually helped me remain even more aware of my core than usual. Basically, they are the jam- though I really wish I had them in a straight leg, slim cut. That's where you come in- click the link in my instagram header to check out the Molly Maven kickstarter page- let's help make these excellent compression pants an option for curvy athletes worldwide.

A photo posted by Jessamyn (@mynameisjessamyn) on



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