, Jakarta- Informasi seputar Covid-19 masih menyita perhatian, namun sebaiknya kita tidak langsung mempercayainya sebab banyak hoaks tentang penyakit tersebut. Berdasarkan catatan Kementerian Komunikasi dan Informatika, sebaran informasi palsu terkait virus corona baru hingga Senin (13/9/2021) mencapai 4.724 unggahan.
Cek Fakta pun telah menelusuri sejumlah informasi seputar Covid-19, hasilnya sebagian informasi tersebut terbukti hoaks.
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Berikut kumpulan hoaks seputar Covid-19 hasil penelusuran Cek Fakta
1. Jepang Sarankan Penggunaan Ivermectin untuk Obat Covid-19
Kabar tentang Jepang menyarankan menggunakan ivermectin sebagai obat melawan virus corona Covid-19 beredar di media sosial. Kabar tersebut disebarkan oleh salah satu akun Facebook pada 6 September 2021.
Akun Facebook tersebut menuliskan narasi bahwa pemerintah Jepang telah mengambil keputusan menggunakan ivermectin untuk pengobatan Covid-19.
Berikut narasinya:
BREAKING: Japanese medical association chairman tells doctors to prescribe Ivermectin for COVID
"...four pills should be distributed to everyone in the country, so that people can take them “as soon as you are infected.”~ Dr. Kazuhiro Nagao
The chairman of the Tokyo Medical Association, Haruo Ozaki, held a press conference this week announcing that the anti-parasite medicine Ivermectin seems to be effective at stopping COVID-19 and publicly recommending that all doctors in Japan immediately begin using Ivermectin to treat COVID.
Ivermectin has been a source of controversy amongst medical professionals regarding the possibility of therapeutic treatments for those diagnosed with COVID-19.
Multiple reports and studies have shown evidence that Ivermectin is effective in combatting illness associated with COVID-19, and in some countries, like India, it is recommended for use even though the World Health Organization does not recommend it.
Dr. Ozaki cited evidence from African nations that have utilized Ivermectin during the pandemic. He stated: “In Africa, if we compare countries distributing Ivermectin once a year with countries who do not give Ivermectin… they don’t give Ivermectin to prevent COVID but to prevent parasitic disease… if we look at COVID numbers in countries that give Ivermectin, the number of cases is 134.4/100,000 and the number of deaths is 2.2/100,000.”
In 2019, Japan’s death rate from influenza amounted to 2.9 death cases per 100,000 inhabitants.
The Tokyo Medical Association chairman compared statistics from African countries that did use Ivermectin yearly with those that did not: “Now African countries which do not distribute Ivermectin: 950.6 cases per 100,000 and 29.3 deaths per 100,000.”
In his opinion, he believes that this shows a clear difference between the illness and fatality rates amongst nations that use Ivermectin and those that do not: “I believe the difference is clear. Of course one cannot conclude that Ivermectin is effective only on the basis of these figures, but when we have all of these elements, we cannot say that Ivermectin is absolutely not effective, at least not me.”
He added that, given the situation, other studies can be done to “confirm its efficacy,” insinuating that it is worth using as a treatment, given that in his estimation, Japan is “in a crisis situation.”
He said, “I think we are in a situation where we can afford to give [patients] this treatment.”
Another prominent Japanese physician, Dr. Kazuhiro Nagao, appeared on Japanese television proposing that COVID-19 should be treated as a Class 5 illness as opposed to its current classification as a Class 2. In Japan, illnesses are categorized by a classification system; approaching COVID as a Class 5 illness would mean that it could be treated like a seasonal flu.Dr. Nagao said he has used Ivermectin as an early treatment for over 500 COVID patients with practically a 100% success rate, and that it should be used nationwide.
About the effectiveness of Ivermectin in treating COVID patients, he said: “It starts being effective the very next day… My patients can reach me by message 24/7 and they tell me they feel better the next day.”
Nagao was asked by the TV anchor when patients should take Ivermectin if diagnosed with COVID-19. He replied: “The same day, I mean if you are infected today, you take it today… It is a medication that should be given for mildly ill patients. If you give it to hospital patients, it’s too late. This is also the case for the majority of drugs… So you have to give Ivermectin. I am asking our Prime Minister Suga to distribute this drug ‘made in Japan’ on a large scale in the country.”
He added that four pills should be distributed to everyone in the country, so that people can take them “as soon as you are infected.”
Ivermectin originates from a single microbe unearthed from soil in Japan, and in recent years has been called a “wonder” drug that continues to surprise and exceed expectations. It has shown “unexpected” potential as an antibacterial, antiviral and anti-cancer agent, according to a 2017 article from The Journal of Antibiotics.
The same article stated: “Ivermectin has also been demonstrated to be a potent broad-spectrum specific inhibitor of importin ?/?-mediated nuclear transport and demonstrates antiviral activity against several RNA viruses by blocking the nuclear trafficking of viral proteins.”
Benarkah Jepang menyarankan penggunaan ivermectin untuk pengobatan Covid-19? Berikut penelusuran Cek Fakta
2. Undangan Vaksinasi Moderna Dosis Ketiga
Cek Fakta mendapati informasi undangan vaksinasi Moderna dosis ketiga, informasi tersebut beredar lewat aplikasi percakapan WhatsApp.
Berikut undangan vaksinasi Moderna dosis ke tiga:
Benarkah Cek informasi undangan vaksinasi Moderna dosis ketiga? Simak penelusuran Cek Fakta
3. Tes Covid-19 Murah dan Sederhana Ini Tidak Benar
Cek Fakta mendapati informasi tes Covid-19 murah dan sederhana. Informasi tes Covid-19 murah, sederhana tersebut beredar lewat WhatsApp, yang menyebutkan tes tersebut dapat dilakukan hanya dengan tahan napas selama 30 detik di setiap pagi.
Berikut informasi tes Covid-19 murah dan sederhana tersebut:
"Test Bebas infeksi Covid-19 dengan gejala klinik SEDANG sampai BERAT.
Lakukan Setiap Pagi: Murah, Sederhana, dan Praktis!
Tarik nafas sedalam2nya yang anda mampu, kemudian tahan nafas 30 detik.Setelah itu buang nafas pelan2, lalu kembali bernafas normal.
Bila anda dapat melakukannya tanpa rasa pusing, tanpa sesak nafas, tanpa jantungberdebar, berarti paru2 anda sehat, bebas dari fibrosis paru.
Penderita infeksi Covid-19 dengan gejala klinis SEDANG sampai BERAT umumnya tidak akan mampu melakukan test tahan nafas 30 detik karena fibrosis paru.
Inilah cara mudah untuk mendeteksi apakah seseorang sudah terjangkit Covid-19.Kelemahannya, tidak bisa mendeteksi OTG.Infeksi Covid-19 ringan mungkin masih mampu melakukan test tahan nafas ini.
Salam sehat!"
Benarkah informasi tes Covid-19 murah dan sederhana? Simakpenelusuran Cek Fakta
4. Presiden Jokowi Umumkan Bebas Masker dan Kegiatan Masyarakat Kembali Normal
Cek Fakta mendapati klaim foto Presiden Joko Widodo (Jokowi) umumkan bebas masker dan kegiatan masyarakat kembali normal.
Klaim foto Presiden Jokowi umumkan bebas masker dan kegiatan masyarakat kembali normal tersebut diunggah salah satu akun Facebook, pada 30 Juli 2021.
Foto yang diunggah menampilkan tangkapan layar siaran berita stasiun televisi Kompas TV yang menampilkan Jokowi bersama sejumlah orang salah satunya Menteri Koordinator Bidang Politik Hukum dan Keamanan Mahfud MD.
Dalam foto tersebut terdapat tulisan sebagai berikut:
Presiden umumkan bebas masker & kegiatan masyarakat kembali normal mulai 32 juli 2021"
Unggahan foto tersebut diberi keterangan sebagai berikut:
"Kapan Corona akan selesai di indonesia,,,,lihat baik2 tgl nya"
Benarkah klaim foto Presiden Jokowi umumkan bebas masker dan kegiatan masyarakat kembali normal? Simak penelusuran Cek Fakta
5. Ma'ruf Amin Sebut Tolak Vaksin Masuk Neraka
Beberapa waktu lalu ramai informasi Wakil Presiden Ma'ruf Amin menyebut menolak vaksin akan masuk neraka. Klaim ini diunggah oleh salah satu akun Facebook pada 21 Agustus 2021 lalu.
Unggahan tersebut mendapatkan 3 komentar dan disukai sebanyak 8 warganet. Akun Facebook tersebut menuliskan narasi yang berbunyi:
“Yg gak vaksin
fix masuk neraka 😆😆"
Benarkah Wakil Presiden Ma'ruf Amin mengungkapkan vaksin merupakan perintah agama dan hukumnya wajib, menolak masuk neraka? Simak penelusuran Cek Fakta
* Untuk mengetahui kebenaran informasi yang beredar, silakan WhatsApp ke nomor 0811 9787 670 hanya dengan ketik kata kunci yang diinginkan.
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Melawan hoaks sama saja melawan pembodohan. Itu yang mendasari kami membuat Kanal Cek Fakta pada 2018 dan hingga kini aktif memberikan literasi media pada masyarakat luas.
Sejak 2 Juli 2018, Cek Fakta bergabung dalam International Fact Checking Network (IFCN) dan menjadi patner Facebook. Kami juga bagian dari inisiatif Kerja sama dengan pihak manapun, tak akan mempengaruhi independensi kami.
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