"Is Ministry Of Finance Full of Demons?" Regent Lashed Out At Central Government

Regent of Meranti in Riau called out Ministry of Finance.

oleh Tommy K. Rony Diperbarui 14 Des 2022, 20:10 WIB
Diterbitkan 14 Des 2022, 20:10 WIB
Menkeu raker dengan Banggar DPR
Finance Ministry Sri Mulyani. Photo: Liputan6.com/Angga Yuniar... Selengkapnya

Liputan6.com, Jakarta - Oil sparks a fiery feud between a regent and Ministry of Finance. The Regent of Meranti in Sumatra called out the ministry for allegedly unfair behavior in the Profit-Sharing Funding that involves the oil resource from his region. 

Ministry of Finance defines the Profit-Sharing Funding as a regional budget allocation which is based on several aspects, including the natural resources.

Regent of Meranti, Muhammad Adil, argued that his region previously received Rp 114 billion when the oil price was $60 per barrel. But when the oil price significantly rose to $100 per barrel, Meranti only received a slightly higher amount from the profit-sharing scheme.

"Previously it was Rp 144 billion, now only Rp 115 billion, the rise is only Rp 700 million. However the oil price was rising, the lifting, with assumption of $100 per barrel," said Muhammad Adil during a public discussion in early December.

Adil also said he already met with officials from the Ministry of Finance, but he complained they were not competent. 

"So I said at that time: 'Is this Ministry of Finance full of demons or satans?'" said Regent Adil. 

Minister for Finance Sri Mulyani has not openly addressed the criticism, but her special staff demanded an apology from Regent Adil. 

"We protest and regret the statement of the Meranti Regent, Muhammad Adil, which is totally unfair for saying the Staff of Ministry of Finance as demons or satans. This is clearly erroneous and misleading," said Yustinus Prastowo, Special Staff for Strategic Communications.

Yustinus said Adil's statement was manipulative and the Ministry of Finance has allocated a transfer of Rp 872 billion to Meranti for regional and village affairs.

"Therefore for Muhammad Adil to immediately openly apologize and provide clarification so there is no widening public misleading," said Yustinus.

Promosi 1

No Apology

Bupati Kepulauan Meranti, Riau, H Muhammad Adil.
Regent of Meranti Islands in Riau, H Muhammad Adil. Photo: Meranti Government... Selengkapnya

Ministry of Interior also criticized Regent Adil's rhetoric, however the regent has said he will not apologize to the ministry. He reasoned that he was only asking, not insulting. 

"No need to apologize," he said to reporters on Tuesday. "It was a question, not a statement."

"My question was: 'Is this Ministry of Finance full of demons or satans?'" said Adil.

The Governor of Riau Syamsuar also shows support to his regent about the profit-sharing. Syamsuar agrees that there was unfairness in the allocation for Meranti.

"It should be in accordance with the portion," said the governor.

Moreover, Governor Syamsuar also plans to pursue this case to the president. He also already conveyed his opinion to the other governors during his visit to Solo, Middle Java.

"Had a meeting with fellow governors and agreed that we will convene in January because this issue cannot be decided with a minister, but must be with the president," said the governor.


M Syukur contributed to this report.

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